45 research outputs found

    What is ‘anti’ about anti-reaches? Reference frames selectively affect reaction times and endpoint variability

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    Reach movement planning involves the representation of spatial target information in different reference frames. Neurons at parietal and premotor stages of the cortical sensorimotor system represent target information in eye- or hand-centered reference frames, respectively. How the different neuronal representations affect behavioral parameters of motor planning and control, i.e. which stage of neural representation is relevant for which aspect of behavior, is not obvious from the physiology. Here, we test with a behavioral experiment if different kinematic movement parameters are affected to a different degree by either an eye- or hand-reference frame. We used a generalized anti-reach task to test the influence of stimulus-response compatibility (SRC) in eye- and hand-reference frames on reach reaction times, movement times, and endpoint variability. While in a standard anti-reach task, the SRC is identical in the eye- and hand-reference frames, we could separate SRC for the two reference frames. We found that reaction times were influenced by the SRC in eye- and hand-reference frame. In contrast, movement times were only influenced by the SRC in hand-reference frame, and endpoint variability was only influenced by the SRC in eye-reference frame. Since movement time and endpoint variability are the result of planning and control processes, while reaction times are consequences of only the planning process, we suggest that SRC effects on reaction times are highly suited to investigate reference frames of movement planning, and that eye- and hand-reference frames have distinct effects on different phases of motor action and different kinematic movement parameters

    A fuzzy logic model for hand posture control using human cortical activity recorded by micro-ECoG electrodes

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic model to decode the hand posture from electro-cortico graphic (ECoG) activity of the motor cortical areas. One subject was implanted with a micro-ECoG electrode array on the surface of the motor cortex. Neural signals were recorded from 14 electrodes on this array while Subject participated in three reach and grasp sessions. In each session, Subject reached and grasped a wooden toy hammer for five times. Optimal channels/electrodes which were active during the task were selected. Power spectral densities of optimal channels averaged over a time period of 1/2 second before the onset of the movement and 1 second after the onset of the movement were fed into a fuzzy logic model. This model decoded whether the posture of the hand is open or closed with 80% accuracy. Hand postures along the task time were decoded by using the output from the fuzzy logic model by two methods (i) velocity based decoding (ii) acceleration based decoding. The latter performed better when hand postures predicted by the model were compared to postures recorded by a data glove during the experiment. This fuzzy logic model was imported to MATLAB® SIMULINK to control a virtual hand. ©2009 IEEE

    Human motor cortical activity recorded with Micro-ECoG electrodes, during individual finger movements

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    In this study human motor cortical activity was recorded with a customized micro-ECoG grid during individual finger movements. The quality of the recorded neural signals was characterized in the frequency domain from three different perspectives: (1) coherence between neural signals recorded from different electrodes, (2) modulation of neural signals by finger movement, and (3) accuracy of finger movement decoding. It was found that, for the high frequency band (60-120 Hz), coherence between neighboring micro-ECoG electrodes was 0.3. In addition, the high frequency band showed significant modulation by finger movement both temporally and spatially, and a classification accuracy of 73% (chance level: 20%) was achieved for individual finger movement using neural signals recorded from the micro-ECoG grid. These results suggest that the micro-ECoG grid presented here offers sufficient spatial and temporal resolution for the development of minimally-invasive brain-computer interface applications. ©2009 IEEE