201 research outputs found

    Caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques et diagnostiques de cas d'encéphalites à tique chez des patients précédemment vaccinés en Suisse

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    L'encéphalite à tique (TBE, tick-borne encephalitis) est une infection à Flavivirus endémique dans 27 pays européens et la maladie virale transmise par les tiques la plus commune en Europe centrale et en Europe de l'est, ce qui en fait un problème majeur de santé publique. En Suisse, 98 à 172 cas par an sont recensés et sont associés avec des symptômes cliniques sévères (bulletin de l'OFSP). Les foyers viraux ont tendance à s'étendre, et de nouveaux apparaissent, probablement à cause des changements climatiques. La lutte la plus efficace contre cette maladie est représentée par la vaccination. Deux vaccins sont disponibles en Europe (FSME-Immun® et Encepur®). Pour les deux, le taux de séroconversion post-vaccination approche les 100% et après trois ans post-vaccination les anticorps sont encore élevés à 95% (98% chez les enfants) pour le FSME-Immun® et de 96 à 100% pour le Encepur®. Néanmoins, des cas d'encéphalite à tique ont été observés chez des patients ayant reçu une vaccination appropriée et réussie, que ce soit des adultes ou des enfants, dont plusieurs cas en Suisse. Ce projet à pour but d'essayer d'identifier les cas de breakthrough du vaccin contre la TBE en Suisse, d'étudier la description clinique, l'histoire vaccinale, les caractéristiques du diagnostic de laboratoire (sérologie et PCR) ainsi que les potentiels facteurs de risque pour un échec du vaccin et ce afin d'estimer l'importance du problème en Suisse. Méthode Identifier les patients ayant développé une encéphalite à tique malgré une anamnèse de vaccination au moyen du système de déclaration obligatoire de l'OFSP. Étudier les dossiers des patients pour détailler l'histoire de vaccination, les signes et symptômes de la maladie, les caractéristiques de laboratoire, en particulier ceux prouvant l'encéphalite à tique (sérologie et PCR). Résultats Le travail de recherche aboutit à la création d'un tableau contenant les informations générales, vaccinales et cliniques, notamment sérologiques, sur les patients recensés. Des tendances sont ainsi tirées sur la base de ce tableau. Toutefois, un tableau exhaustif n'a pas pu être obtenu, en raison du manque parfois important d'informations dans les dossiers médicaux des divers hôpitaux concernés. Discussion-conclusion Il existe, en Suisse du moins, un manque manifeste de critères diagnostiques pour l'encéphalite à tique en situation post-vaccinale. Ceci entraîne une incertitude importante au niveau de l'exactitude du diagnostic de nos patients, étant donné que le vaccin qu'ils ont reçu est réputé avoir une excellente efficacité, proche de 100%

    Adapting response to a measles outbreak in a context of high vaccination and breakthrough cases: an example from Vaud, Switzerland, January to March 2024.

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    A measles outbreak with 51 cases occurred in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland, between January and March 2024. The outbreak was triggered by an imported case, and 37 (72.5%) subsequent cases were previously vaccinated individuals. Epidemiological investigations showed that vaccinated measles cases were symptomatic and infectious. In a highly vaccinated population, it is important to raise awareness among healthcare professionals to suspect and test for measles virus when an outbreak is declared, irrespective of the vaccination status of the patients

    Cohort profile: the Swiss Mother and Child HIV Cohort Study (MoCHiV).

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    Prospective, multicentric observational cohort study in Switzerland investigating measures to prevent mother-to-child transmission in pregnant women with HIV (WWH) and assessing health and development of their exposed children as well as of children with HIV (CWH) in general. Between January 1986 and December 2022, a total of 1446 mother-child pairs were enrolled. During the same period, the study also registered 187 CWH and 521 HIV-exposed but uninfected children (HEU), for whom detailed maternal information was not available. Consequently, the cohort comprises a total of 2154 children. During these 37 years, research by the Swiss Mother and Child HIV Cohort Study (MoCHiV) and its international collaborators has strongly influenced the prevention of vertical transmission of HIV (eg, introduction and discontinuation of elective caesarean section, neonatal postexposure prophylaxis and breastfeeding). Contributions have also been made to the management of diagnostics (eg, p24 antigen assay) and the effects of antiretroviral treatment (eg, prematurity, growth) in HEU and CWH. Most children present within the cohort are now HEU, highlighting the need to investigate other vertically transmitted pathogens such as hepatitis B and C viruses, cytomegalovirus or Treponema pallidum. In addition, analyses are planned on the longitudinal health status of CWH (eg, resistance and prolonged exposure to antiretroviral therapy), on social aspects including stigma in CWH and HEU, and on interventions to further optimise antenatal and postpartum care in WWH

    Decongestion improving right heart function ameliorates prognosis after an acute heart failure episode.

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    The prognostic role of decongestion-related change of cardiac morphology and in particular right heart function has not been investigated comprehensively in AHF patients. This prospective observational single-centre study included consecutive patients hospitalized for treatment of AHF with reduced, mildly-reduced or preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Comprehensive transthoracic echocardiography at admission and discharge assessed decongestion-related change of cardiac function and morphology. The combined endpoint of 1 year all-cause mortality and cardiovascular rehospitalization explored the prognostic importance of decongestion-related change. The 176 study participants were 83 years old [74-87] and 54% were men. Fifty one (29%) had rLVEF, 65 (37%) mrLVEF, and 60 (34%) pLVEF. The proportion of de novo or worsening chronic HF was not different between LVEF groups. HF aetiology and cardiovascular risk factors were equally distributed across all groups except for a higher BMI in the pLVEF group. Decongestion equally reduced body weight, heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, tricuspid regurgitation gradient, and inferior vena cava diameter across all groups (P < 0.004 for all). Decongestion-related increase in TAPSE independent of the LVEF was associated with improvement of right-ventricular-pulmonary artery coupling and a lower incidence of the combined outcome in the Cox proportional hazard risk analysis (unadjusted HR 0.50 95% CI 0.33-0.78, P = 0.002; adjusted HR 0.46 95% CI: 0.33-0.78, P = 0.001). Decongestion-related increase in TAPSE and recovery of RV/pulmonary artery coupling was observed across all LVEF groups and associated with a risk reduction for the combined endpoint highlighting the important prognostic role of right heart recovery after an AHF episode

    Swiss recommendations on perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis in children.

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    Infection following surgical procedures leads to significant morbidity and mortality in all age groups. Sterile techniques, antibiotic prophylaxis and improved postoperative wound care have contributed to the decline of surgical site infections since the early days of surgery. Recommendations on the use of perioperative antimicrobial prophylaxis exist for adults, but are rare for the paediatric population. Here, we provide a standardised approach to the effective use of antimicrobial agents for the prevention of surgical site infections in children contributing to a targeted and rational perioperative use of antibiotics in Switzerland

    Summation of visual attributes in auditory‐visual crossmodal

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    Crossmodal correspondences are a feature of human perception in which two or more sensory dimensions are linked together; for example, high‐pitched noises may be more readily linked with small objects than large objects. However, no study yet has systematically examined the interaction between different visual‐auditory crossmodal correspondences. We investigated how the visual dimensions of luminance, saturation, size and vertical position can influence decisions when matching particular visual stimuli with high‐pitched or low‐pitched auditory stimuli. For multi‐dimensional stimuli, we found a general pattern of summation of individual crossmodal correspondences, with some exceptions that may be explained by Garner interference. These findings have applications for the design of sensory substitution systems, which convert information from one sensory modality to another

    Children living with HIV in Europe: do migrants have worse treatment outcomes?

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