6 research outputs found

    Phase behavior of symmetric linear multiblock copolymers

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the phase behavior of a single linear multiblock copolymer with blocks of A- and B-type monomers under poor solvent conditions, varying the block length NN, number of blocks nn, and the solvent quality (by variation of the temperature TT). The fraction ff of A-type monomers is kept constant and equal to 0.5, and always the lengths of A and B blocks were equal (NA=NB=NN_{A}=N_{B}=N), as well as the number of blocks (nA=nB=nn_{A}=n_{B}=n). We identify the three following regimes where: (i) full microphase separation between blocks of different type occurs (all blocks of A-type monomers form a single cluster, while all blocks of B-type monomers form another), (ii) full microphase separation is observed with a certain probability, and (iii) full microphase separation can not take place. For very high number of blocks nn and very high NN (not accessible to our simulations) further investigation is needed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Europhys. Let

    Games People Play: The Collapse of “Masculinities” and the Rise of Masculinity as Spectacle

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    Perspective is important. When Andy Warhol produced an art piece of 13 police mugshots of “Thirteen Most Wanted Men” for the New York World’s Fair in 1964, the work was hurriedly painted over by concerned authorities before the public could view it. It was only years later that the Warhol’s subversive (homoerotic) gaze on the FBI list was more widely appreciated (Crimp in Social Text 59: 49–66, 1999; Siegel in Art Journal 62(1): 7–13, 2003). I begin with this story because it points to key issues I want to take up in this chapter, in particular, the importance of “audience” and different readings when it comes to masculinity. While current theory tends to locate masculinity in the actors, what if it is better located in the audience? What if masculinity was better understood as a kind of public spectacle? In addition, there are the naturally subversive elements of gender (e.g. think of drag performances); the game-like nature of masculinity (men might feel compelled to play along with expectations of masculinity—think of brutal playground expectations on boys—but it doesn’t mean they are not aware of its inauthenticity); and the inevitable—but less discussed link—with sexuality (see below)