102 research outputs found

    The Accession of Romania to the European Union - Scenario Analysis for Key Agricultural Crop Markets Using AGMEMOD Model

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    Aiming the EU accession put new and significant challenges to the candiadte countries' policies, and the problem of the inclusion of their agricultural sectors was among the most difficult ones. AGMEMOD is an econometric model of the EU-25 + 2 candidate countries (Romania and Bulgaria) agricultural sector. This poster presents the baseline and the scenario results for several key agricultural products of Romania's model developed as part of AGMEMOD model. The model is an econometric, dynamic, multi-product partial equilibrium comodity model. The target of this approach is to evaluate the impact of the Common Agricultural Policy reforms upon the country's agricultural sector in perspective of its accession to the EU. The selected commodities are: soft wheat, barley, maize and sunflower. The baseline scenario depicts the results of the agricultural sector in Romania if the country would not join the EU and would continue with its own agricultural policy as applied until now. The main conclusion coming from the analysis of the baseline scenario is that rather few significant changes in the Romanian agricultural production would have occurred, such as mod est positive evolution of production and consumption for wheat and sunflower, and some stagnation in barley and maize. The Accession scenario of the model indicates a significant positive effect upon the wheat, maize and sunflower production. Together with a moderate increase in the consumption, overall some surpluses for export would be available, modest for maize, but significant for sunflower.Romania, econometric model, EU accession, cereals, sunflower, Crop Production/Industries, Q13, Q18,

    From Solow Model to endogenous economic growth – Romania’s reinsertion into civilization?

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    This paper evaluates the determinants of growth in GDP per capita in industrialized countries and the lessons for the Romanian economy. How can Romanian economy grow faster? The neoclassical model show that the important determinants of growth are technical progress, increased labor supply and capital accumulation. The endogenous growth theory considers that the inventions of new technology, investing in human capital are the principal factors which fueled long run growth. How can the Romanian economy obtain a continued growth process?economic growth, endogenous growth, poverty trap

    Hermite-Hadamard Inequality on Time Scales

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    We discuss some variants of the Hermite-Hadamard inequality for convex functions on time scales. Some improvements and applications are also included

    The Entity Registry System: Implementing 5-Star Linked Data Without the Web

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    Linked Data applications often assume that connectivity to data repositories and entity resolution services are always available. This may not be a valid assumption in many cases. Indeed, there are about 4.5 billion people in the world who have no or limited Web access. Many data-driven applications may have a critical impact on the life of those people, but are inaccessible to those populations due to the architecture of today's data registries. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a new open-source system that can be used as a general-purpose entity registry suitable for deployment in poorly-connected or ad-hoc environments.Comment: 16 pages, authors are listed in alphabetical orde

    Scientometric approach of productivity in scholarly economics and business

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    Some scientometric studies attempt to explain the factors affecting a country’s scientific output, which is usually measured by proxy variables such as the number of articles and citations in internationally-renowned journals. This paper highlights the main drivers for scientific output in economics and business, namely, financing of education and research, population size, the number of scholarly journals and English as the official language. We use multiple OLS regressions and data provided by Web of Knowledge and the World Bank covering 56 nations. The study also highlights the relationship between scientific output and the efficiency in using the research funding. The rankings of sample countries show that there is a learning process at national level, the output being doubled by efficiency

    Evaluarea complicaţiilor neurologice la pacientul cu spondilită anchilozantă – Accent pe afectarea lombară

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    Spondilita anchilozantă (SA) este o boală reumatismală inflamatorie cronică, care afectează în principal scheletul axial și cutia toracică. Studii de specialitate au subliniat pentru stadiile avansate afectarea neurologică marcată, reprezentată prin: stenoza de canal medular (afectarea segmentului cervical sau lombar cu mielopatie sau radiculopatie secundară), sindrom de coadă de cal și subluxaţie atlaso-occipitală. Obiective: În studiul de faţă ne-am propus să evaluăm manifestările neurologice ale pacientului diagnosticat cu SA, ca rezultat a remanierii structurilor segmentului lombar

