1,673 research outputs found

    Analysis of variability in the burst oscillations of the accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1814-338

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    The accreting millisecond pulsar XTE J1814-338 exhibits oscillations at the known spin frequency during Type I X-ray bursts. The properties of the burst oscillations reflect the nature of the thermal asymmetry on the stellar surface. We present an analysis of the variability of the burst oscillations of this source, focusing on three characteristics: fractional amplitude, harmonic content and frequency. Fractional amplitude and harmonic content constrain the size, shape and position of the emitting region, whilst variations in frequency indicate motion of the emitting region on the neutron star surface. We examine both long-term variability over the course of the outburst, and short-term variability during the bursts. For most of the bursts, fractional amplitude is consistent with that of the accretion pulsations, implying a low degree of fuel spread. There is however a population of bursts whose fractional amplitudes are substantially lower, implying a higher degree of fuel spread, possibly forced by the explosive burning front of a precursor burst. For the first harmonic, substantial differences between the burst and accretion pulsations suggest that hotspot geometry is not the only mechanism giving rise to harmonic content in the latter. Fractional amplitude variability during the bursts is low; we cannot rule out the hypothesis that the fractional amplitude remains constant for bursts that do not exhibit photospheric radius expansion (PRE). There are no significant variations in frequency in any of the bursts except for the one burst that exhibits PRE. This burst exhibits a highly significant but small (0.1\approx 0.1Hz) drop in frequency in the burst rise. The timescale of the frequency shift is slower than simple burning layer expansion models predict, suggesting that other mechanisms may be at work.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ. Uses emulateapj.cl

    Flow Kinematics in Variable-Height Rotating Cylinder Arrays

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    Experimental data are presented for large arrays of rotating, variable-height cylinders in order to study the dependence of the three-dimensional mean flows on the height heterogeneity of the array. Elements in the examined arrays were spatially arranged in the same staggered paired configuration, and the heights of each element pair varied up to ±37.5% from the mean height (kept constant across all arrays), such that the arrays were vertically structured. Four vertical structuring configurations were examined at a nominal Reynolds number (based on freestream velocity and cylinder diameter) of 600 and nominal tip-speed ratios of 0, 2, and 4. It was found that the vertical structuring of the array could significantly alter the mean flow patterns. Most notably, a net vertical flow into the array from above was observed, which was augmented by the arrays' vertical structuring, showing a 75% increase from the lowest to highest vertical flows (as evaluated at the maximum element height, at a single rotation rate). This vertical flow into the arrays is of particular interest as it represents an additional mechanism by which high streamwise momentum can be transported from above the array down into the array. An evaluation of the streamwise momentum resource within the array indicates up to a 56% increase in the incoming streamwise velocity to the elements (from the lowest to highest ranking arrays, at a single rotation rate). These arrays of rotating cylinders may provide insight into the flow kinematics of arrays of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs). In a physical VAWT array, an increase in incoming streamwise flow velocity to a turbine corresponds to a (cubic) increase in the power output of the turbine. Thus, these results suggest a promising approach to increasing the power output of a VAWT array

    Low order physical models of vertical axis wind turbines

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    In order to examine the ability of low-order physical models of vertical axis wind turbines to accurately reproduce key flow characteristics, experimental data are presented for the mean flow patterns and turbulence spectra associated with pairs of rotating turbines, rotating solid cylinders, and stationary porous flat plates (of both uniform and non-uniform porosities). The experiments were conducted at a nominal model-diameter Reynolds number of 600 and rotation tip speed ratios between 0 and 6. By comparing the induced flow fields of the different models both qualitatively and quantitatively, it was concluded that the two dimensional horizontal mean flow fields induced by the porous flat plates were quantitatively similar to those induced by slowly rotating turbine models. However, over the range of the experimental parameters examined, the porous flat plates were unable to produce vertical flows similar to those associated with the slowly rotating turbine models. Conversely, the moderately rotating cylinders induced three dimensional mean flow fields quantitatively similar to those induced by rapidly rotating turbine models. These findings have implications for both laboratory experiments and numerical simulations, which have previously used analogous low order models in order to reduce experimental/computational costs. Specifically, over the range of parameters examined, the comparison between induced flow fields of the different model fidelities allows identification of the lowest cost model for which the specific goals of a study can be obtained, to within the desired accuracy. And if a lower fidelity model is used, it is possible to incorporate into the analysis of the collected data an understanding of how the results would be expected to vary from a higher fidelity case

