272 research outputs found

    Prediction of the solar radiation using RBF neural networks and ground-to-sky images

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    In this study, Artificial Neural Networks are applied to multistep long term solar radiation prediction. The networks are trained as one-step-ahead predictors and iterated over time to obtain multi-step longer term predictions. Auto-regressive and Auto-regressive with exogenous inputs solar radiationmodels are compared, considering cloudiness indices as inputs in the latter case. These indices are obtained through pixel classification of ground-to-sky images. The input-output structure of the neural network models is selected using evolutionary computation methods

    Prediction of the solar radiation evolution using computational intelligence techniques and cloudiness indices

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    In this paper, Artificial Neural Networks are applied for multi-step long term solar radiation prediction. The input-output structure of the neural network models is selected using evolutionary computation methods. The networks are trained as onestep- ahead predictors and iterated over time to obtain multi-step longer term predictions. Auto-regressive and auto-regressive with exogenous inputs models are compared, considering cloudiness indices as inputs in the latter case. These indices are obtained through pixel classification of ground-to-sky images, captured by a CCD camera

    Seasonal Variation of \u3ci\u3eBrachiaria\u3c/i\u3e spp. Quality in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso Do Sul, Brazil

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    This study aims to evaluate the dry matter yield and the crude protein (CP) of Brachiaria decumbens and Brachiaria humidicola and soil covering by these species, considering stand lasting age and hydrologic cycle periods in the Pantanal, from November 1996 to November 1997. Dry matter yield presented differences between hydrologic cycle periods and age, and their interactions. B. decumbens and B. humidicola over 10 years comparison yielded the largest amount of dry matter yield, observed in February. B. humidicola growth rate was slower than B. decumbens. Pastures stand ages did not cause differences in crude protein, but differences have been observed when considered different species, hydrologic cycle periods and also the interaction of hydrologic cycle periods with age. B. decumbens presented the highest values of CP contents. There were differences of soil covering within hydrologic cycle periods

    Image analysis methodology to study the evolution of chromium penetration in chromium tannage

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    The chrome tanning process is the main method employed to improve the hide stabilization, and chrome tanning in organic solvent medium has been tried by some authors, namely for ovine skins, but the process is not yet clear and fully understood. In recent years the application of image analysis methodologies to bioreactors is widely growing mainly on biomass and materials characterization. In the present work, the use of image analysis was employed to examine chromium penetration during bovine hide tannage in the presence of terpentine. Results showed that the overall chromium penetration rate was considerably faster in the first two minutes, becoming then much slower and linear until completion. Furthermore in the initial stages of penetration the chromium diffused much faster on the flesh that on the grain side of the hide. A second study performed on the flesh side only allowed to determine the chromium flux in the hide.Monteiro Ribas Indústrias

    Efeitos da queima na produção e valor nutritivo da matéria seca em área de Andropogon bicornis.

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    O trabalho foi conduzido em um campo nativo do Pantanal predominado pela espécie Andropogon bicornis. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da queima na dinâmica da biomassa aérea do estrato herbáceo e sobre os teores de proteína bruta (PB), fibra em detergente ácido (FDA), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e lignina na matéria seca das espécies de interesse forrageiro. A área de estudo foi submetida aos tratamentos sem queima e com queima, ambos sem pastejo. Os dados de biomassa aérea e valor nutritivo da matéria seca foram analisados nos onze meses subseqüentes à queima. A biomassa aérea da área com queima apresentou pequeno incremento linear de matéria seca, tornando sua biomassa significativamente menor que a obtida na área sem queima. Andropogon bicornis e Axonopus purpusii apresentaram menor biomassa após a queima, enquanto Mesosetum chaseae foi favorecido pela queima, apresentando maior produção de matéria seca. Ligeira superioridade no valor nutritivo da matéria seca foi constado somente nos primeiros meses após a queima, sendo que cinco meses após, os maiores valores de proteína bruta foram verificados na área sem queima.bitstream/item/37400/1/BP50.pd

    Aboveground Standing Crop of an Ungrazed \u3ci\u3eElyonurus muticus\u3c/i\u3e Grassland under Annual Burning in the Pantanal, Brazil

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    This study was conducted in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil, from September 1995 to July 1997. The objective was to evaluate the effect of annual burning on grasses and forbs biomass and standing dead in an ungrazed grassland of Elyonurus muticus. In two areas, one free of burning (control) and another area with annual burning, grasses, forbs aboveground biomass, and standing dead were collected. The experimental design was completely randomized with 10 replications. Burning modified the grasses and forbs biomass dynamics when compared to the area free of burning. After the first burning the grasses biomass reduced in, approximately, 22% and the forbs increased in 32%. After the second burning the grasses biomass reduced in, approximately, 35%, while the forbs was similar in both areas. The standing dead in the burning area was practically absent

    Sustainable management of natural forests in Pantanal Region, Brazil.

