25 research outputs found

    PDGF-C Mediates the Angiogenic and Tumorigenic Properties of Fibroblasts Associated with Tumors Refractory to Anti-VEGF Treatment

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    SummaryTumor- or cancer-associated fibroblasts (TAFs or CAFs) from different tumors exhibit distinct angiogenic and tumorigenic properties. Unlike normal skin fibroblasts or TAFs from TIB6 tumors that are sensitive to anti-VEGF treatment (TAF-TIB6), TAFs from resistant EL4 tumors (TAF-EL4) can stimulate TIB6 tumor growth even when VEGF is inhibited. We show that platelet-derived growth factor C (PDGF-C) is upregulated in TAFs from resistant tumors. PDGF-C-neutralizing antibodies blocked the angiogenesis induced by such TAFs in vivo, slowed the growth of EL4 and admixture (TAF-EL4 + TIB6) tumors, and exhibited additive effects with anti-VEGF-A antibodies. Hence, our data reveal an additional mechanism for TAF-mediated tumorigenesis and suggest that some tumors may overcome inhibition of VEGF-mediated angiogenesis through upregulation of PDGF-C

    Developing the host for targeted integration cell line development

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    Unlike the conventional random integration (RI) cell line development (CLD), the targeted integration (TI) CLD introduces the transgene at a predetermined “hot-spot” in the CHO genome with a defined copy number (1-2 copies). Given the low copy number and the pretested integration site, TI cell lines likely exhibit better stability compared to RI cell lines. In this study, we performed a genome wide screening using transposon based cassette integration and established a TI host (255-3) that has a single landing cassette inserted in its genome. Host 255-3 was able to support the CLD for three test molecules with product titers similar to those of the corresponding RI cell lines. For two regular antibody test cases, the top four TI cell lines achieved ~4-5g/L. For a proven difficult to express antibody, the top four TI lines achieved ~1-1.2g/L. The product titer for this hard to express molecule was increased 3-fold with additional vector improvement. Moreover, the timeline for CLD was shortened by ~2 weeks and resources required per cell line were substantially reduced using the TI method. Together these data indicate that the TI host we developed can be a suitable host to support our clinical / commercial CLD

    Lactation Defect in a Widely Used MMTV-Cre Transgenic Line of Mice

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    MMTV-Cre mouse lines have played important roles in our understanding about the functions of numerous genes in mouse mammary epithelial cells during mammary gland development and tumorigenesis. However, numerous studies have not included MMTV-Cre mice as controls, and many investigators have not indicated which of the different MMTV-Cre founder lines were used in their studies. Here, we describe a lactation defect that severely limits the use of one of the most commonly used MMTV-Cre founder lines.To explore the role of protein tyrosine phosphatase Shp1 in mammary gland development, mice bearing the floxed Shp1 gene were crossed with MMTV-Cre mice and mammary gland development was examined by histological and biochemical techniques, while lactation competency was assessed by monitoring pup growth. Surprisingly, both the Shp1fl/+;MMTV-Cre and MMTV-Cre female mice displayed a severe lactation defect when compared to the Shp1 fl/+ control mice. Histological and biochemical analyses reveal that female mice expressing the MMTV-Cre transgene, either alone or in combination with floxed genes, exhibit defects in lobuloalveolar expansion, presence of large cytoplasmic lipid droplets in luminal alveolar epithelial cells postpartum, and precocious induction of involution. Using a PCR-based genotyping method, the three different founder lines can be distinguished, and we determined that the MMTV-Cre line A, the most widely used MMTV-Cre founder line, exhibits a profound lactation defect that limits its use in studies on mammary gland development.The identification of a lactation defect in the MMTV-Cre line A mice indicates that investigators must use MMTV-Cre alone mice as control in studies that utilize Cre recombinase to excise genes of interest from mammary epithelial cells. Our results also suggest that previous results obtained in studies using the MMTV-Cre line A line should be re-evaluated if the controls did not include mice expressing only Cre recombinase

    Sustained induction of epithelial to mesenchymal transition activates DNA methylation of genes silenced in basal-like breast cancers

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    The active acquisition of epigenetic changes is a poorly understood but important process in development, differentiation, and disease. Our work has shown that repression of the p16/pRb pathway in human epithelial cells, a condition common to stem cells and many tumor cells, induces dynamic epigenetic remodeling resulting in the targeted methylation of a selected group of CpG islands. We hypothesized that cells in this epigenetically plastic state could be programmed by the microenvironment to acquire epigenetic changes associated with tumorigenesis. Here, we describe an in vitro model system where epigenetically plastic cells were placed in an environment that induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and led to a program of acquired de novo DNA methylation at targeted sites. In this model, we found that repression of E-cadherin transcription preceded the subsequent acquisition of methylated CpG sites. Furthermore, the induction of EMT was accompanied by de novo methylation of several other gene promoters, including those of the estrogen receptor and Twist. These data demonstrate that signals from the microenvironment can induce phenotypic and gene expression changes associated with targeted de novo epigenetic alterations important in tumor progression, and that these alterations occur through a deterministic, rather than stochastic, mechanism. Given the dynamic epigenetic reprogramming that occurs in these cells, DNA methylation profiles observed in human tumors may reflect the history of environmental exposures during the genesis of a tumor

    Histologically normal human mammary epithelia with silenced p16(INK4a) overexpress COX-2, promoting a premalignant program.

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    Breast tissue from healthy women contains variant mammary epithelial cells (vHMEC) exhibiting p16INK4a promoter hypermethylation both in vivo and in vitro. When continuously cultured, vHMEC acquire telomeric dysfunction and produce the types of chromosomal abnormalities seen in premalignant lesions of cancer. We find that late passage vHMEC express elevated prostaglandin cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX-2), which contributes to increased prostaglandin synthesis, angiogenic activity, and invasive ability. These data demonstrate the existence of human mammary epithelial cells with the potential to acquire multiple genomic alterations and phenotypes associated with malignant cells. Moreover, COX-2 overexpression coincides with focal areas of p16INK4a hypermethylation in vivo, creating ideal candidates as precursors to breast cancer. These putative precursors can be selectively eliminated upon exposure to COX-2 inhibitors in vitro

    Loss of chromosomal integrity in human mammary epithelial cells subsequent to escape from senescence

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    The genomic changes that foster cancer can be either genetic or epigenetic in nature. Early studies focused on genetic changes and how mutational events contribute to changes in gene expression. These point mutations, deletions and amplifications are known to activate oncogenes and inactivate tumor suppressor genes. More recently, multiple epigenetic changes that can have a profound effect on carcinogenesis have been identified. These epigenetic events, such as the methylation of promoter sequences in genes, are under active investigation. In this review we will describe a methylation event that occurs during the propagation of human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) in culture and detail the accompanying genetic alterations that have been observed