    Low-order modeling of wind farm aerodynamics using leaky Rankine bodies

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    We develop and characterize a low-order model of the mean flow through an array of vertical-axis wind turbines (VAWTs), consisting of a uniform flow and pairs of potential sources and sinks to represent each VAWT. The source and sink in each pair are of unequal strength, thereby forming a “leaky Rankine body” (LRB). In contrast to a classical Rankine body, which forms closed streamlines around a bluff body in potential flow, the LRB streamlines have a qualitatively similar appearance to a separated bluff body wake; hence, the LRB concept is used presently to model the VAWT wake. The relative strengths of the source and sink are determined from first principles analysis of an actuator disk model of the VAWTs. The LRB model is compared with field measurements of various VAWT array configurations measured over a 3-yr campaign. It is found that the LRB model correctly predicts the ranking of array performances to within statistical certainty. Furthermore, by using the LRB model to predict the flow around two-turbine and three-turbine arrays, we show that there are two competing fluid dynamic mechanisms that contribute to the overall array performance: turbine blockage, which locally accelerates the flow; and turbine wake formation, which locally decelerates the flow as energy is extracted. A key advantage of the LRB model is that optimal turbine array configurations can be found with significantly less computational expense than higher fidelity numerical simulations of the flow and much more rapidly than in experiments

    Food Storage in Permafrost and Seasonally Frozen Ground in Chukotka and Alaska Communities

