1,082 research outputs found

    Genomic analysis of human and mouse TCL1 loci reveals a complex of tightly clustered genes

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    TCL1 and TCL1b genes on human chromosome 14q23.1 are activated in T cell leukemias by translocations and inversions at 14q32.1, juxtaposing them to regulatory elements of T cell receptor genes. In this report we present the cloning, mapping, and expression analysis of the human and murine TCL1/Tcl1 locus. In addition to TCL1 and TCL1b, the human locus contains two additional genes, TCL1-neighboring genes (TNG) 1 and 2, encoding proteins of 141 and 110 aa, respectively. Both genes show no homology to any known genes, but their expression profiles are very similar to those of TCL1 and TCL1b. TNG1 and TNG2 also are activated in T cell leukemias with rearrangements at 14q32.1. To aid in the development of a mouse model we also have characterized the murine Tcl1 locus and found five genes homologous to human TCL1b. Tcl1b1- Tcl1b5 proteins range from 117 to 123 aa and are 65-80% similar, but they show only a 30-40% similarity to human TCL1b. All five mouse Tcl1b and murine Tcl1 mRNAs are abundant in mouse oocytes and two-cell embryos but rare in various adult tissues and lymphoid cell lines. These data suggest a similar or complementary function of these proteins in early embryogenesis

    Non coding RNAs: reprogramming of miRNAs network in cancer and highly specific transcribed ultraconserved regions in human normal tissues and pluripotent stem cells

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    We studied miRNA profiles in over 4000 human samples, corresponding to 50 normal tissues and 51 cancer types. The complexity of our database enabled us to perform a detailed analysis of microRNA (miRNA) activities. We inferred genetic networks from miRNA expression in normal tissues and cancer. We also built, for the first time, specialized miRNA networks for solid tumors and leukemias. Nonmalignant tissues and cancer networks displayed a change in hubs, the most connected miRNAs. Cancer networks appeared as built from disjointed subnetworks, as opposed to normal tissues. A comparison of these nets allowed us to identify key miRNA cliques in cancer. By combining differential expression, genetic networks, and DNA copy number alterations, we confirmed, or discovered, miRNAs with comprehensive roles in cancer. Finally, we experimentally validated the miRNA network with acute lymphocytic leukemia originated in Mir155 transgenic mice. Most of miRNAs deregulated in these transgenic mice were located close to hsa-miR-155 in the cancer network. We used a similar database of healthy and pathologic tissues for the study of ultraconserved sequences (UCRs). There are 481 UCRs longer than 200 bases in the genomes of human, mouse and rat. These are DNA sequences absolutely conserved, showing 100% identity with no insertions or deletions. We tested the expression of UCRs in 618 normal samples from 50 different tissues. This database enabled us to perform a detailed analysis of coordinated T-UCRs activities. Only a portion of the T-UCRs tested is expressed. T-UCRs signature can correctly separate the different cell types and we also identified UCRs with differential regulation in human embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells and the differentiation series ( trophoblast, embryonic bodies, at 7 days and 14 days, definitive endoderm and spontaneous differentiated monolayer ). These cell types were characterized by different level of UCR expression in a specific manner and has been characterized T-UCRs differentially transcribed during developmental stage

    Deregulated expression of TCL1 causes T cell leukemia in mice

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    The TCL1 oncogene on human chromosome 14q32.1 is involved in the development of T cell leukemia in humans. These leukemias are classified either as T prolymphocytic leukemias, which occur very late in life, or as T chronic lymphocytic leukemias, which often arise in patients with ataxia telangiectasia (AT) at a young age. The TCL1 oncogene is activated in these leukemias by juxtaposition to the α or β locus of the T cell receptor, caused by chromosomal translocations t(14:14)(q11:q32), t(7:14)(q35:q32), or by inversions inv(14)(q11:q32). To show that transcriptional alteration of TCL1 is causally involved in the generation of T cell neoplasia we have generated transgenic mice that carry the TCL1 gene under the transcriptional control of the p56(lck) promoter element. The lck-TCL1 transgenic mice developed mature T cell leukemias after a long latency period. Younger mice presented preleukemic T cell expansions expressing TCL1, and leukemias developed only at an older age. The phenotype of the murine leukemias is CD4-CD8+, in contrast to human leukemias, which are predominantly CD4+CD8-. These studies demonstrate that transcriptional activation of the TCL1 protooncogene can cause malignant transformation oft lymphocytes, indicating the role of TCL1 in the initiation of malignant transformation in T prolymphocytic leukemias and T chronic lymphocytic leukemias

