109 research outputs found

    The Relativistic N-body Problem in a Separable Two-Body Basis

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    We use Dirac's constraint dynamics to obtain a Hamiltonian formulation of the relativistic N-body problem in a separable two-body basis in which the particles interact pair-wise through scalar and vector interactions. The resultant N-body Hamiltonian is relativistically covariant. It can be easily separated in terms of the center-of-mass and the relative motion of any two-body subsystem. It can also be separated into an unperturbed Hamiltonian with a residual interaction. In a system of two-body composite particles, the solutions of the unperturbed Hamiltonian are relativistic two-body internal states, each of which can be obtained by solving a relativistic Schr\"odinger-like equation. The resultant two-body wave functions can be used as basis states to evaluate reaction matrix elements in the general N-body problem. We prove a relativistic version of the post-prior equivalence which guarantees a unique evaluation of the reaction matrix element, independent of the ways of separating the Hamiltonian into unperturbed and residual interactions. Since an arbitrary reaction matrix element involves composite particles in motion, we show explicitly how such matrix elements can be evaluated in terms of the wave functions of the composite particles and the relevant Lorentz transformations.Comment: 42 pages, 2 figures, in LaTe

    Relativistic Calculation of the Meson Spectrum: a Fully Covariant Treatment Versus Standard Treatments

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    A large number of treatments of the meson spectrum have been tried that consider mesons as quark - anti quark bound states. Recently, we used relativistic quantum "constraint" mechanics to introduce a fully covariant treatment defined by two coupled Dirac equations. For field-theoretic interactions, this procedure functions as a "quantum mechanical transform of Bethe-Salpeter equation". Here, we test its spectral fits against those provided by an assortment of models: Wisconsin model, Iowa State model, Brayshaw model, and the popular semi-relativistic treatment of Godfrey and Isgur. We find that the fit provided by the two-body Dirac model for the entire meson spectrum competes with the best fits to partial spectra provided by the others and does so with the smallest number of interaction functions without additional cutoff parameters necessary to make other approaches numerically tractable. We discuss the distinguishing features of our model that may account for the relative overall success of its fits. Note especially that in our approach for QCD, the resulting pion mass and associated Goldstone behavior depend sensitively on the preservation of relativistic couplings that are crucial for its success when solved nonperturbatively for the analogous two-body bound-states of QED.Comment: 75 pages, 6 figures, revised content

    Relativistic Modification of the Gamow Factor

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    In processes involving Coulomb-type initial- and final-state interactions, the Gamow factor has been traditionally used to take into account these additional interactions. The Gamow factor needs to be modified when the magnitude of the effective coupling constant increases or when the velocity increases. For the production of a pair of particles under their mutual Coulomb-type interaction, we obtain the modification of the Gamow factor in terms of the overlap of the Feynman amplitude with the relativistic wave function of the two particles. As a first example, we study the modification of the Gamow factor for the production of two bosons. The modification is substantial when the coupling constant is large.Comment: 13 pages, in LaTe

    Relativistic Generalization of the Gamow Factor for Fermion Pair Production or Annihilation

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    In the production or annihilation of a pair of fermions, the initial-state or final-state interactions often lead to significant effects on the reaction cross sections. For Coulomb-type interactions, the Gamow factor has been traditionally used to take into account these effects. However the Gamow factor needs to be modified when the magnitude of the coupling constant or the relative velocity of two particles increases. We obtain the relativistic generalization of the Gamow factor in terms of the overlap of the Feynman amplitude with the relativistic wave function of two fermions with an attractive Coulomb-type interaction. An explicit form of the corrective factor is presented for the spin-singlet S-wave state. While the corrective factor approaches the Gamow factor in the non-relativistic limit, we found that the Gamow factor significantly over-estimates the effects when the coupling constant or the velocity is large.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures in LaTe

    Correction Factors for Reactions involving Quark-Antiquark Annihilation or Production

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    In reactions with qqˉq \bar q production or qqˉq\bar q annihilation, initial- and final-state interactions give rise to large corrections to the lowest-order cross sections. We evaluate the correction factor first for low relative kinetic energies by studying the distortion of the relative wave function. We then follow the procedure of Schwinger to interpolate this result with the well-known perturbative QCD vertex correction factors at high energies, to obtain an explicit semi-empirical correction factor applicable to the whole range of energies. The correction factor predicts an enhancement for qqˉq\bar q in color-singlet states and a suppression for color-octet states, the effect increasing as the relative velocity decreases. Consequences on dilepton production in the quark-gluon plasma, the Drell-Yan process, and heavy quark production processes are discussed.Comment: 25 pages (REVTeX), includes 2 uuencoded compressed postscript figure

