2 research outputs found

    Increasing Accessibility to Birth Control: Over the Counter Oral Birth Control

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    The increasing barriers to the accessibility of birth control have prompted a need for a solution. One long standing solution suggested to diminish the barriers is by removing the prescription requirement of oral contraceptives. Removing the prescription requirement not only breaks down barriers for women without healthcare access but also allows women an opportunity to control their reproduction with more accessibility. Although this solution appears to be concise, the reality is there are many different views regarding offering birth control over the counter, including some healthcare professionals who believe the health risks outweigh the access benefit. On the contrary, those in support of removing the prescription barrier for oral contraceptives, including the American Medical Association, argue that the risks women undergo through pregnancy outweigh the risks of consuming oral contraceptives. Throughout this review article, research investigating both the advantages and disadvantages of the suggested solution is discussed assessing the potential outcomes of having oral contraceptives offered over the counter

    Cardiovascular Effects of Long Term Androgenic Anabolic Steroid Use

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    Background: Anabolic steroids have been a consistent area of debate when it comes to athletes. Anabolic steroids are very common in certain sports like powerlifting and bodybuilding. Negative health effects have been found to be associated with the long term use of anabolic steroids. The objective of this review is to determine if there are negative cardiovascular effects associated with chronic androgenic anabolic steroid use when compared to non-steroid users. Methods: A literature review of past research articles was performed. Pertinent information was obtained from the sources and compiled as evidence for the topic of this paper. Results: Using primarily bodybuilder populations, the findings obtained from the articles supported decreased left ventricular function, increase in blood pressure, atherosclerosis of blood vessels, and an increase in LDL with a decrease in HDL. Conclusion: Anabolic steroids can be contributed to decreased left ventricular function, increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and increase LDL and decrease HDL leading to an overall decrease in cardiovascular function. Improving education on the cardiovascular impact anabolic steroids can have can ultimately decrease the risk of individuals abusing these drugs and having a decrease in overall health