965 research outputs found

    A Status Report on the Okaloosa Darter in Northwest Florida

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    The Doppler Peaks from Cosmic Texture

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    We compute the angular power spectrum of temperature anisotropies on the microwave sky in the cosmic texture theory, with standard recombination assumed. The spectrum shows `Doppler' peaks analogous to those in scenarios based on primordial adiabatic fluctuations such as `standard CDM', but at quite different angular scales. There appear to be excellent prospects for using this as a discriminant between inflationary and cosmic defect theories.Comment: 14 pages, latex, 3 figures, compressed and uuencoded, replaced version has minor typographical correction

    Galactic periodicity and the oscillating G model

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    We consider the model involving the oscillation of the effective gravitational constant that has been put forward in an attempt to reconcile the observed periodicity in the galaxy number distribution with the standard cosmological models. This model involves a highly nonlinear dynamics which we analyze numerically. We carry out a detailed study of the bound that nucleosynthesis imposes on this model. The analysis shows that for any assumed value for Ω\Omega (the total energy density) one can fix the value of Ωbar\Omega_{\rm bar} (the baryonic energy density) in such a way as to accommodate the observational constraints coming from the 4He^4{\rm He} primordial abundance. In particular, if we impose the inflationary value Ω=1\Omega=1 the resulting baryonic energy density turns out to be Ωbar0.021\Omega_{\rm bar}\sim 0.021. This result lies in the very narrow range 0.016Ωbar0.0260.016 \leq \Omega_{\rm bar} \leq 0.026 allowed by the observed values of the primordial abundances of the other light elements. The remaining fraction of Ω\Omega corresponds to dark matter represented by a scalar field.Comment: Latex file 29 pages with no figures. Please contact M.Salgado for figures. A more careful study of the model appears in gr-qc/960603

    The Large-Scale Structure of the X-ray Background and its Cosmological Implications

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    A careful analysis of the HEAO1 A2 2-10 keV full-sky map of the X-ray background (XRB) reveals clustering on the scale of several degrees. After removing the contribution due to beam smearing, the intrinsic clustering of the background is found to be consistent with an auto-correlation function of the form (3.6 +- 0.9) x 10^{-4} theta^{-1} where theta is measured in degrees. If current AGN models of the hard XRB are reasonable and the cosmological constant-cold dark matter cosmology is correct, this clustering implies an X-ray bias factor of b_X ~ 2. Combined with the absence of a correlation between the XRB and the cosmic microwave background, this clustering can be used to limit the presence of an integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect and thereby to constrain the value of the cosmological constant, Omega_Lambda < 0.60 (95 % C.L.). This constraint is inconsistent with much of the parameter space currently favored by other observations. Finally, we marginally detect the dipole moment of the diffuse XRB and find it to be consistent with the dipole due to our motion with respect to the mean rest frame of the XRB. The limit on the amplitude of any intrinsic dipole is delta I / I < 5 x 10^{-3} at the 95 % C.L. When compared to the local bulk velocity, this limit implies a constraint on the matter density of the universe of Omega_m^{0.6}/b_X(0) > 0.24.Comment: 15 pages, 8 postscript figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal. The postscript version appears not to print, so use the PDF versio

    Doppler peaks from active perturbations

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    We examine how the qualitative structure of the Doppler peaks in the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave anisotropy depends on the fundamental nature of the perturbations which produced them. The formalism of Hu and Sugiyama is extended to treat models with cosmic defects. We discuss how perturbations can be ``active'' or ``passive'' and ``incoherent'' or ``coherent'', and show how causality and scale invariance play rather different roles in these various cases. We find that the existence of secondary Doppler peaks and the rough placing of the primary peak unambiguously reflect these basic properties.Comment: uufile, 8pages, 3 figures. Now available at http://euclid.tp.ph/Papers/index.html; Changes: URL added, Eqn. (8) expanded, grant numbers include

