9 research outputs found

    Public health and tropical modernity: the combat against sleeping sickness in Portuguese Guinea, 1945-1974

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    Crime and Violence in Brazilian History

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    This article analyses the methodological problems inherent in reconstructing criminal statistics over time and presents findings in relation to crime trends in Minas Gerais (Brazil) between 1830 and 1929. The first part of the article presents an overview of current work on the reconstruction of crime trends in Brazil and its relevance to the social history of violence and crime. In the following two sections, the problems and methodological solutions that made it possible to analyse a database built from crime registers are discussed. Census data is used to calculate trends over time. Finally, several hypotheses about the analysis of the data are put forward.Cet article analyse les problèmes méthodologiques inhérents à la reconstitution des statistiques criminelles longitudinales et présente des résultats relatifs à l’évolution de la criminalité dans le Minas Gerais (Brésil) entre 1830 et 1929. La première partie présente un aperçu des travaux actuels sur la constitution de séries statistiques retraçant les évolutions de la criminalité au Brésil. Leur pertinence pour l’histoire sociale de la violence et de la criminalité est interrogée. Dans les deux sections suivantes, les problèmes et les solutions méthodologiques qui ont permis d’analyser une base de données constituée à partir des données pénales sont examinés. Les recensements de population sont utilisés pour calculer des évolutions longitudinales. Enfin, plusieurs hypothèses relatives à l’analyse de données sont avancées

    Imigração e família em Minas Gerais no final do século XIX Immigration and family in Minas Gerais at the end of the 19th century

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    Em fins do século XIX e princípios do século XX os fluxos migratórios atingiram proporções significativas em Minas Gerais, especialmente graças à construção de Belo Horizonte e à expansão da lavoura cafeeira na região sul e na Zona da Mata. A partir dos registros da Hospedaria Horta Barbosa, em Juiz de Fora, no ano de 1896, apresentam-se algumas características desses contingentes: sua composição etária e sua origem, bem como a composição dos grupos familiares que migravam. A julgar pelo perfil encontrado nesse ano, os imigrantes que estavam se dirigindo para Minas Gerais ajustavam-se ao padrão da imigração subsidiada, com predomínio dos grupos familiares. O perfil etário e o de sexo diferenciam-se do perfil clássico dos migrantes, no qual predominam os homens jovens.At the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, the migratory flows to Minas Gerais assumed massive proportions, especially as a result of the construction of Belo Horizonte and of the expansion of the coffee industry in the South region of the state and Zona da Mata. The Registers of the Horta Barbosa Inn, in Juiz de Fora in 1896, reveal some characteristics of this contingent: age composition, origin, and characteristics of migrating family groups. Judging from the profile found in 1896, the immigrants coming to Minas Gerais were mostly of the subsidized immigration type, therefore formed mostly by family groups. Age and sex profiles have been found to differ from the classic profile of the migrant, a contingent formed mainly by young men