6 research outputs found

    Data on Seismic Risk Perception in Italy

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    Risks perception involves complex cognitive processes of collecting, selecting and interpreting signals about events, activities or technologies that may have consequences on us, even if they are unpredictable, and their impact is uncertain. In the natural sciences ‘risk’ means the probability distribution of adverse effects, but the everyday use of ‘risk’ has different connotations (Renn, 2008), and the two terms, hazards and risk, are often used interchangeably by the public. Within the social sciences however the terminology of ‘risk perception’ has become the conventional standard (Slovic, 1987). A theory that offers an integrative, as well as empirically valid, approach in understanding and explaining risk perception is still missing. To understand the perception of risk is necessary to consider several areas: social, psychological, cultural frames, and their interactions. Among the various researches in the international context on the perception of natural hazards and risks, the approach using the method of semantic differential seems to be promising (Osgood, C.E., Suci, G., & Tannenbaum, P. 1957, The measurement of meaning. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press). We set up a test on seismic risk perception in Italy, based on the semantic differential. Opposite adjectives or terms are confronted on a Likert’s scale of seven points. The test consists in an informative part and six sections respectively dedicated to: hazard; vulnerability (home and workplace); exposed value (with reference to population and territory); seismic risk in general; risk information and their sources; comparison between seismic risk and other natural hazards. The test allows to obtain the perception scores for seismic hazard, exposed values, and vulnerability; then, these scores can be put in relation with the scientific knowledge, to check awareness and resiliency of the society. The first survey took place in Italy from January to June 2013, in the frame of the activities funded by the DPC-INGV S2 project (https://sites.google.com/site/ingvdpc2012progettos2/). Collected data will be discussed at regional scale. The improvement of our understanding on the perception of seismic risk would allow us in planning more effective information initiatives and in developing specific educational projects for risk mitigation

    Raising awareness on gender issues: A path through physics, outreach and diversity.

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    When and where it is convenient to start working on raising awareness on gender issues? Our answer is that high school is definitely a good start, mainly if we think that outreach activities can have a role in the transition to an environment for learning, teaching and researching in physics that is equally attractive and supportive to all genders, at each stage of their education and career path. As researchers of INFN and CNR we promoted a school competition devoted to consider the role of women in science and particularly in Physics. Outreach activities can have the role of raising awareness, knowledge through an active involvement of students for changing the culture and removing stereotypes. In these years we organized 3 contests, with 226 videos, more than 100 high schools and a thousand of students involved. The idea was to try to understand the thinking and knowledge of young people on present and past gender issues connected to women and science, to know how they imagine the society of the future, to understand if they are unaware "carriers" of stereotypes and prejudices and if the cultural change can start from/with them. The students have been asked to produce a video on subjects regarding these questions. The article describes the contests, the evaluation process, the results of first analysis. The work started inside the EU-funded GENERA project, to which both research groups belong, and continues inside the GENERA Network. The collaboration among physicists and sociologists has been, and still is, fundamental in these years

    Indagine sui dati della ricerca nel settore ambientale: percezioni e pratiche dei ricercatori Cnr

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    Questo lavoro illustra i risultati di una indagine sugli atteggiamenti e le pratiche di condivisione dei dati della ricerca rivolta ai ricercatori del Dipartimento Scienze del Sistema Terra e Tecnologie per l’Ambiente (DTA) del CNR. L’indagine si inquadra nell’ambito di analoghe indagini svolte a livello internazionale e intende analizzare i diversi fattori che influenzano la propensione alla condivisione in un settore per sua natura multidisciplinare, caratterizzato da un uso intenso di dati. Per questo motivo oggetto di analisi sono state le opinioni, le motivazioni, e gli eventuali ostacoli percepiti dai ricercatori del DTA assieme alla rilevazione delle pratiche di acquisizione, gestione e uso dei dati. I risultati dell’indagine hanno evidenziato una forte sensibilità rispetto al valore e alla funzione che i dati rappresentano per il progresso della ricerca. Gli intervistati sono in genere disposti a condividere i propri dati e lo fanno in misura maggiore quando utilizzano dati prodotti da altri e soprattutto quando hanno a disposizione archivi su cui depositarli. Molti degli ostacoli percepiti dagli intervistati potrebbero essere superati adottando chiare politiche di sostegno all’Open Access e indirizzando le risorse verso lo sviluppo di infrastrutture di supporto alla loro diffusione

    Data on Seismic Risk Perception in Italy

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    Risks perception involves complex cognitive processes of collecting, selecting and interpreting signals about events, activities or technologies that may have consequences on us, even if they are unpredictable, and their impact is uncertain. In the natural sciences ‘risk’ means the probability distribution of adverse effects, but the everyday use of ‘risk’ has different connotations (Renn, 2008), and the two terms, hazards and risk, are often used interchangeably by the public. Within the social sciences however the terminology of ‘risk perception’ has become the conventional standard (Slovic, 1987). A theory that offers an integrative, as well as empirically valid, approach in understanding and explaining risk perception is still missing. To understand the perception of risk is necessary to consider several areas: social, psychological, cultural frames, and their interactions. Among the various researches in the international context on the perception of natural hazards and risks, the approach using the method of semantic differential seems to be promising (Osgood, C.E., Suci, G., & Tannenbaum, P. 1957, The measurement of meaning. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press). We set up a test on seismic risk perception in Italy, based on the semantic differential. Opposite adjectives or terms are confronted on a Likert’s scale of seven points. The test consists in an informative part and six sections respectively dedicated to: hazard; vulnerability (home and workplace); exposed value (with reference to population and territory); seismic risk in general; risk information and their sources; comparison between seismic risk and other natural hazards. The test allows to obtain the perception scores for seismic hazard, exposed values, and vulnerability; then, these scores can be put in relation with the scientific knowledge, to check awareness and resiliency of the society. The first survey took place in Italy from January to June 2013, in the frame of the activities funded by the DPC-INGV S2 project (https://sites.google.com/site/ingvdpc2012progettos2/). Collected data will be discussed at regional scale. The improvement of our understanding on the perception of seismic risk would allow us in planning more effective information initiatives and in developing specific educational projects for risk mitigation.SubmittedPisa, Italia3T. Pericolosità sismica e contributo alla definizione del rischioope

    Bilancio di Genere CNR al 31 dicembre 2020

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    CNR Gender Budget: Update of key figures as of 31 December 202