234 research outputs found

    The shape of hyperbolic Dehn surgery space

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    In this paper we develop a new theory of infinitesimal harmonic deformations for compact hyperbolic 3-manifolds with ``tubular boundary''. In particular, this applies to complements of tubes of radius at least R_0 = \arctanh(1/\sqrt{3}) \approx 0.65848 around the singular set of hyperbolic cone manifolds, removing the previous restrictions on cone angles. We then apply this to obtain a new quantitative version of Thurston's hyperbolic Dehn surgery theorem, showing that all generalized Dehn surgery coefficients outside a disc of ``uniform'' size yield hyperbolic structures. Here the size of a surgery coefficient is measured using the Euclidean metric on a horospherical cross section to a cusp in the complete hyperbolic metric, rescaled to have area 1. We also obtain good estimates on the change in geometry (e.g. volumes and core geodesic lengths) during hyperbolic Dehn filling. This new harmonic deformation theory has also been used by Bromberg and his coworkers in their proofs of the Bers Density Conjecture for Kleinian groups.Comment: 46 pages, 3 figure

    Non-geometric veering triangulations

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    Recently, Ian Agol introduced a class of "veering" ideal triangulations for mapping tori of pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms of surfaces punctured along the singular points. These triangulations have very special combinatorial properties, and Agol asked if these are "geometric", i.e. realised in the complete hyperbolic metric with all tetrahedra positively oriented. This paper describes a computer program Veering, building on the program Trains by Toby Hall, for generating these triangulations starting from a description of the homeomorphism as a product of Dehn twists. Using this we obtain the first examples of non-geometric veering triangulations; the smallest example we have found is a triangulation with 13 tetrahedra

    Veering triangulations admit strict angle structures

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    Agol recently introduced the concept of a veering taut triangulation, which is a taut triangulation with some extra combinatorial structure. We define the weaker notion of a "veering triangulation" and use it to show that all veering triangulations admit strict angle structures. We also answer a question of Agol, giving an example of a veering taut triangulation that is not layered.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Triangulations of hyperbolic 3-manifolds admitting strict angle structures

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    It is conjectured that every cusped hyperbolic 3-manifold has a decomposition into positive volume ideal hyperbolic tetrahedra (a "geometric" triangulation of the manifold). Under a mild homology assumption on the manifold we construct topological ideal triangulations which admit a strict angle structure, which is a necessary condition for the triangulation to be geometric. In particular, every knot or link complement in the 3-sphere has such a triangulation. We also give an example of a triangulation without a strict angle structure, where the obstruction is related to the homology hypothesis, and an example illustrating that the triangulations produced using our methods are not generally geometric.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures. Minor edits and clarification based on referee's comments. Corrected proof of Lemma 7.4. To appear in the Journal of Topolog

    Triangulations of 3-manifolds with essential edges

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    We define essential and strongly essential triangulations of 3-manifolds, and give four constructions using different tools (Heegaard splittings, hierarchies of Haken 3-manifolds, Epstein-Penner decompositions, and cut loci of Riemannian manifolds) to obtain triangulations with these properties under various hypotheses on the topology or geometry of the manifold. We also show that a semi-angle structure is a sufficient condition for a triangulation of a 3-manifold to be essential, and a strict angle structure is a sufficient condition for a triangulation to be strongly essential. Moreover, algorithms to test whether a triangulation of a 3-manifold is essential or strongly essential are given.Comment: 30 pages, 14 figures. Exposition improve
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