755 research outputs found

    Modelling children's negation errors using probabilistic learning in MOSAIC.

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    Cognitive models of language development have often been used to simulate the pattern of errors in children’s speech. One relatively infrequent error in English involves placing inflection to the right of a negative, rather than to the left. The pattern of negation errors in English is explained by Harris & Wexler (1996) in terms of very early knowledge of inflection on the part of the child. We present data from three children which demonstrates that although negation errors are rare, error types predicted not to occur by Harris & Wexler do occur, as well as error types that are predicted to occur. Data from MOSAIC, a model of language acquisition, is also presented. MOSAIC is able to simulate the pattern of negation errors in children’s speech. The phenomenon is modelled more accurately when a probabilistic learning algorithm is used

    Piloting a manualised weight management programme (Shape Up-LD) for overweight and obese persons with mild-moderate learning disabilities: study protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial

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    National obesity rates have dramatically risen over the last decade. Being obese significantly reduces life expectancy, increases the risk of a range of diseases, and compromises quality of life. Costs to both the National Health Service and society are high. An increased prevalence of obesity in people with learning disabilities has been demonstrated. The consequences of obesity are particularly relevant to people with learning disabilities who are already confronted by health and social inequalities. In order to provide healthcare for all, and ensure equality of treatment for people with learning disabilities, services must be developed specifically with this population in mind. The aim of this project is to pilot the evaluation of a manualised weight management programme for overweight and obese persons with mild-moderate learning disabilities (Shape Up-LD)

    Perceptions of health risk among parents of overweight children: a cross-sectional study within a cohort.

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify the socio-demographic and behavioural characteristics associated with perceptions of weight-related health risk among the parents of overweight children. METHODS: Baseline data from a cohort of parents of children aged 4-11 years in five areas in England in 2010-2011 were analysed; the sample was restricted to parents of overweight children (body mass index ≥ 91(st) centile of UK 1990 reference; n=579). Associations between respondent characteristics and parental perception of health risk associated with their child's weight were examined using logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: Most parents (79%) did not perceive their child's weight to be a health risk. Perception of a health risk was associated with recognition of the child's overweight status (OR 10.59, 95% CI 5.51 to 20.34), having an obese child (OR 4.21, 95% CI 2.28 to 7.77), and having an older child (OR 2.67, 95% CI 1.32 to 5.41). However, 41% of parents who considered their child to be overweight did not perceive a health risk. CONCLUSIONS: Parents that recognise their child's overweight status, and the parents of obese and older children, are more likely to perceive a risk. However, many parents that acknowledge their child is overweight do not perceive a related health risk

    Modelling the impact of calorie‐reduction interventions on population prevalence and inequalities in childhood obesity in the Southampton Women’s Survey

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    Background: In the United Kingdom, rates of childhood obesity are high and inequalities in obesity have widened in recent years. Children with obesity face heightened risks of living with obesity as adults and suffering from associated morbidities. Addressing population prevalence and inequalities in childhood obesity is a key priority for public health policymakers in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. Where randomized controlled trials are not possible, potential policy actions can be simulated using causal modeling techniques. Objectives: Using data from the Southampton Women's Survey (SWS), a cohort with high quality dietary and lifestyle data, the potential impact of policy-relevant calorie-reduction interventions on population prevalence and inequalities of childhood obesity was investigated. Methods: Predicted probabilities of obesity (using UK90 cut-offs) at age 6–7 years were estimated from logistic marginal structural models adjusting for observed calorie consumption at age 3 years (using food diaries) and confounding. A series of policy-relevant intervention scenarios were modeled to simulate reductions in energy intake (differing in effectiveness, the targeting mechanisms, and level of uptake). Results: At age 6–7 years, 8.3% of children were living with obesity, after accounting for observed energy intake and confounding. A universal intervention to lower median energy intake to the estimated average requirement (a 13% decrease), with an uptake of 75%, reduced obesity prevalence by 1% but relative and absolute inequalities remained broadly unchanged. Conclusions: Simulated interventions substantially reduced population prevalence of obesity, which may be useful in informing policymakers

    Recognising and responding to domestic violence: exploring the role of student dentists

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    The role of student dental practitioners in recognising, responding and appropriately managing domestic violence within a clinical setting in regional, rural and remote communities has not been investigated previously in Australia. Whilst extensive clinical training is provided to students throughout undergraduate dental degrees, anecdotal reports suggest that they feel ill-prepared for responding appropriately in both practice and the community to women who experience domestic violence. This presentation reports on an innovative partnership between Dentistry and Social Work at James Cook University and the Cairns Regional Domestic Violence Service to collaboratively address this problem through an educational intervention, which was evaluated by dental student researchers. The aim of the research was to explore dental students' perceptions of the effectiveness and value of the 'Recognise and Respond to Domestic Violence' educational intervention for their clinical placements and to inform dental curriculum design. A mixed methods approach was taken using pre and post intervention surveys and focus groups in order to identify and document undergraduate dental students' understanding, perceptions and preparedness in managing domestic violence clinically. The intervention involved a series of "Recognise and Respond to Domestic Violence" workshops delivered by expert facilitators for 234 Bachelor of Dental Surgery students in Clinical Years 3 – 5. Knowledge and perceptions of domestic violence before and after the workshops were compared and contrasted. Focus groups then enriched the evaluation data on the value, effectiveness and clinical application of the intervention. Findings indicated a significant increase in students' understanding, perceptions and theoretical knowledge regarding domestic violence. Students also reported that they were enabled to embed an awareness of domestic violence into their clinical assessment and patient management. Focus group data confirmed the useful nature of the knowledge gained in the workshops. However, the findings indicate that while recognition of domestic violence was achieved, further educational strategies are required to strengthen dental students' confidence in responding appropriately both within clinical practice and the wider community. Recommendations include embedding the domestic violence content into the undergraduate clinical curriculum. Further strengthening of dental students' capacity to respond to domestic violence should be developed across the clinical years through learning experiences that include simulation and role plays, which provide opportunities to practice techniques and employ strategies that were introduced in the workshops. Although the findings of this small study cannot be generalised, they suggest that this socially accountable, educational initiative would be valuable for other dental programs