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    The Pantanal region in Brazil has an area of 140,000 km², with approximately 30 % of natural forests distributed as deciduous, semideciduous, and forested savannas. The subregion of Nhecolandia represents 19 % of this area. There is constant concern about the sustainability of these forested areas, as there is a constant demand for wood for farm maintenance, mainly for making fence poles. The objective of this article is to indicate sustainable forest management practices in the Pantanal region of Nhecolandia. The methodology of this novel approach consisted of the recovery and organization of the available information to calculate the sustainable allowable cut per hectare, considering: cutting cycle, wood stock, periodic annual increment (PAI) in percentage of volume from the commercial or interesting species and the stand structure. For forested savannas, the diameter at breast height (DBH) of 529 trees per hectare were estimated as follows: 28 % with a DBH lower than 10 cm, 36 % from 10 to 20 cm, 21 % from 20 to 30 cm, 10 % from 30 to 40 cm and only 4 % greater than 40 cm. The estimated total volume per hectare was 84.2 m³ and the estimated basal area was 18.6 m². The forested areas of the Pantanal region present potential for sustainable use. However, due to regional characteristics and the lack of available information, an enhancement in research is recommended to establish a basic management guide to ensure its perpetuation for future generations

    Cobertura do solo e frequência de espécies em pastagem nativa após queima, Pantanal, MS.

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    bitstream/CPAP/56595/1/CT65.pdfFormato Eletronico

    Produtividade de braquiarias na sub-regiao da Nhecolandia, Pantanal, MS - Brasil.

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    O Pantanal, essa imensa planicie sedimentar, de aproximadamente 140.000 km2, possui como um dos pilares da economia a exploracao da bovinocultura de corte. O regime de criacao e do tipo extensivo, concentrada principalmente na atividade de cria. Dentre as sub-regioes do Pantanal, a Nhecolandia e uma das maiores em termos de area e onde esta concentrado o maior rebanho bovino. Os solos sao essencialmente arenosos, apresentando a vegetacao natural em quatro unidades geomorficas: "cerradao ou mata", "caronal, predominacia do capim carona - Elyonurus muticus, "campo-cerrado" e "vazante", essas divisoes sao determinadas pelo nivel de fertilidade do solo, nivel e duracao das enchentes. A precipitacao pluvial anual esta em torno de 1.000 a 1.400 mm. A alimentacao do rebanho bovino baseava-se exclusivamente em pastagem nativa. Entretanto, como alternativa para o aumento da produtividade, ha cerca de duas decadas vem sendo efetuada a formacao de pastagens, com a introducao de gramineas exoticas, inicialmente em areas de cerradao e cerrado e mais recentemente em campo de caronal, visando aumentar a oferta alimentar aos animais em epocas criticas. Destaca-se basicamente a introducao de Brachiarias decumbens e B. humidicola.bitstream/item/41118/1/PA17.pd

    Princípios de agroecologia no manejo das pastagens nativas do Pantanal.

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    O manejo sustentável das pastagens nativas do Pantanal deve seguir os princípios da agroecologia, onde são considerados as inter-relações entre os diversos elementos do agroecossistema. De maneira geral, um agroecossistema é sustentável quando maximiza o potencial produtivo dos ecossistemas, mantendo a produtividade ao longo do tempo, com a utilização mínima de insumos externos (suplementos alimentares, fertilizantes, antibióticos, etc.), sem degradar os recursos naturais renováveis. No entanto, para se ter uma visão holística do sistema, há a necessidade de muitas observações e conhecimentos (pesquisas interativas) sobre as reais necessidades das plantas e animais. Segundo Primavezi (1999), o manejo das pastagens é uma arte e exige muito bom senso e observações do tomador de decisão.bitstream/item/37673/1/DOC63.pd