328 research outputs found

    First Order Phase Transition and Phase Coexistence in a Spin-Glass Model

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    We study the mean-field static solution of the Blume-Emery-Griffiths-Capel model with quenched disorder, an Ising-spin lattice gas with quenched random magnetic interaction. The thermodynamics is worked out in the Full Replica Symmetry Breaking scheme. The model exhibits a high temperature/low density paramagnetic phase. When the temperature is decreased or the density increased, the system undergoes a phase transition to a Full Replica Symmetry Breaking spin-glass phase. The nature of the transition can be either of the second order (like in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model) or, at temperature below a given critical value (tricritical point), of the first order in the Ehrenfest sense, with a discontinuous jump of the order parameter and a latent heat. In this last case coexistence of phases occurs.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figure

    Configurational entropy and the one-step RSB scenario in glasses

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    In this talk we discuss the possibility of constructing a fluctuation theory for structural glasses in the non-equilibrium aging state. After reviewing well known results in a toy model we discuss some of the key assumptions which support the validity of this theory, in particular the role of the configurational entropy and its relation to the effective temperature. Recent numerical results for mean-field finite-size glasses agree with this scenario.Comment: Disordered and Complex Systems, 10-14 July 2000, Conference Proceedings, 7 pages + 1 figur

    Statistics of optimal information flow in ensembles of regulatory motifs

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    Genetic regulatory circuits universally cope with different sources of noise that limit their ability to coordinate input and output signals. In many cases, optimal regulatory performance can be thought to correspond to configurations of variables and parameters that maximize the mutual information between inputs and outputs. Such optima have been well characterized in several biologically relevant cases over the past decade. Here we use methods of statistical field theory to calculate the statistics of the maximal mutual information (the `capacity') achievable by tuning the input variable only in an ensemble of regulatory motifs, such that a single controller regulates N targets. Assuming (i) sufficiently large N, (ii) quenched random kinetic parameters, and (iii) small noise affecting the input-output channels, we can accurately reproduce numerical simulations both for the mean capacity and for the whole distribution. Our results provide insight into the inherent variability in effectiveness occurring in regulatory systems with heterogeneous kinetic parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Small clusters Renormalization Group in 2D and 3D Ising and BEG models with ferro, antiferro and quenched disordered magnetic interactions

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    The Ising and BEG models critical behavior is analyzed in 2D and 3D by means of a renormalization group scheme on small clusters made of a few lattice cells. Different kinds of cells are proposed for both ordered and disordered model cases. In particular, cells preserving a possible antiferromagnetic ordering under decimation allow for the determination of the N\'eel critical point and its scaling indices. These also provide more reliable estimates of the Curie fixed point than those obtained using cells preserving only the ferromagnetic ordering. In all studied dimensions, the present procedure does not yield the strong disorder critical point corresponding to the transition to the spin-glass phase. This limitation is thoroughly analyzed and motivated.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    The Complex Spherical 2+4 Spin Glass: a Model for Nonlinear Optics in Random Media

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    A disordered mean field model for multimode laser in open and irregular cavities is proposed and discussed within the replica analysis. The model includes the dynamics of the mode intensity and accounts also for the possible presence of a linear coupling between the modes, due, e.g., to the leakages from an open cavity. The complete phase diagram, in terms of disorder strength, source pumping and non-linearity, consists of four different optical regimes: incoherent fluorescence, standard mode locking, random lasing and the novel spontaneous phase locking. A replica symmetry breaking phase transition is predicted at the random lasing threshold. For a high enough strength of non-linearity, a whole region with nonvanishing complexity anticipates the transition, and the light modes in the disordered medium display typical discontinuous glassy behavior, i.e., the photonic glass has a multitude of metastable states that corresponds to different mode-locking processes in random lasers. The lasing regime is still present for very open cavities, though the transition becomes continuous at the lasing threshold.Comment: 26 pages, 13 figure

    Thermodynamic first order transition and inverse freezing in a 3D spin-glass

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    We present a numerical study of the random Blume-Capel model in three dimension. The phase diagram is characterized by spin-glass/paramagnet phase transitions both of first and second order in the thermodynamic sense. Numerical simulations are performed using the Exchange-Monte Carlo algorithm, providing clear evidence for inverse freezing. The main features at criticality and in the phase coexistence region are investigated. We are not privy to other 3D short-range systems with quenched disorder undergoing inverse freezing.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures

    Stable Solution of the Simplest Spin Model for Inverse Freezing

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    We analyze the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model with disordered magnetic interaction that displays the inverse freezing phenomenon. The behavior of this spin-1 model in crystal field is studied throughout the phase diagram and the transition and spinodal lines for the model are computed using the Full Replica Symmetry Breaking Ansatz that always yields a thermodynamically stable phase. We compare the results both with the formulation of the same model in terms of Ising spins on lattice gas, where no reentrance takes place, and with the model with generalized spin variables recently introduced by Schupper and Shnerb [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 93} 037202 (2004)], for which the reentrance is enhanced as the ratio between the degeneracy of full to empty sites increases. The simplest version of all these models, known as the Ghatak-Sherrington model, turns out to hold all the general features characterizing an inverse transition to an amorphous phase, including the right thermodynamic behavior.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Statistical Field Theory and Effective Action Method for scalar Active Matter

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    We employ Statistical Field Theory techniques for coarse-graining the steady-state properties of Active Ornstein-Uhlenbeck particles. The computation is carried on in the framework of the Unified Colored Noise approximation that allows an effective equilibrium picture. We thus develop a mean-field theory that allows to describe in a unified framework the phenomenology of scalar Active Matter. In particular, we are able to describe through spontaneous symmetry breaking mechanism two peculiar features of Active Systems that are (i) The accumulation of active particles at the boundaries of a confining container, and (ii) Motility-Induced Phase Separation (MIPS). \textcolor{black}{We develop a mean-field theory for steric interacting active particles undergoing to MIPS and for Active Lennard-Jones (ALJ) fluids.} \textcolor{black}{Within this framework}, we discuss the universality class of MIPS and ALJ \textcolor{black}{showing that it falls into Ising universality class.} We \textcolor{black}{thus} compute analytically the critical line Tc(τ)T_c(\tau) for both models. In the case of MIPS, Tc(τ)T_c(\tau) gives rise to a reentrant phase diagram compatible with an inverse transition from liquid to gas as the strength of the noise decreases. \textcolor{black}{However, in the case of particles interacting through anisotropic potentials, } the field theory acquires a φ3\varphi^3 term that, \textcolor{black}{in general, cannot be canceled performing the expansion around the critical point.} In this case, the \textcolor{black}{Ising} critical point might \textcolor{black}{be replaced} by a first-order phase transition \textcolor{black}{region}
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