2 research outputs found

    Subjective resource value affects aggressive behavior independently of resource-holding-potential and color morphs in male common wall lizard

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    AbstractGame theory models predict the outcome of a dyadic contest to depend on opponents' asymmetries in three main traits: resource-holding potential (RHP), resource value (RV) and aggressiveness. Using male common wall lizards Podarcis muralis, a polymorphic species showing three discrete morphs (white, yellow, and red), we investigated how the aggressive behavior varies according to a change in subjective RV and color morphs, while controlling for the asymmetry in RHP (using mirrors). By comparing the aggression of the same individual towards its mirror image in two different arenas (familiar = high subjective RV; novel = low subjective RV), we showed that lizard aggressive behavior was more intense and prolonged in the familiar arena than in the new one, thus supporting the occurrence of a direct relationship between motivation and aggression in this species. We also found the overall aggressiveness to differ from individual to individual, supporting the general hypothesis that aggressiveness is a trait associated with personality. By contrast, no effect of morphs was detected, ruling out the occurrence of morph specific variation in the aggressiveness. Our results highlight that an individual's motivation and personality might be as important as RHP and RV in the resolution of animal contests

    Morph-specific seasonal variation of aggressive behaviour in a polymorphic lizard species

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    The persistence of colour polymorphism (CP) within a given population is generally associated with the coexistence of alternative reproductive strategies, each one involving specific trade-offs among behavioural, morphological, physiological, and other life histories. Common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis), is a medium-sized diurnal lizard, showing CP in three main colours (yellow, white, and red) on throat and belly, and a morph-specific pattern for both immunocompetence and seasonal variation of T levels. Yellow males show low stamina with high plasma T levels at the beginning of the season, while white males show high stamina with a higher plasma T levels at the end of the season. We hypothesised the presence of two strategies: a risky one, characterised by high aggressiveness played by yellow-morph, and a conservative one by white morph with low aggressiveness. Thus, we tested the aggressive response to conspecifics of yellow and white morphs using a mirror inserted into their cage, mimicking an intrusion of a stranger in their territories, throughout the breeding season (from April to July, 117 trials). We considered three types of aggressive response, with different levels of aggressiveness: (i) bite against the image reflected in the mirror, (ii) seconds spent by the individuals into the half mirrored cage, and (iii) number of times the lizard entered the half mirrored cage. We also considered the number of tongue flicking as explorative behaviour variable. All lizards were tested after a period of acclimatisation to the captivity conditions. Results demonstrate that yellow males showed a higher aggressive response in the early season and a decrease aggressive response towards the end, whereas white males showed an opposite pattern