    The FEZ1 gene at chromosome 8p22 encodes a leucine-zipper protein, and its expression is altered in multiple human tumors

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    Alterations of human chromosome 8p occur frequently in many tumors. We identified a 1.5-Mb common region of allelic loss on 8p22 by allelotype analysis, cDNA selection allowed isolation of several genes, including FEZ1. The predicted Fez1 protein contained a leucine-zipper region with similarity to the DNA-binding domain of the cAMP-responsive activating-transcription factor 5. RNA blot analysis revealed that FEZ1 gene expression was undetectable in more than 60% of epithelial tumors. Mutations were found in primary esophageal cancers and in a prostate cancer cell line. Transcript analysis from several FEZ1-expressing tumors revealed truncated mRNAs, including a frameshift. Alteration and inactivation of the FEZ1 gene may play a role in various human tumors

    WWOX expression in different histologic types and subtypes of non-small cell lung cancer.

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    Abstract Purpose: Non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has heterogeneous histopathologic classification and clinical behavior and very low survival rate. WWOX (WW domain-containing oxidoreductase) is a tumor suppressor gene, and its expression is altered in several cancers. The purpose of this study is to better define the role of WWOX in NSCLC tumorigenesis and progression by determining its pathogenetic and prognostic significance. Experimental Design: WWOX protein expression was evaluated by immunohistochemistry in 170 patients with NSCLC (101 squamous cell carcinomas, 66 adenocarcinomas, 3 large cell carcinomas) and was correlated with histopathologic (histotype, subtype, grade, tumor-node-metastasis, stage, index of cell proliferation Ki67/MIB1) and clinical (age, gender, local recurrences, distant metastases, overall survival, and disease-free survival) characteristics. Results: WWOX expression was absent/reduced in 84.9% of NSCLCs, whereas it was normal in 80.5% of adjacent normal lung tissues. WWOX expression was strongly associated with tumor histology (P = 1.1 × 10−5) and histologic grade (P = 0.0081): the percentage of cases with absent/strongly reduced WWOX expression was higher in squamous cell carcinomas and in poorly differentiated tumors. Regarding adenocarcinoma, bronchioloalveolar pattern showed normal WWOX expression in 62.5% of the cases, whereas in solid and acinar patterns, a prevalence of cases with absent/very low WWOX expression was observed (79.2% and 50%, respectively). Finally, weak WWOX staining intensity was related to the high index of cell proliferation (P = 0.0012). Conclusions: Our results suggest that the loss of WWOX expression plays different roles in tumorigenesis of distinct histotypes and subtypes of NSCLC and is related to high aggressiveness (G3; high proliferating activity) of tumors

    The FHIT Gene, Spanning the Chromosome 3p14.2 Fragile Site and Renal Carcinoma–Associated t(3;8) Breakpoint, Is Abnormal in Digestive Tract Cancers

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    AbstractA 200–300 kb region of chromosome 3p14.2, including the fragile site locus FRA3B, is homozygously deleted in multiple tumor-derived cell lines. Exon amplification from cosmids covering this deleted region allowed identification of the human FHIT gene, a member of the histidine triad gene family, which encodes a protein with 69% similarity to an S. pombe enzyme, diadenosine 5′, 5′′′ P1, P4-tetraphosphate asymmetrical hydrolase. The FHIT locus is composed of ten exons distributed over at least 500 kb, with three 5′ untranslated exons centromeric to the renal carcinoma–associated 3p14.2 breakpoint, the remaining exons telomeric to this translocation breakpoint, and exon 5 within the homozygously deleted fragile region. Aberrant transcripts of the FHIT locus were found in ∼50% of esophageal, stomach, and colon carcinomas