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    Food cellars, otherwise referred to as ice or meat cellars, (lednik in Russian, k’aetyran in Chukchi, siġļuaq in Iñupiaq, and siqlugaq in Yupik) are a natural form of refrigeration in permafrost or seasonally frozen ground used to preserve, age, and ferment foods harvested for subsistence, including marine mammals, birds, fish, and plants. Indigenous peoples throughout the Arctic have constructed cellars in frozen ground for millennia. This paper focuses on cellars in Russian and American coastal and island communities of the Bering Strait, the region otherwise known as Beringia. This area has a unique, culturally rich, and politically dynamic history. Many traditions associated with cellars are threatened in Chukchi communities in Russia because of the impacts of climate change, relocation, dietary changes, and industrial development. However, even with warmer temperatures, cellars still provide a means to age and ferment food stuffs following traditional methods. In cooperation with local stakeholders, we measured internal temperatures of 18 cellars in 13 communities throughout the Bering Strait region and northern Alaska. Though cellars are widely used in permafrost regions, their structure, usage, and maintenance methods differ and exhibit influences of local climates, traditions, and economic activities. Monitoring internal temperatures and recording structural descriptions of cellars is important in the face of climate change to better understand the variety and resilience of living adaptations in different cold regions.Les caves à denrées, aussi connues sous le nom de caves à glace ou de caves à viande (lednik en russe, k’aetyran en tchouktche, siġļuaq en iñupiaq, et siqlugaq en yupik) constituent une forme de réfrigération naturelle dans le pergélisol ou dans le gélisol saisonnier permettant de conserver, de maturer et de fermenter les denrées récoltées à des fins de subsistance, dont les mammifères marins, les oiseaux, les poissons et les plantes. Cela fait des millénaires que les peuples autochtones de l’Arctique construisent des caves dans le gélisol. Cet article porte sur les caves se trouvant dans les localités côtières et insulaires russes et américaines du détroit de Béring, région qui porte également le nom de Béringie. L’histoire de cette région est unique, culturellement riche et politiquement dynamique. De nombreuses traditions liées aux caves des localités tchouktches de la Russie sont menacées en raison des incidences du changement climatique, de la délocalisation, du changement des régimes alimentaires et de l’expansion industrielle. Cependant, malgré les températures plus élevées, les caves constituent toujours un moyen de maturer et de fermenter les denrées alimentaires selon les méthodes traditionnelles. En collaboration avec les parties prenantes de la région, nous avons mesuré les températures internes de 18 caves situées dans 13 localités de la région du détroit de Béring et du nord de l’Alaska. Bien que les caves soient courantes dans les régions de pergélisol, leur structure, leur usage et les méthodes d’entretien diffèrent, et elles sont à l’image des influences des traditions, des activités économiques et des climats locaux. La surveillance des températures internes et l’enregistrement des descriptions structurales des caves revêtent de l’importance à la lumière du changement climatique, car elles permettent de mieux comprendre la variété et la résilience des adaptations de vie dans différentes régions froides.называемые иногда мясными ямами (лéдник по-русски, к’этыран по-чукотски, Siġļuaq или Siqlugaq по-эскимосски), обустроены как в вечномёрзлых породах, так и в сезонноталом слое и являются естественной формой заморозки для сохранения, выдержки и ферментации пищевых продуктов, добытых для пропитания: мясо морских млекопитающих, дичь, рыба, растения и др. Коренные жители Арктики обустраивали хранилища в мерзлоте на протяжении тысячелетий. Данная статья посвящена подземным хранилищам в российских и американских поселениях на берегах Берингова пролива – региона, также называемого Берингией. Эта территория имеет уникальную, богатую культурой и политически динамичную историю. Многие традиции, связанные с хранилищами в поселениях Чукотки, находятся под угрозой исчезновения из-за климатических изменений, миграции жителей, изменений в рационе и промышленного освоения территории. Однако даже при повышении температуры воздуха в хранилищах по-прежнему можно выдерживать и ферментировать пищу традиционными способами. При сотрудничестве с местным населением мы измерили температуры внутреннего воздуха в 18 лéдниках в 13 поселениях в регионе Берингова пролива и на севере Аляски. Несмотря на широкое использование таких хранилищ в криолитозоне, их структура, использование и методы обслуживания различаются под влиянием климатических условий, традиций и особенностей промысла. Мониторинг внутренней температуры воздуха в лéдниках и описание их конструкций важны в контексте изменения климата для лучшего понимания разнообразия и эффективности различных способов адаптации к жизни в холодных регионах

    Electric field and tip geometry effects on dielectrophoretic growth of carbon nanotube nanofibrils on scanning probes

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    Single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) nanofibrils were assembled onto a variety of conductive scanning probes including atomic force microscope (AFM) tips and scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) needles using positive dielectrophoresis (DEP). The magnitude of the applied electric field was varied in the range of 1-20 V to investigate its effect on the dimensions of the assembled SWNT nanofibrils. Both length and diameter grew asymptotically as voltage increased from 5 to 18 V. Below 4 V, stable attachment of SWNT nanofibrils could not be achieved due to the relatively weak DEP force versus Brownian motion. At voltages of 20 V and higher, low quality nanofibrils resulted from incorporating large amounts of impurities. For intermediate voltages, optimal nanofibrils were achieved, though pivotal to this assembly is the wetting behaviour upon tip immersion in the SWNT suspension drop. This process was monitored in situ to correlate wetting angle and probe geometry (cone angles and tip height), revealing that probes with narrow cone angles and long shanks are optimal. It is proposed that this results from less wetting of the probe apex, and therefore reduces capillary forces and especially force transients during the nanofibril drawing process. Relatively rigid probes (force constant >= 2 N/m) exhibited no perceivable cantilever bending upon wetting and de-wetting, resulting in the most stable process control

    Plasma and cerebrospinal fluid amyloid beta for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease dementia and other dementias in people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