    CMB Anisotropies: Total Angular Momentum Method

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    A total angular momentum representation simplifies the radiation transport problem for temperature and polarization anisotropy in the CMB. Scattering terms couple only the quadrupole moments of the distributions and each moment corresponds directly to the observable angular pattern on the sky. We develop and employ these techniques to study the general properties of anisotropy generation from scalar, vector and tensor perturbations to the metric and the matter, both in the cosmological fluids and from any seed perturbations (e.g. defects) that may be present. The simpler, more transparent form and derivation of the Boltzmann equations brings out the geometric and model-independent aspects of temperature and polarization anisotropy formation. Large angle scalar polarization provides a robust means to distinguish between isocurvature and adiabatic models for structure formation in principle. Vector modes have the unique property that the CMB polarization is dominated by magnetic type parity at small angles (a factor of 6 in power compared with 0 for the scalars and 8/13 for the tensors) and hence potentially distinguishable independent of the model for the seed. The tensor modes produce a different sign from the scalars and vectors for the temperature-polarization correlations at large angles. We explore conditions under which one perturbation type may dominate over the others including a detailed treatment of the photon-baryon fluid before recombination.Comment: 32 pg., 10 figs., RevTeX, minor changes reflect published version, minor typos corrected, also available at http://www.sns.ias.edu/~wh

    Cytokine-facilitated transduction leads to low-level engraftment in nonablated hosts

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    Using a murine bone marrow transplantation model, we evaluated the long-term engraftment of retrovirally transduced bone marrow cells in nonmyeloablated hosts. Male bone marrow was stimulated in a cocktail of interleukin-3 (IL-3), IL-6, IL-11, and stem cell factor (SCF) for 48 hours, then cocultured on the retroviral producer line MDR18.1 for an additional 24 hours. Functional transduction of hematopoietic progenitors was detected in vitro by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification of multiple drug resistance 1 (MDR1) mRNA from high proliferative potential-colony forming cell (HPP-CFC) colonies. After retroviral transduction, male bone marrow cells were injected into nonablated female mice. Transplant recipients received three TAXOL (Bristol-Myers, Princeton, NJ) injections (10 mg/kg) over a 14-month period. Transplant recipient tissues were analyzed by Southern blot and fluorescence in situ hybridization for Y-chromosome-specific sequences and showed donor cell engraftment of approximately 9%. However, polymerase chain reaction amplification of DNAs from bone marrow, spleen, and peripheral blood showed no evidence of the transduced MDR1 gene. RT-PCR analysis of total bone marrow RNA showed that transcripts from the MDR1 gene were present in a fraction of the engrafted donor cells. These data show functional transfer of the MDR1 gene into nonmyeloablated murine hosts. However, the high rates of in vitro transduction into HPP-CFC, coupled with the low in vivo engraftment rate of donor cells containing the MDR1 gene, suggest that the majority of stem cells that incorporated the retroviral construct did not stably engraft in the host. Based on additional studies that indicate that ex vivo culture of bone marrow induces an engraftment defect concomitantly with progression of cells through S phase, we propose that the cell cycle transit required for proviral integration reduces or impairs the ability of transduced cells to stably engraft

    Direct Signature of Evolving Gravitational Potential from Cosmic Microwave Background

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    We show that time dependent gravitational potential can be directly detected from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies. The signature can be measured by cross-correlating the CMB with the projected density field reconstructed from the weak lensing distortions of the CMB itself. The cross-correlation gives a signal whenever there is a time dependent gravitational potential. This method traces dark matter directly and has a well defined redshift distribution of the window projecting over the density perturbations, thereby avoiding the problems plaguing other proposed cross-correlations. We show that both MAP and Planck will be able to probe this effect for observationally relevant curvature and cosmological constant models, which will provide additional constraints on the cosmological parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to PR

    CMB Anisotropy Induced by Cosmic Strings on Angular Scales > 15>~ 15'

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    We have computed an estimate of the angular power spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) induced by cosmic strings on angular scales > 15>~ 15', using a numerical simulation of a cosmic string network; and decomposed this pattern into scalar, vector, and tensor parts. We find no evidence for strong acoustic oscillations in the scalar anisotropy but rather a broad peak. The anisotropies from vector modes dominate except on very small angular scales while the tensor anisotropies are sub-dominant on all angular scales. The anisotropies generated after recombination are even more important than in adiabatic models. We expect that these qualitative features are robust to the varying of cosmological parameters, a study which has not yet been done.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Recovering the Inflationary Potential

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    A procedure is developed for the recovery of the inflationary potential over the interval that affects astrophysical scales (\approx 1\Mpc - 10^4\Mpc). The amplitudes of the scalar and tensor metric perturbations and their power-spectrum indices, which can in principle be inferred from large-angle CBR anisotropy experiments and other cosmological data, determine the value of the inflationary potential and its first two derivatives. From these, the inflationary potential can be reconstructed in a Taylor series and the consistency of the inflationary hypothesis tested. A number of examples are presented, and the effect of observational uncertainties is discussed.Comment: 13 pages LaTeX, 6 Figs. available on request, FNAL-Pub-93/182-