36 research outputs found

    Matrix metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases in extracellular matrix remodeling during left ventricular diastolic dysfunction and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) are pivotal regulators of extracellular matrix (ECM) composition and could, due to their dynamic activity, function as prognostic tools for fibrosis and cardiac function in left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD) and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). We conducted a systematic review on experimental animal models of LVDD and HFpEF published in MEDLINE or Embase. Twenty-three studies were included with a total of 36 comparisons that reported established LVDD, quantification of cardiac fibrosis and cardiac MMP or TIMP expression or activity. LVDD/HFpEF models were divided based on underlying pathology: hemodynamic overload (17 comparisons), metabolic alteration (16 comparisons) or ageing (3 comparisons). Meta-analysis showed that echocardiographic parameters were not consistently altered in LVDD/HFpEF with invasive hemodynamic measurements better representing LVDD. Increased myocardial fibrotic area indicated comparable characteristics between hemodynamic and metabolic models. Regarding MMPs and TIMPs; MMP2 and MMP9 activity and protein and TIMP1 protein levels were mainly enhanced in hemodynamic models. In most cases only mRNA was assessed and there were no correlations between cardiac tissue and plasma levels. Female gender, a known risk factor for LVDD and HFpEF, was underrepresented. Novel studies should detail relevant model characteristics and focus on MMP and TIMP protein expression and activity to identify predictive circulating markers in cardiac ECM remodeling

    Cardiovascular sex-differences: insights via physiology-based modeling and potential for noninvasive sensing via ballistocardiography

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    In this study, anatomical and functional differences between men and women in their cardiovascular systems and how these differences manifest in blood circulation are theoretically and experimentally investigated. A validated mathematical model of the cardiovascular system is used as a virtual laboratory to simulate and compare multiple scenarios where parameters associated with sex differences are varied. Cardiovascular model parameters related with women’s faster heart rate, stronger ventricular contractility, and smaller blood vessels are used as inputs to quantify the impact (i) on the distribution of blood volume through the cardiovascular system, (ii) on the cardiovascular indexes describing the coupling between ventricles and arteries, and (iii) on the ballistocardiogram (BCG) signal. The model-predicted outputs are found to be consistent with published clinical data. Model simulations suggest that the balance between the contractile function of the left ventricle and the load opposed by the arterial circulation attains similar levels in females and males, but is achieved through different combinations of factors. Additionally, we examine the potential of using the BCG waveform, which is directly related to cardiovascular volumes, as a noninvasive method for monitoring cardiovascular function. Our findings provide valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms of cardiovascular sex differences and may help facilitate the development of effective noninvasive cardiovascular monitoring methods for early diagnosis and prevention of cardiovascular disease in both women and men

    Matrix Metalloproteinases and Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases in Extracellular Matrix Remodeling during Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction and Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) are pivotal regulators of extracellular matrix (ECM) composition and could, due to their dynamic activity, function as prognostic tools for fibrosis and cardiac function in left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD) and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF). We conducted a systematic review on experimental animal models of LVDD and HFpEF published in MEDLINE or Embase. Twenty-three studies were included with a total of 36 comparisons that reported established LVDD, quantification of cardiac fibrosis and cardiac MMP or TIMP expression or activity. LVDD/HFpEF models were divided based on underlying pathology: hemodynamic overload (17 comparisons), metabolic alteration (16 comparisons) or ageing (3 comparisons). Meta-analysis showed that echocardiographic parameters were not consistently altered in LVDD/HFpEF with invasive hemodynamic measurements better representing LVDD. Increased myocardial fibrotic area indicated comparable characteristics between hemodynamic and metabolic models. Regarding MMPs and TIMPs; MMP2 and MMP9 activity and protein and TIMP1 protein levels were mainly enhanced in hemodynamic models. In most cases only mRNA was assessed and there were no correlations between cardiac tissue and plasma levels. Female gender, a known risk factor for LVDD and HFpEF, was underrepresented. Novel studies should detail relevant model characteristics and focus on MMP and TIMP protein expression and activity to identify predictive circulating markers in cardiac ECM remodeling

    The cardiac enigma: current conundrums in heart failure research [version 1; referees: 3 approved]

