8 research outputs found

    Generating the curvature perturbation at the end of inflation

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    The dominant contribution to the primordial curvature perturbation may be generated at the end of inflation. Taking the end of inflation to be sudden, formulas are presented for the spectrum, spectral tilt and non-gaussianity. They are evaluated for a minimal extension of the original hybrid inflation model.Comment: 5 pages. v3: as it will appear in JCA

    Observing Brane Inflation

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    Linking the slow-roll scenario and the Dirac-Born-Infeld scenario of ultra-relativistic roll (where, thanks to the warp factor, the inflaton moves slowly even with an ultra-relativistic Lorentz factor), we find that the KKLMMT D3/anti-D3 brane inflation is robust, that is, enough e-folds of inflation is quite generic in the parameter space of the model. We show that the intermediate regime of relativistic roll can be quite interesting observationally. Introducing appropriate inflationary parameters, we explore the parameter space and give the constraints and predictions for the cosmological observables in this scenario. Among other properties, this scenario allows the saturation of the present observational bound of either the tensor/scalar ratio r (in the intermediate regime) or the non-Gaussianity f_NL (in the ultra-relativistic regime), but not both.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures; typo correcte

    Non-gaussianity from the inflationary trispectrum

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    We present an estimate for the non-linear parameter \tau_NL, which measures the non-gaussianity imprinted in the trispectrum of the comoving curvature perturbation, \zeta. Our estimate is valid throughout the inflationary era, until the slow-roll approximation breaks down, and takes into account the evolution of perturbations on superhorizon scales. We find that the non-gaussianity is always small if the field values at the end of inflation are negligible when compared to their values at horizon crossing. Under the same assumption, we show that in Nflation-type scenarios, where the potential is a sum of monomials, the non-gaussianity measured by \tau_NL is independent of the couplings and initial conditions.Comment: 15 pages, uses iopart.sty. Replaced with version accepted by JCAP; journal reference adde

    Observational Signatures and Non-Gaussianities of General Single Field Inflation

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    We perform a general study of primordial scalar non-Gaussianities in single field inflationary models in Einstein gravity. We consider models where the inflaton Lagrangian is an arbitrary function of the scalar field and its first derivative, and the sound speed is arbitrary. We find that under reasonable assumptions, the non-Gaussianity is completely determined by 5 parameters. In special limits of the parameter space, one finds distinctive ``shapes'' of the non-Gaussianity. In models with a small sound speed, several of these shapes would become potentially observable in the near future. Different limits of our formulae recover various previously known results.Comment: 53 pages, 5 figures; v3, minor revision, JCAP version; v4, numerical coefficients corrected in Appendix B, discussion on consistency condition revise

    Observational Signatures and Non-Gaussianities of General Single Field Inflation

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    We perform a general study of primordial scalar non-Gaussianities in single field inflationary models in Einstein gravity. We consider models where the inflaton Lagrangian is an arbitrary function of the scalar field and its first derivative, and the sound speed is arbitrary. We find that under reasonable assumptions, the non-Gaussianity is completely determined by 5 parameters. In special limits of the parameter space, one finds distinctive ``shapes'' of the non-Gaussianity. In models with a small sound speed, several of these shapes would become potentially observable in the near future. Different limits of our formulae recover various previously known results.Comment: 53 pages, 5 figures; v3, minor revision, JCAP version; v4, numerical coefficients corrected in Appendix B, discussion on consistency condition revise

    Non-Gaussianity as a Probe of the Physics of the Primordial Universe and the Astrophysics of the Low Redshift Universe

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    A new and powerful probe of the origin and evolution of structures in the Universe has emerged and been actively developed over the last decade. In the coming decade, non-Gaussianity, i.e., the study of non-Gaussian contributions to the correlations of cosmological fluctuations, will become an important probe of both the early and the late Universe. Specifically, it will play a leading role in furthering our understanding of two fundamental aspects of cosmology and astrophysics: (i) the physics of the very early universe that created the primordial seeds for large-scale structures, and (ii) the subsequent growth of structures via gravitational instability and gas physics at later times. To date, observations of fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe (LSS) have focused largely on the Gaussian contribution as measured by the two-point correlations (or the power spectrum) of density fluctuations. However, an even greater amount of information is contained in non-Gaussianity and a large discovery space therefore still remains to be explored. Many observational probes can be used to measure non-Gaussianity, including CMB, LSS, gravitational lensing, Lyman-alpha forest, 21-cm fluctuations, and the abundance of rare objects such as clusters of galaxies and high-redshift galaxies. Not only does the study of non-Gaussianity maximize the science return from a plethora of present and future cosmological experiments and observations, but it also carries great potential for important discoveries in the coming decade.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. Science White Paper submitted to the Cosmology and Fundamental Physics (CFP) Science Frontier Panel of the Astro 2010 Decadal Survey (v2,v3,v4) More co-signers and references adde