10 research outputs found
Biochar Amended Soils and Water Systems: Investigation of Physical and Structural Properties
There are significant regional differences in the perception of the problems posed by global warming, water/food availability and waste treatment recycling procedures. The study illustrates the effect of application of a biochar (BC) from forest biomass waste, at a selected application rate, on water retention, plant available water (PAW), and structural properties of differently standard textured soils, classified as loamy sand, loam and clay. The results showed that soil water retention, PAW, and aggregate stability were significantly improved by BC application in the loamy sand, confirming that application of BC to this soil was certainly beneficial and increased the amount of macropores, storage pores and residual pores. In the loam, BC partially improved water retention, increasing macroporosity, but decreased the amount of micropores and improved aggregate stability and did not significantly increase the amount of PAW. In the clay, the amount of PAW was increased by BC, but water retention and aggregate stability were not improved by BC amendment. Results of the BET analysis indicated that the specific surface area (BET-SSA) increased in the three soils after BC application, showing a tendency of the BET-SSA to increase at increasing PAW. The results obtained indicated that the effects of BC application on the physical and structural properties of the three considered soils were different depending on the different soil textures with a BET-SSA increase of 950%, 489%, 156% for loamy sand, loam and clay soil respectively. The importance of analysing the effects of BC on soil water retention and PAW in terms of volumetric water contents, and not only in terms of gravimetric values, was also evidenced
Quality Perception and Consumer Choice of Cactus Pear: Results of Direct Survey in Italy
Today, alongside the traditional search and experience quality attributes, credence attributes increasingly affect individual consumption. The aim of this paper is to identify and measure the principal attributes of quality in cactus pear and their effect on consumer choice. The hypothesis underlying the study is that credence attributes have a major influence on consumer choice compared to the other quality attributes. With this in mind a questionnaire was administered to 92 cactus pear consumers in Italy, and by means of an econometric model the relationship that single attributes have on the amount of cactus pear consumption was analysed. Results confirm that credence attributes are important determinants of consumer's choice
Innovation strategies geared toward the circular economy: A case study of the organic olive-oil industry
Circular Economy (CE) focuses on the (re)design of processes and products aiming to minimize negative environmental impact, by reducing the use of non-renewable resources, increasing products durability, improving waste management and enhancing the market for secondary raw materials. In the management field very few contributions deal with the topic of CE as a model that firms can implement from a business model perspective. The aim of the present study is to describe, by using a case study in olive oil industry, how firms in practice adapt their business model towards CE paradigm and the influence of personal drivers and stakeholders in this adaptation. The findings reveal that circular economy is for the firm an important paradigm not only to pursue environmental sustainability but above all to pursue economic sustainability
Quality attributes of cactus pear fruit and their role in consumer choice: The case of Italian consumers
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to detect what experience and credence quality attributes contribute to the consumer decision to consume cactus pear fruit. The authors therefore try to measure the effect of each quality attribute on consumer choice. Design/methodology/approach – As a theoretical basis, two principal quality attributes emphasised in the literature on consumer behaviour were analysed and adjusted to the specific fruit features. The empirical strategy was carried out by administering a telephone questionnaire survey of 270 interviewees who consume cactus pears in Italy. The questionnaire, consisting of 14 items expressed on a metric scale (five-point Likert scale), was used to rate the importance of cactus pear fruit quality attributes. An ordered logit model was employed for data analysis. Findings – The results show that consumption of cactus pear fruit is mainly based on credence and experience attributes, which have different effects on the consumer decision to consume cactus pear fruit. Among experience quality attributes, the colour red, a low quantity of seeds, and being peeled are the attributes with major effects, following by credence attributes such as environmental sustainability, healthiness, and Italian origin. Research limitations/implications – The research was based on a particular fruit, and further comparative research is clearly needed. In fact, further advancement in cactus pear research would require that the validity of the empirical findings and their degree of generalisation be examined in other geographical areas. Practical implications – The results of this study could help to identify some factors on which business could intervene to create a more effective consumer-based approach. Originality/value – This study contributes to a better definition of cactus pear fruit quality for consumers with the aim of developing marketing strategies to increase farm business. To the best of the knowledge, no study has ever measured the effects of cactus pear fruit quality attributes on consumer choice
Label Style and Color Contribution to Explain Market Price Difference in Italian Red Wines Sold in the Chinese Wine Market
This study employs a hedonic price methodology to investigate the implicit price of individual labelling characteristics of Italian red wines sold in the Chinese market. Our results highlight the most important quality attributes (extrinsic and intrinsic) given in the label capable to explain price difference. In particular, reveal significant premium price for wine origin, identified in particular through the DOC/DOCG appellation given in the label, and for clean labels or labels with particular designs. On the contrary, a price discount has been revealed for Italian wines produced with local grape varieties and with a label characterised by warm colors. These results, partly in disagreement with other empirical evidence, contribute to enrich the existing literature in this field by providing useful suggestions both to the producers and other stakeholders operating in the wine industry