7,874 research outputs found

    VO2: A Novel View from Band Theory

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    New calculations for vanadium dioxide, one of the most controversely discussed materials for decades, reveal that band theory as based on density functional theory is well capable of correctly describing the electronic and magnetic properties of the metallic as well as both the insulating M1 and M2 phases. Considerable progress in the understanding of the physics of VO2 is achieved by the use of the recently developed hybrid functionals, which include part of the electron-electron interaction exactly and thereby improve on the weaknesses of semilocal exchange functionals as provided by the local density and generalized gradient approximations. Much better agreement with photoemission data as compared to previous calculations is found and a consistent description of the rutile-type early transition-metal dioxides is achieved.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A 100 pc Elliptical and Twisted Ring of Cold and Dense Molecular Clouds Revealed by Herschel Around the Galactic Center

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    Thermal images of cold dust in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way, obtained with the far-infrared cameras on board the Herschel satellite, reveal a ~3 × 10^7 M_☉ ring of dense and cold clouds orbiting the Galactic center. Using a simple toy model, an elliptical shape having semi-major axes of 100 and 60 pc is deduced. The major axis of this 100 pc ring is inclined by about 40° with respect to the plane of the sky and is oriented perpendicular to the major axes of the Galactic Bar. The 100 pc ring appears to trace the system of stable x_2 orbits predicted for the barred Galactic potential. Sgr A⋆ is displaced with respect to the geometrical center of symmetry of the ring. The ring is twisted and its morphology suggests a flattening ratio of 2 for the Galactic potential, which is in good agreement with the bulge flattening ratio derived from the 2MASS data

    Solitary-wave vortices in quadratic nonlinear media

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    We find families of vortex solitary waves in bulk quadratic nonlinear media under conditions for second-harmonic generation. We show that the vortex solitary waves are azimuthally unstable and that they decay into sets of stable spatial solitons. We calculate the growth rates of the azimuthal perturbations and show how those affect the pattern of output light. © 1998 Optical Society of AmericaPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evaluación cuantitativa de la influencia de los espacios de color para la detección automática de células

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    En este artículo proponemos el estudio de los espacios de color en el marco de la segmentación automática de estructuras celulares. En contraste con estudios neuro-físicos orientados a describir la percepción humana del color nosotros desarrollamos un análisis cuantitativo tomando como referencia el resultado de algoritmos de segmentación y plantillas generadas manualmente. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el color tiene una influencia considerable sobre la capacidad de análisis de una imagen y que los espacios de color que además de separar la cromaticidad y luminancia procuran la normalización de las distancias entre colores proveen una mejor representación de la información presente en la imagen a diferencia de los espacios de color tales como el RGB y HSI que han dominado la literatura de procesamiento de imágenes biomédicas en el pasadoIn this paper we study color spaces in the framework of automatic segmentation of cellular structures. In contrast to neuro-physical studies focused on human perception of color we resort to a quantitative evaluation of such impact using as reference segmentation outputs and ground truth images. The results show that color representation has a considerable influence in the capabilities of such algorithms and color spaces that separate chromaticity and luminance components, and normalize color differences, provide a representation of image data better than color spaces such as RGB and HSI used extensively in the field of biomedical image processing in the past

    The MIPSGAL View of Supernova Remnants in the Galactic Plane

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    We report the detection of Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) in the mid-infrared (at 24 and 70 μm), in the coordinate ranges 10° < l < 65° and 285° < l < 350°, |b| < 1°, using MIPS aboard the Spitzer Space Telescope. We search for infrared counterparts to SNRs in Green's catalog and identify 39 out of 121, i.e., a detection rate of about 32%. Such a relatively low detection fraction is mainly due to confusion with nearby foreground/background sources and diffuse emission. The SNRs in our sample show a linear trend in [F_8/F_(24)] versus [F_(70)/F_(24)]. We compare their infrared fluxes with their corresponding radio flux at 1.4 GHz and find that most remnants have a ratio of 70 μm to 1.4 GHz which is similar to those found in previous studies of SNRs (with the exception of a few that have ratios closer to those of H II regions). Furthermore, we retrieve a slope close to unity when correlating infrared (24 and 70 μm) with 1.4 GHz emission. Our survey is more successful in detecting remnants with bright X-ray emission, which we find is well correlated with the 24 μm morphology. Moreover, by comparing the power emitted in the X-ray, infrared, and radio, we conclude that the energy released in the infrared is comparable to the cooling in the X-ray range