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    The prevalence of heart failure is expected to increase almost 50% in the next 15 years because of aging of the general population, an increased frequency of comorbidities, and an improved survival following cardiac events. Conventional treatments for heart failure have remained largely static over the past 20 years, illustrating the pressing need for the discovery of novel therapeutic agents for this patient population. Given the heterogeneous nature of heart failure, it is important to specifically define the cellular mechanisms in the heart that drive the patient’s symptoms, particularly when considering new treatment strategies. This report highlights the latest research efforts, as well as the possible pitfalls, in cardiac disease translational research and discusses future questions and considerations needed to advance the development of new heart failure therapies. In particular, we discuss cardiac remodeling and the translation of animal work to humans and how advancements in our understanding of these concepts relative to disease are central to new discoveries that can improve cardiovascular health

    Low-intensity aerobic interval training attenuates pathological left ventricular remodeling and mitochondrial dysfunction in aortic-banded miniature swine

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    Cardiac hypertrophy in response to hypertension or myocardial infarction is a pathological indicator associated with heart failure (HF). A central component of the remodeling process is the loss of cardiomyocytes via cell death pathways regulated by the mitochondrion. Recent evidence has indicated that exercise training can attenuate or reverse pathological remodeling, creating a physiological phenotype. The purpose of this study was to examine left ventricular (LV) function, remodeling, and cardiomyocyte mitochondrial function in aortic-banded (AB) sedentary (HFSED; n = 6), AB exercise-trained (HFTR, n = 5), and control sedentary (n = 5) male Yucatan miniature swine. LV hypertrophy was present in both AB groups before the start of training, as indicated by increases in LV end-diastolic volume, LV end-systolic volume (LVESV), and LV end-systolic dimension (LVESD). Exercise training (15 wk) prevented further increases in LVESV and LVESD (P < 0.05). The heart weight-to-body weight ratio, LV + septum-to-body weight ratio, LV + septum-to-right ventricle ratio, and cardiomyocyte cross-sectional area were increased in both AB groups postmortem regardless of training status. Preservation of LV function after exercise training, as indicated by the maintenance of fractional shortening, ejection fraction, and mean wall shortening and increased stroke volume, was associated with an attenuation of the increased LV fibrosis (23%) and collagen (36%) observed in HFSED animals. LV mitochondrial dysfunction, as measured by Ca2+-induced mitochondrial permeability transition, was increased in HFSED (P < 0.05) but not HFTR animals. In conclusion, low-intensity interval exercise training preserved LV function as exemplified by an attenuation of fibrosis, maintenance of a positive inotropic state, and inhibition of mitochondrial dysfunction, providing further evidence of the therapeutic potential of exercise in a clinical setting

    Length and PKA Dependence of Force Generation and Loaded Shortening in Porcine Cardiac Myocytes

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    In healthy hearts, ventricular ejection is determined by three myofibrillar properties; force, force development rate, and rate of loaded shortening (i.e., power). The sarcomere length and PKA dependence of these mechanical properties were measured in porcine cardiac myocytes. Permeabilized myocytes were prepared from left ventricular free walls and myocyte preparations were calcium activated to yield ~50% maximal force after which isometric force was measured at varied sarcomere lengths. Porcine myocyte preparations exhibited two populations of length-tension relationships, one being shallower than the other. Moreover, myocytes with shallow length-tension relationships displayed steeper relationships following PKA. Sarcomere length-Ktr relationships also were measured and Ktr remained nearly constant over ~2.30 μm to ~1.90 μm and then increased at lengths below 1.90 μm. Loaded-shortening and peak-normalized power output was similar at ~2.30 μm and ~1.90 μm even during activations with the same [Ca2+], implicating a myofibrillar mechanism that sustains myocyte power at lower preloads. PKA increased myocyte power and yielded greater shortening-induced cooperative deactivation in myocytes, which likely provides a myofibrillar mechanism to assist ventricular relaxation. Overall, the bimodal distribution of myocyte length-tension relationships and the PKA-mediated changes in myocyte length-tension and power are likely important modulators of Frank-Starling relationships in mammalian hearts