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    BACKGROUND: According to the latest revised National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke and the Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association (now known as the Alzheimer's Association) (NINCDS-ADRDA) diagnostic criteria for Alzheimer's disease dementia of the National Institute on Aging and Alzheimer Association, the confidence in diagnosing mild cognitive impairment (MCI) due to Alzheimer's disease dementia is raised with the application of biomarkers based on measures in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or imaging. These tests, added to core clinical criteria, might increase the sensitivity or specificity of a testing strategy. However, the accuracy of biomarkers in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease dementia and other dementias has not yet been systematically evaluated. A formal systematic evaluation of sensitivity, specificity, and other properties of plasma and CSF amyloid beta (Aß) biomarkers was performed. OBJECTIVES: To determine the accuracy of plasma and CSF Aß levels for detecting those patients with MCI who would convert to Alzheimer's disease dementia or other forms of dementia over time. SEARCH METHODS: The most recent search for this review was performed on 3 December 2012. We searched MEDLINE (OvidSP), EMBASE (OvidSP), BIOSIS Previews (ISI Web of Knowledge), Web of Science and Conference Proceedings (ISI Web of Knowledge), PsycINFO (OvidSP), and LILACS (BIREME). We also requested a search of the Cochrane Register of Diagnostic Test Accuracy Studies (managed by the Cochrane Renal Group).No language or date restrictions were applied to the electronic searches and methodological filters were not used so as to maximise sensitivity. SELECTION CRITERIA: We selected those studies that had prospectively well defined cohorts with any accepted definition of cognitive decline, but no dementia, with baseline CSF or plasma Aß levels, or both, documented at or around the time the above diagnoses were made. We also included studies which looked at data from those cohorts retrospectively, and which contained sufficient data to construct two by two tables expressing plasma and CSF Aß biomarker results by disease status. Moreover, studies were only selected if they applied a reference standard for Alzheimer's dementia diagnosis, for example the NINCDS-ADRDA or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) criteria. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We screened all titles generated by the electronic database searches. Two review authors independently assessed the abstracts of all potentially relevant studies. We assessed the identified full papers for eligibility and extracted data to create standard two by two tables. Two independent assessors performed quality assessment using the QUADAS-2 tool. Where data allowed, we derived estimates of sensitivity at fixed values of specificity from the model we fitted to produce the summary receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. MAIN RESULTS: Alzheimer's disease dementia was evaluated in 14 studies using CSF Aß42. Of the 1349 participants included in the meta-analysis, 436 developed Alzheimer's dementia. Individual study estimates of sensitivity were between 36% and 100% while the specificities were between 29% and 91%. Because of the variation in assay thresholds, we did not estimate summary sensitivity and specificity. However, we derived estimates of sensitivity at fixed values of specificity from the model we fitted to produce the summary ROC curve. At the median specificity of 64%, the sensitivity was 81% (95% CI 72 to 87). This equated to a positive likelihood ratio (LR+) of 2.22 (95% CI 2.00 to 2.47) and a negative likelihood ratio (LR-) of 0.31 (95% CI 0.21 to 0.48).The accuracy of CSF Aß42 for all forms of dementia was evaluated in four studies. Of the 464 participants examined, 188 developed a form of dementia (Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia).The thresholds used were between 209 mg/ml and 512 ng/ml. The sensitivities were between 56% and 75% while the specificities were between 47% and 76%. At the median specificity of 75%, the sensitivity was estimated to be 63% (95% CI 22 to 91) from the meta-analytic model. This equated to a LR+ of 2.51 (95% CI 1.30 to 4.86) and a LR- of 0.50 (95% CI 0.16 to 1.51).The accuracy of CSF Aß42 for non-Alzheimer's disease dementia was evaluated in three studies. Of the 385 participants examined, 61 developed non-Alzheimer's disease dementia. Since there were very few studies and considerable variation between studies, the results were not meta-analysed. The sensitivities were between 8% and 63% while the specificities were between 35% and 67%.Only one study examined the accuracy of plasma Aß42 and the plasma Aß42/Aß40 ratio for Alzheimer's disease dementia. The sensitivity of 86% (95% CI 81 to 90) was the same for both tests while the specificities were 50% (95% CI 44 to 55) and 70% (95% CI 64 to 75) for plasma Aß42 and the plasma Aß42/Aß40 ratio respectively. Of the 565 participants examined, 245 developed Alzheimer's dementia and 87 non-Alzheimer's disease dementia.There was substantial heterogeneity between studies. The accuracy of Aß42 for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease dementia did not differ significantly (P = 0.8) between studies that pre-specified the threshold for determining test positivity (n = 6) and those that only determined the threshold at follow-up (n = 8). One study excluded a sample of MCI non-Alzheimer's disease dementia converters from their analysis. In sensitivity analyses, the exclusion of this study had no impact on our findings. The exclusion of eight studies (950 patients) that were considered at high (n = 3) or unclear (n = 5) risk of bias for the patient selection domain also made no difference to our findings. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: The proposed diagnostic criteria for prodromal dementia and MCI due to Alzheimer's disease, although still being debated, would be fulfilled where there is both core clinical and cognitive criteria and a single biomarker abnormality. From our review, the measure of abnormally low CSF Aß levels has very little diagnostic benefit with likelihood ratios suggesting only marginal clinical utility. The quality of reports was also poor, and thresholds and length of follow-up were inconsistent. We conclude that when applied to a population of patients with MCI, CSF Aß levels cannot be recommended as an accurate test for Alzheimer's disease