    Use of bisphosphonates in bone pathology – benefits and risks

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    This article aims to establish, on the basis of medical literature and of the authors’ experience, whether bisphosphonates still have a role in treating skeletal diseases, with increased bone resorption. The effects of bisphosphonates on the bone tissue, as well as the diseases in which they are recommended and the benefits obtained are reviewed. Possible side effects are emphasized, both the immediate ones, which are better known and the late ones, occurring after a long-term administration. It is shown that the benefit/risk ratio remains favorable. The conclusions highlight the fact that nowadays bisphosphonates still have an important place in the treatment of skeletal diseases

    Water Qualitative Parameters of Fluviatile Limans Located in the South - West of Dobrogea (Romania)

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    The fluviatile limans in the south-west of Dobrogea are the most characteristic forms of this type, with an exclusive development on the territory of Romania. In time, they were interpreted as fluvio-maritime limans or even as fluvio-lacustrine limans. As a result of the fact that they are situated close to the Danube, bordering one of the driest regions of Romania, they have had diverse usage since ancient times. Because the fluviatile limans in Dobrogea are mostly used in pisciculture, the water qualitative parameters have to be monitored permanently. They also have a role in attenuating floods, acting as a tampon against flash floods. Consequently, they have a special local importance even today, feeding as much of the population as possible (directly or indirectly). From a geomorphological point of view the fluviatile limans in Dobogea were formed as a result of the withdrawal of the Romanian (Levantine). The decrease in depth may cause the flood waves to pass over the dams. In this case, the periodical drainage of lake cuvettes is required. The physical parameters of water (depth, transparency and temperature) as well as the chemical parameters (pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates and the Ca/Mg ratio) have been analyzed. From an ecological viewpoint, the fluviatile limans in the south-west of Dobrogea are suitable for fish breeding and for developing an adequate lacustrine life

    Rolul ecografiei în evaluarea patologiei neuromusculare

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    Ecografia musculară a dobȃndit un loc important ȋn diagnosticul şi managementul diferitelor afecţiuni neuromusculare datorită avantajelor sale (uşor de efectuat, ieftină, neinvazivă, repetabilă, nu necesită expunerea la radiaţii şi poate fi efectuată şi ȋn dinamică). Deşi, nu există studii pe serii mari de pacienţi fiecare afecţiune neuromusculară prezintă modificări specifice la examenul ecografic ce pot fi utile pentru diagnosticul diferenţial. Lucrarea de faţă ȋşi propune să treacă ȋn revistă posibilităţile şi limitările ultrasonografi ei şi valoarea sa ȋn evaluarea patologiei neuromuscular

    Nigella Sativa and Oriental Spices with Protective Role in Iron Intoxication: in vivo Experiments on Rabbits

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    Homeostasis of hematological parameters is essential for assuring a general health status for any living organism. Iron is one of the essential mineral, involved in many vital processes - mainly in blood cells production, but in the same way it can become toxic in very high concentration. Hemoglobin and red blood cells are directed related with the iron ion, due to the high quantity (70%) of total iron from organism being part of the blood (hemoglobin) and muscle (myoglobin) cells. Ferrous ion is part of hemoglobin structure, and red blood cells. But, the administration of high doses of iron can negatively affect the general health status, because the iron alters the enzymatic system in the vital organs. The aim of our experimental study was to verify the hypothesis that in rabbit’s organism, after intraperitoneal administration of 15g Fe2+/body weight as ferrous-gluconate hydro solution, a special diet based on a complex, fresh, organic vegetables (roots and leaves) protects the organism by iron intoxication and help the hematological homeostasis. The research experiment was conducted during 43 days in summer time, on German Lop Eared breed young rabbits, which were protected with a diet that consisted of administration of Nigella sativa, some oriental spices (Allium ampeloprasum, Allium tuberosum, Coriandrum sativum, Eruca sativa, Cucumis sativus, Raphanus sativus, Trigonella foenum-graecum) and other vegetables (Trifolium, Petroselinum crispum, Dacus carrota subsp.sativus and Cucumis sativus). At the final of experiment we collected blood samples for hematological test and we evaluated the erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, and red cell distribution width. The results were analytical evaluated and only for hemoglobin we obtained significant increase value in experimental rabbits compared to control group of rabbits