16 research outputs found

    The performance of green communication across social media: Evidence from large-scale retail industry in Italy

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    Social media have surged prominently as communication channels for corporate social responsibility. However, little is still known about the performance of green versus non-green communication across different social media. We contribute by examining whether the presence of green features in social media communication exerts a beneficial effect on consumer response in terms of likes, comments, and shares. We also investigate how this effect hinges upon the social media platform where the content is posted as well as the richness of the format (text, photos, videos) utilized for the diffusion. To our scopes, we use an ad hoc dataset of posts of two major large-scale retailers in Italy across three major social media, namely Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Our results show that, while green content generally stimulates larger response than non-green content, its effect varies across social media, with the highest effect being observed on Instagram (at least for likes) and the lowest on Twitter (at least for comments). Moreover, the extent to which the positive effect of green content increases as media richness increases (i.e., moving from only text to text plus photo, and then to text plus video) is also contingent upon the social media platform. On Facebook, the moderation of media richness is positive and significant, while being insignificant on Instagram. On Twitter, the moderation is even nonmonotonic in the sense that the highest (positive) effect of green content tends to be obtained for either low or high media richness. Our findings offer remarkable implications for firms engaging in environmental sustainability

    Trattamento di reflui lattiero-caseari mediante l'impiego della microalga Euglena gracilis

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    L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è quello di valutare la possibilità pratica dello sfruttamento dei reflui lattiero-caseari quali fonte fertilizzante per la coltivazione microalgale. Parallelamente a tale obiettivo ci si è prefissi la volontà di valutare l’efficacia nella rimozione dei nutrienti dai reflui lattiero-caseari durante la coltivazione di microalghe. I parametri utilizzati per valutare tale tipo di rimozione sono essenzialmente rappresentati dai limiti imposti per legge allo sversamento in acque superficiali ed in fognatura di tali reflui; ci si è quindi prefissi di valutare come sufficiente o insufficiente l’azione di rimozione dei nutrienti dai reflui lattiero-caseari, basandosi su tali parametri. La scelta della microalga da selezionare per lo svolgimento dell’attività sperimentale è ricaduta su di un ceppo mutante, isolato all’interno delle strutture del CNR di Pisa, appartenente al genere Euglena. Dalla sperimentazione condotta sono emerse interessanti considerazioni di carattere tecnico scientifico, a proposito della possibilità di utilizzo della microalga mutante Euglena gracilis nel trattamento dei reflui dell’ industria lattiero-casearia. È emerso infatti come il processo di trattamento mediante l’ uso di E.gracilis abbia permesso una forte riduzione di tutti i valori legati a nutrienti ed attività biologica, fatta eccezione per il pH, indicando quindi una buona affinità tra la microalga selezionata ed il refluo individuato come elemento fertilizzante per la coltura

    Mit Studierenden Schule entwickeln. Studentische Forschung unterstützt Selbstevaluation

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    Crapa G, Koch B, Kuhn HP. Mit Studierenden Schule entwickeln. Studentische Forschung unterstützt Selbstevaluation. Lernende SChule. Accepted

    Lernen am Fall. Reflexionen in der Schulentwicklung initiieren

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    Crapa G, Heinzel F, Hofmann J, Koch B. Lernen am Fall. Reflexionen in der Schulentwicklung initiieren. Lernende Schule. 2021;24(94):23-25

    Zugänge zu inklusiver Schulentwicklung: Unvertrautes mit Fallarbeit und Forschendem Lernen erschließen

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    Hofmann J, Crapa G, Heinzel F, Koch B. Zugänge zu inklusiver Schulentwicklung: Unvertrautes mit Fallarbeit und Forschendem Lernen erschließen. In: Heinzel F, Krasemann B, eds. Erfahrung und Inklusion. Herausforderungen und Konzepte der Lehrer*innenbildung. Accepted

    Obstructive sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease - A new target for treatment

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    Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by recurrent episodes of partial (hypopnea) or complete interruption (apnea) in breathing during sleep due to airway collapse in the oral or pharyngeal region. Prospective studies have established the adverse cardiovascular consequences of OSA, including an increased risk for developing hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke, and heart failure. However, more studies are needed to better assess the impact of OSA, and possible benefit of treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on cardiovascular mortality. The leading pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the changes triggered by OSA include intermittent hypoxemia and re-oxygenation, arousals and changes in intrathoracic pressure. Hypertension is strongly related with activation of the sympathetic nervous system, stimulation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and endothelial dysfunction. OSA should be suspected in hypertensive individuals, particularly in patients with resistant hypertension. CPAP treatment reduces blood pressure, and its effects are more pronounced in patients with high baseline blood pressure and elevated treatment compliance. At present, no clear evidence supports CPAP treatment for primary or secondary cardiovascular disease prevention