4 research outputs found

    Association Study Among Candidate Genetic Polymorphisms and Chemotherapy-Related Severe Toxicity in Testicular Cancer Patients

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    Testicular cancer is one of the most commonly occurring malignant tumors in young men with fourfold higher rate of incidence and threefold higher mortality rates in Chile than the average global rates. Surgery is the initial line of treatment for testicular cancers, and is generally followed by chemotherapy, usually with combinations of bleomycin, etoposide, and cisplatin (BEP). However, the adverse effects of chemotherapy vary significantly among individuals; therefore, the present study explored the association of functionally significant allelic variations in genes related to the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics of BEP and DNA repair enzymes with chemotherapy-induced toxicity in BEP-treated testicular cancer patients. We prospectively recruited 119 patients diagnosed with testicular cancer from 2010 to 2017. Genetic polymorphisms were analyzed using PCR and/or qPCR with TaqMan®probes. Toxicity was evaluated based on the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, v4.03. After univariate analyses to define more relevant genetic variants (p < 0.2) and clinical conditions in relation to severe (III–IV) adverse drug reactions (ADRs), stepwise forward multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. As expected, the main severe ADRs associated with the non-genetic variables were hematological (neutropenia and leukopenia). Univariate statistical analyses revealed that patients with ERCC2 rs13181 T/G and/or CYP3A4 rs2740574 A/G genotypes are more likely to develop alopecia; patients with ERCC2 rs238406 C/C genotype may develop leukopenia, and patients with GSTT1-null genotype could develop lymphocytopenia (III–IV). Patients with ERCC2 rs1799793 A/A were at risk of developing severe anemia. The BLMH rs1050565 G/G genotype was found to be associated with pain, and the GSTP1 G/G genotype was linked infection (p < 0.05). Multivariate analysis showed an association between specific ERCC1/2 genotypes and cumulative dose of BEP drugs with the appearance of severe leukopenia and/or febrile neutropenia. Grades III–IV vomiting, nausea, and alopecia could be partly explained by the presence of specific ERCC1/2, MDR1, GSTP1, and BLMH genotypes (p < 0.05). Hence, we provide evidence for the usefulness of pharmacogenetics as a tool for predicting severe ADRs in testicular cancer patients treated with BEP chemotherapy

    Data_Sheet_1_Effects of type of substrate and dilution rate on fermentation in serial rumen mixed cultures.docx

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    Forages and concentrates have consistently distinct patterns of fermentation in the rumen, with forages producing more methane (CH4) per unit of digested organic matter (OM) and higher acetate to propionate ratio than concentrates. A mechanism based on the Monod function of microbial growth has been proposed to explain the distinct fermentation pattern of forages and concentrates, where greater dilution rates and lower pH associated with concentrate feeding increase dihydrogen (H2) concentration through increasing methanogens growth rate and decreasing methanogens theoretically maximal growth rate, respectively. Increased H2 concentration would in turn inhibit H2 production, decreasing methanogenesis, inhibit H2-producing pathways such as acetate production via pyruvate oxidative decarboxylation, and stimulate H2-incorporating pathways such as propionate production. We examined the hypothesis that equalizing dilution rates in serial rumen cultures would result in a similar fermentation profile of a high forage and a high concentrate substrate. Under a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement, a high forage and a high concentrate substrate were incubated at dilution rates of 0.14, 0.28, or 0.56 h−1 in eight transfers of serial rumen cultures. Each treatment was replicated thrice, and the experiment repeated in two different months. The high concentrate substrate accumulated considerably more H2 and formate and produced less CH4 than the high forage substrate. Methanogens were nearly washed-out with high concentrate and increased their initial numbers with high forage. The effect of dilution rate was minor in comparison to the effect of the type of substrate. Accumulation of H2 and formate with high concentrate inhibited acetate and probably H2 and formate production, and stimulated butyrate, rather than propionate, as an electron sink alternative to CH4. All three dilution rates are considered high and selected for rapidly growing bacteria. The archaeal community composition varied widely and inconsistently. Lactate accumulated with both substrates, likely favored by microbial growth kinetics rather than by H2 accumulation thermodynamically stimulating electron disposal from NADH into pyruvate reduction. In this study, the type of substrate had a major effect on rumen fermentation largely independent of dilution rate and pH.</p