19 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Childhood pneumonia increases risk for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the COPDGene study

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    Chest CT Parameters for Subjects With and Without History of Childhood Pneumonia. Table S2. Effect of Childhood Pneumonia with Childhood Asthmatics Removed. Table S3. Effect of Childhood Pneumonia in Childhood Asthmatics Only. Table S4. Recall Assessment in Subjects Who Did Not Report Known COPD or Emphysema Diagnosis. Figure S1. Classification of subjects in cohort based on childhood pneumonia status. Figure S2. Distribution of age of first pneumonia in entire cohort (a) in subjects with a history of childhood pneumonia (b) and in subjects without a history of childhood pneumonia (c). Includes all subjects who reported an age of first pneumonia. (PDF 943 kb

    Additional file 13: Figure S9. of RNA sequencing identifies novel non-coding RNA and exon-specific effects associated with cigarette smoking

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    Exon-level expression of MAN1A2. The top plot shows mean normalized counts by smoking status on the log scale for each analyzed exon. One exon that showed significant differential usage (ENSE00001635177). The bottom table maps tested exons to known transcripts (1 = exon present in that transcript, 0 = exon not present in that transcript). (PNG 51 kb

    Additional file 6: Table S3. of RNA sequencing identifies novel non-coding RNA and exon-specific effects associated with cigarette smoking

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    Significant gene ontology terms over-represented in genes differentially expressed between current and former smokers. P-values are Bonferroni corrected for multiple comparisons. (XLSX 16 kb

    Additional file 10: Figure S6. of RNA sequencing identifies novel non-coding RNA and exon-specific effects associated with cigarette smoking

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    Exon-level expression of SASH1. The top plot shows mean normalized counts by smoking status on the log scale for each analyzed exon. One exon showed significant differential usage (ENSE00001444573). The bottom table maps tested exons to known transcripts (1 = exon present in that transcript, 0 = exon not present in that transcript). (PNG 64 kb

    Additional file 9: Figure S5. of RNA sequencing identifies novel non-coding RNA and exon-specific effects associated with cigarette smoking

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    Exon-level expression of EPS15. The top plot shows mean normalized counts by smoking status on the log scale for each analyzed exon. One exon showed significant differential usage (ENSE00001810132). The bottom table maps tested exons to known transcripts (1 = exon present in that transcript, 0 = exon not present in that transcript). (PNG 92 kb

    Additional file 11: Figure S7. of RNA sequencing identifies novel non-coding RNA and exon-specific effects associated with cigarette smoking

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    Exon-level expression of AREL1. The top plot shows mean normalized counts by smoking status on the log scale for each analyzed exon. One exon showed significant differential usage (ENSE00001400828). The bottom table maps tested exons to known transcripts (1 = exon present in that transcript, 0 = exon not present in that transcript). (PNG 102 kb

    Additional file 12: Figure S8. of RNA sequencing identifies novel non-coding RNA and exon-specific effects associated with cigarette smoking

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    Exon-level expression of last 11 exons of UTRN. The top plot shows mean normalized counts on the log scale for each exon passing filtering by smoking status. There was one exon that showed significant differential usage between current and former smokers (ENSE00001444981). The bottom table maps tested exons to known transcripts (1 = exon present in that transcript, 0 = exon not present in that transcript). (PNG 141 kb