546 research outputs found

    The Neutrino Suppression Scale from Large Volumes

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    We present an argument in which the scale ~ 0.1 eV associated with neutrino masses naturally appears in a a class of (very) large volume compactifications, being tied to a supersymmetry scale of 10^3 GeV and a string scale of 10^11 GeV. The masses are of Majorana type and there is no right-handed neutrino within the low-energy field theory. The suppression scale 10^14 GeV is independent of the masses of the heavy states that are integrated out. These kind of constructions appear naturally in Type IIB flux compactifications. However, the arguments that lead to this result rely only on a few geometrical features of the compactification manifold, and hence can be used independently of string theory.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX; v2. matches journal versio

    Intersecting Brane World from Type I Compactification

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    We elaborate that general intersecting brane models on orbifolds are obtained from type I string compactifications and their T-duals. Symmetry breaking and restoration occur via recombination and parallel separation of branes, preserving supersymmetry. The Ramond-Ramond tadpole cancelation and the toron quantization constrain the spectrum as a branching of the adjoints of SO(32), up to orbifold projections. Since the recombination changes the gauge coupling, the single gauge coupling of type I could give rise to different coupling below the unification scale. This is due to the nonlocal properties of the Dirac-Born-Infeld action. The weak mixing angle sin^2 theta_W = 3/8 is naturally explained by embedding the quantum numbers to those of SO(10).Comment: 31 pages, 5 figure

    TeV-Scale Z' Bosons from D-branes

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    Generic D-brane string models of particle physics predict the existence of extra U(1) gauge symmetries beyond hypercharge. These symmetries are not of the E_6 class but rather include the gauging of Baryon and Lepton numbers as well as certain Peccei-Quinn-like symmetries. Some of the U(1)'s have triangle anomalies, but they are cancelled by a Green-Schwarz mechanism. The corresponding gauge bosons typically acquire a mass of order the string scale M_S by combining with two-index antisymmetric fields coming from the closed string sector of the theory. We argue that in string models with a low string scale M_S proportional to 1-10 TeV, the presence of these generic U(1)'s may be amenable to experimental test. Present constraints from electroweak precision data already set important bounds on the mass of these extra gauge bosons. In particular, for large classes of models, rho-parameter constraints imply M_S >= 1.5 TeV. In the present scheme some fraction of the experimentally measured Z^0 mass would be due not to the Higgs mechanism, but rather to the mixing with these closed string fields. We give explicit formulae for recently constructed classes of intersecting D6- and D5-brane models yielding the Standard Model (SM) fermion spectrum.Comment: 46 pages, LaTeX, JHEP.cls, 21 Figures. minor correction

    Towards a microscopic construction of flavour vacua from a space-time foam model

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    The effect on flavour oscillations of simple expanding background space-times, motivated by some D-particle foam models, is calculated for a toy-model of bosons with flavour degrees of freedom. The presence of D-particle defects in the space-time, which can interact non trivially (via particle capture) with flavoured particles in a flavour non-preserving way, generates mixing in the effective field theory of low-energy string excitations. Moreover, the recoil of the D-particle defect during the capture/scattering process implies Lorentz violation, which however may be averaged to zero in isotropic D-particle populations, but implies non-trivial effects in correlators. Both features imply that the flavoured mixed state sees a non-trivial flavour (Fock-space) vacuum of a type introduced earlier by Blasone and Vitiello in a generic context of theories with mixing. We discuss the orthogonality of the flavour vacua to the usual Fock vacua and the effect on flavour oscillations in these backgrounds. Furthermore we analyse the equation of state of the Flavour vacuum, and find that, for slow expansion rates induced by D particle recoil, it is equivalent to that of a cosmological constant. Some estimates of these novel non-perturbative contribution to the vacuum energy are made. The contribution vanishes if the mass difference and the mixing angle of the flavoured states vanish.Comment: 27 pages RevTex, 2 eps figures incorporate

    Comparative study of the performance of three cross-flow ceramic membranes for water treatment

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    Several tests using water as effluent are used to analyse the performance of three types of microfiltration cross-flow ceramicmembranes. Two of these membranes are commercial (Atech and Membralox/US Filter) and the third one is experimental.The main differences between them lie in their chemical composition (different origin of raw materials) and in their manufacturingprocess. The results presented here show the dominant effect of the filtering and the gel layer. Both are formed during operationacting as equalising agent between the three membranes. The membranes tested have similar performances in cross-flowoperation, although permeability rates for the membrane Membralox/US Filter were about 15% higher. This increase might be due to the smoother surface formed by a second filtering ultrafiltration layer (0.01 ìm) of 10 ìm width, which probably contributes to a decrease in the thickness of the gel layer formed during operation. Using specific raw materials (non-industrial) as well as a second ultrafiltration layer improves the results in operation (performances and cleaning intervals). However, they are uneconomical because of the extra costs involved.In conclusion, low-cost membranes can achieve similar results to the commercial and more expensive ones opening up their application to new uses and emergent markets

    Coisotropic D8-branes and Model-building

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    Up to now chiral type IIA vacua have been mostly based on intersecting D6-branes wrapping special Lagrangian 3-cycles on a CY three-fold. We argue that there are additional BPS D-branes which have so far been neglected, and which seem to have interesting model-building features. They are coisotropic D8-branes, in the sense of Kapustin and Orlov. The D8-branes wrap 5-dimensional submanifolds of the CY which are trivial in homology, but contain a worldvolume flux that induces D6-brane charge on them. This induced D6-brane charge not only renders the D8-brane BPS, but also creates D=4 chirality when two D8-branes intersect. We discuss in detail the case of a type IIA Z2 x Z2 orientifold, where we provide explicit examples of coisotropic D8-branes. We study the chiral spectrum, SUSY conditions, and effective field theory of different systems of D8-branes in this orientifold, and show how the magnetic fluxes generate a superpotential for untwisted Kahler moduli. Finally, using both D6-branes and coisotropic D8-branes we construct new examples of MSSM-like type IIA vacua.Comment: 63 pages, 11 figures. Typos corrected and comments adde

    Building MSSM Flux Vacua

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    We construct N=1 and N=0 chiral four-dimensional vacua of flux compactification in Type IIB string theory. These vacua have the common features that they are free of tadpole instabilities (both NSNS and RR) even for models with N=0 supersymmetry. In addition, the dilaton/complex structure moduli are stabilised and the supergravity background metric is warped. We present an example in which the low energy spectrum contains the MSSM spectrum with three generations of chiral matter. In the N=0 models, the background fluxes which stabilise the moduli also induce soft supersymmetry breaking terms in the gauge and chiral sectors of the theory, while satisfying the equation of motion. We also discuss some phenomenological features of these three generation MSSM flux vacua. Our techniques apply to other closed string backgrounds as well and, in fact, also allow to find new N=1 D-brane models which were believed not to exist. Finally, we discuss in detail the consistency conditions of these flux compactifications. Cancellation of K-theory charges puts additional constraints on the consistency of the models, which render some chiral D-brane models in the literature inconsistent.Comment: 33 pages, 1 figure. Minor correction
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