    Probing halo nucleus structure through intermediate energy elastic scattering

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    This work addresses the question of precisely what features of few body models of halo nuclei are probed by elastic scattering on protons at high centre-of-mass energies. Our treatment is based on a multiple scattering expansion of the proton-projectile transition amplitude in a form which is well adapted to the weakly bound cluster picture of halo nuclei. In the specific case of 11^{11}Li scattering from protons at 800 MeV/u we show that because core recoil effects are significant, scattering crosssections can not, in general, be deduced from knowledge of the total matter density alone. We advocate that the optical potential concept for the scattering of halo nuclei on protons should be avoided and that the multiple scattering series for the full transition amplitude should be used instead.Comment: 8 pages REVTeX, 1 eps figure, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Multiple scattering effects in quasi free scattering from halo nuclei: a test to Distorted Wave Impulse Approximation

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    Full Faddeev-type calculations are performed for 11^{11}Be breakup on proton target at 38.4, 100, and 200 MeV/u incident energies. The convergence of the multiple scattering expansion is investigated. The results are compared with those of other frameworks like Distorted Wave Impulse Approximation that are based on an incomplete and truncated multiple scattering expansion.Comment: 7 pages, 16 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Deciphering the large-scale environment of radio galaxies in the local Universe: where do they born, grow and die?

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    The role played by the large-scale environment on the nuclear activity of radio galaxies (RGs), is still not completely understood. Accretion mode, jet power and galaxy evolution are connected with their large-scale environment from tens to hundreds of kpc. Here we present a detailed, statistical, analysis of the large-scale environment for two samples of RGs up to redshifts zsrcz_\mathrm{src}=0.15. The main advantages of our study, with respect to those already present in the literature, are due to the extremely homogeneous selection criteria of catalogs adopted to perform our investigation. This is also coupled with the use of several clustering algorithms. We performed a direct search of galaxy-rich environments around RGs using them as beacon. To perform this study we also developed a new method that does not appear to suffer by a strong zsrcz_\mathrm{src} dependence as other algorithms. We conclude that, despite their radio morphological (FR\,I vsvs FR\,II) and/or their optical (HERG vsvs LERG) classification, RGs in the local Universe tend to live in galaxy-rich large-scale environments having similar characteristics and richness. We highlight that the fraction of FR\,Is-LERG, inhabiting galaxy rich environments, appears larger than that of FR\,IIs-LERG. We also found that 5 out of 7 FR\,II-HERGs, with zsrcz_\mathrm{src}\leq0.11, lie in groups/clusters of galaxies. However, we recognize that, despite the high level of completeness of our catalogs, when restricting to the local Universe, the low number of HERGs (\sim10\% of the total FR\,IIs investigated) prevent us to make a strong statistical conclusion about this source class.Comment: 21 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series - pre-proof versio

    Windows through the Dusty Disks Surrounding the Youngest Low Mass Protostellar Objects

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    The formation and evolution of young low mass stars are characterized by important processes of mass loss and accretion ocurring in the innermost regions of their placentary circumstellar disks. Because of the large obscuration of these disks at optical and infrared wavelengths in the early protostellar stages (Class 0 Sources), they were previously detected only at radio wavelengths using interferometric techniques. We have detected with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) the mid-infrared emission associated with the Class 0 protostar VLA1 in the HH1-2 region located in the Orion nebula. The emission arises in the three wavelength windows at 5.3, 6.6 and 7.5 micras where the absorption due to ices and silicates has a local minimum that exposes the central parts of the youngest protostellar systems to mid-infrared investigations. The mid-infrared emission arises from a central source with 4 AU diameter at an averaged temperature of 700 K, deeply embedded in a dense region with a visual extinction of Av=80-100mag.Comment: The article is here and on pres