    Singularity Structures in Coulomb-Type Potentials in Two Body Dirac Equations of Constraint Dynamics

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    Two Body Dirac Equations (TBDE) of Dirac's relativistic constraint dynamics have been successfully applied to obtain a covariant nonperturbative description of QED and QCD bound states. Coulomb-type potentials in these applications lead naively in other approaches to singular relativistic corrections at short distances that require the introduction of either perturbative treatments or smoothing parameters. We examine the corresponding singular structures in the effective potentials of the relativistic Schroedinger equation obtained from the Pauli reduction of the TBDE. We find that the relativistic Schroedinger equation lead in fact to well-behaved wave function solutions when the full potential and couplings of the system are taken into account. The most unusual case is the coupled triplet system with S=1 and L={(J-1),(J+1)}. Without the inclusion of the tensor coupling, the effective S-state potential would become attractively singular. We show how including the tensor coupling is essential in order that the wave functions be well-behaved at short distances. For example, the S-state wave function becomes simply proportional to the D-state wave function and dips sharply to zero at the origin, unlike the usual S-state wave functions. Furthermore, this behavior is similar in both QED and QCD, independent of the asymptotic freedom behavior of the assumed QCD vector potential. Light- and heavy-quark meson states can be described well by using a simplified linear-plus-Coulomb-type QCD potential apportioned appropriately between world scalar and vector potentials. We use this potential to exhibit explicitly the origin of the large pi-rho splitting and effective chiral symmetry breaking. The TBDE formalism developed here may be used to study quarkonia in quark-gluon plasma environments.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Vlasov Description Of Dense Quark Matter

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    We discuss properties of quark matter at finite baryon densities and zero temperature in a Vlasov approach. We use a screened interquark Richardson's potential consistent with the indications of Lattice QCD calculations. We analyze the choices of the quark masses and the parameters entering the potential which reproduce the binding energy (B.E.) of infinite nuclear matter. There is a transition from nuclear to quark matter at densities 5 times above normal nuclear matter density. The transition could be revealed from the determination of the position of the shifted meson masses in dense baryonic matter. A scaling form of the meson masses in dense matter is given.Comment: 15 pages 4 figure

    The Soft Gluon Emission Process in the Color-Octet Model for Heavy Quarkonium Production

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    The Color-Octet Model has been used successfully to analyze many problems in heavy quarkonium production. We examine some of the conceptual and practical problems of the soft gluon emission process in the Color-Octet Model. We use a potential model to describe the initial and final states in the soft gluon emission process, as the emission occurs at a late stage after the production of the heavy quark pair. It is found in this model that the soft gluon M1 transition, 1S0(8)->3S1(1), dominates over the E1 transition, 3PJ(8)->3S1(1), for J/psi and psi' production. Such a dominance may help resolve the questions of isotropic polarization and color-octet matrix element universality in the Color-Octet Model.Comment: 26 pages, in LaTe

    Centers of Mass and Rotational Kinematics for the Relativistic N-Body Problem in the Rest-Frame Instant Form

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    In the Wigner-covariant rest-frame instant form of dynamics it is possible to develop a relativistic kinematics for the N-body problem. The Wigner hyperplanes define the intrinsic rest frame and realize the separation of the center-of-mass. Three notions of {\it external} relativistic center of mass can be defined only in terms of the {\it external} Poincar\'e group realization. Inside the Wigner hyperplane, an {\it internal} unfaithful realization of the Poincar\'e group is defined. The three concepts of {\it internal} center of mass weakly {\it coincide} and are eliminated by the rest-frame conditions. An adapted canonical basis of relative variables is found. The invariant mass is the Hamiltonian for the relative motions. In this framework we can introduce the same {\it dynamical body frames}, {\it orientation-shape} variables, {\it spin frame} and {\it canonical spin bases} for the rotational kinematics developed for the non-relativistic N-body problem.Comment: 78 pages, revtex fil

    Energy and decay width of the pi-K atom

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    The energy and decay width of the pi-K atom are evaluated in the framework of the quasipotential-constraint theory approach. The main electromagnetic and isospin symmetry breaking corrections to the lowest-order formulas for the energy shift from the Coulomb binding energy and for the decay width are calculated. They are estimated to be of the order of a few per cent. We display formulas to extract the strong interaction S-wave pi-K scattering lengths from future experimental data concerning the pi-K atom.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figures, uses Axodra
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