    Regulation of TCL1 expression in B- and T-cell lymphomas and reactive lymphoid tissues

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    Chromosomal rearrangements observed in T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia involve the translocation of one T-cell receptor gene to either chromosome 14q32 or Xq28, deregulating the expression of cellular proto-oncogenes of unknown function, such as TCL1 or its homologue, MTCP1. In the human hematopoietic system, TCL1 expression is predominantly observed in developing B lymphocytes, whereas its overexpression in T cells causes mature T-cell proliferation in transgenic mice. In this study, using a newly generated monoclonal antibody against recombinant TCL1 protein, we extended our analysis mainly by immunohistochemistry and also by fluorescence-activated cell sorting and Western blot to a large tumor lymphoma data bank including 194 cases of lymphoproliferative disorders of B- and T-cell origin as well as reactive lymphoid tissues. The results obtained show that in reactive lymphoid tissues, TCL1 is strongly expressed by a subset of mantle zone B lymphocytes and is expressed to a lesser extent by follicle center cells and by scattered interfollicular small lymphocytes. In B-cell neoplasia, TCL1 was expressed in the majority of the cases, including lymphoblastic lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, mantle cell lymphoma, follicular lymphoma, Burkitt lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (60%), and primary cutaneous B cell lymphoma (55%). TCL1 expression was observed in both the cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments, as confirmed by Western blot analysis. Conversely, TCL1 was not expressed in Hodgkin/Reed-Sternberg cells, multiple myelomas, marginal zone B-cell lymphomas, CD30+ anaplastic large cell lymphoma, lymphoblastic T-cell lymphoma, peripheral T-cell lymphoma, and mycosis fungoides. These data indicate that TCL1 is expressed in more differentiated B cells, under both reactive and neoplastic conditions, from antigen committed B cells and in germinal center B cells and is down-regulated in the latest stage of B-cell differentiation

    FHIT gene therapy prevents tumor development in Fhit-deficient mice

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    The tumor suppressor gene FHIT spans a common fragile site and is highly susceptible to environmental carcinogens. FHIT inactivation and loss of expression is found in a large fraction of premaligant and malignant lesions. In this study, we were able to inhibit tumor development by oral gene transfer, using adenoviral or adenoassociated viral vectors expressing the human FHIT gene, in heterozygous Fhit+/- knockout mice, that are prone to tumor development after carcinogen exposure. We therefore suggest that FHIT gene therapy could be a novel clinical approach not only in treatment of early stages of cancer, but also in prevention of human cancer

    Baseline Plasma Osteopontin Protein Elevation Predicts Adverse Outcomes in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients

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    More than three years have passed since the first case, and COVID-19 is still a health concern, with several open issues such as the lack of reliable predictors of a patient's outcome. Osteopontin (OPN) is involved in inflammatory response to infection and in thrombosis driven by chronic inflammation, thus being a potential biomarker for COVID-19. The aim of the study was to evaluate OPN for predicting negative (death or need of ICU admission) or positive (discharge and/or clinical resolution within the first 14 days of hospitalization) outcome. We enrolled 133 hospitalized, moderate-to-severe COVID-19 patients in a prospective observational study between January and May 2021. Circulating OPN levels were measured by ELISA at admission and at day 7. The results showed a significant correlation between higher plasma concentrations of OPN at hospital admission and a worsening clinical condition. At multivariate analysis, after correction for demographic (age and gender) and variables of disease severity (NEWS2 and PiO2/FiO2), OPN measured at baseline predicted an adverse prognosis with an odds ratio of 1.01 (C.I. 1.0-1.01). At ROC curve analysis, baseline OPN levels higher than 437 ng/mL predicted a severe disease evolution with 53% sensitivity and 83% specificity (area under the curve 0.649, p = 0.011, likelihood ratio of 1.76, (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.35-2.28)). Our data show that OPN levels determined at the admission to hospital wards might represent a promising biomarker for early stratification of patients' COVID-19 severity. Taken together, these results highlight the involvement of OPN in COVID-19 evolution, especially in dysregulated immune response conditions, and the possible use of OPN measurements as a prognostic tool in COVID-19
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