    A Kinematic Description of the Key Flow Characteristics in an Array of Finite-Height Rotating Cylinders

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    Experimental data are presented for large arrays of rotating, finite-height cylinders to study the dependence of the three-dimensional (3D) mean flows on the geometric and rotational configurations of the array. Two geometric configurations, each with two rotational configurations, were examined at a nominal Reynolds number of 600 and nominal tip-speed ratios of 0, 2, and 4. It was found that the rotation of the cylinders drives the formation of streamwise and transverse flow patterns between cylinders and that net time–space averaged transverse and vertical flows exist within the developed flow region of the array. This net vertical mean flow provides an additional mechanism for the exchange of momentum between the flow within the array and the flow above it, independent from the turbulent exchange mechanisms which are also observed to increase by almost a factor of three in a rotating array. As an array of rotating cylinders may provide insight into the flow kinematics of an array of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs), this planform momentum flux (both mean and turbulent) is of particular interest, as it has the potential to increase the energy resource available to turbines far downstream of the leading edge of the array. In the present study, the streamwise momentum flux into the array could be increased for the rotating-element arrays by up to a factor of 5.7 compared to the stationary-element arrays, while the streamwise flow frontally averaged over the elements could be increased by up to a factor of four in the rotating-element arrays compared to stationary-element arrays

    Flow Kinematics in Variable-Height Rotating Cylinder Arrays

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    Experimental data are presented for large arrays of rotating, variable-height cylinders in order to study the dependence of the three-dimensional mean flows on the height heterogeneity of the array. Elements in the examined arrays were spatially arranged in the same staggered paired configuration, and the heights of each element pair varied up to ±37.5% from the mean height (kept constant across all arrays), such that the arrays were vertically structured. Four vertical structuring configurations were examined at a nominal Reynolds number (based on freestream velocity and cylinder diameter) of 600 and nominal tip-speed ratios of 0, 2, and 4. It was found that the vertical structuring of the array could significantly alter the mean flow patterns. Most notably, a net vertical flow into the array from above was observed, which was augmented by the arrays' vertical structuring, showing a 75% increase from the lowest to highest vertical flows (as evaluated at the maximum element height, at a single rotation rate). This vertical flow into the arrays is of particular interest as it represents an additional mechanism by which high streamwise momentum can be transported from above the array down into the array. An evaluation of the streamwise momentum resource within the array indicates up to a 56% increase in the incoming streamwise velocity to the elements (from the lowest to highest ranking arrays, at a single rotation rate). These arrays of rotating cylinders may provide insight into the flow kinematics of arrays of vertical axis wind turbines (VAWTs). In a physical VAWT array, an increase in incoming streamwise flow velocity to a turbine corresponds to a (cubic) increase in the power output of the turbine. Thus, these results suggest a promising approach to increasing the power output of a VAWT array