43 research outputs found

    Prioritizing platonism

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    Discussion of atomistic and monistic theses about abstract reality

    Advice for Eleatics

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    Eleaticism ties ontology to causality by denying the impossibility of causally inert entities. This paper examines some challenges regarding the proper formulation and general plausibility of Eleaticism. After suggesting how Eleatics ought to respond to these challenges, I consider the prospects for extending Eleaticism from ontology to ideology by requiring all primitive ideology to be causal in nature. Surprisingly enough, the resulting view delivers an eternalist and possibilist metaphysical picture in the neighborhood of Lewisian modal realism

    The relationship between critical flicker fusion threshold and executive function across the autistic trait spectrum

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    Previous research by Mewborn et al. (2015) investigating the link between Critical Flicker Fusion Threshold (CFFT) and higher-order cognitive functions found a significant correlation between CFFT and executive function, as measured by scores from the Shifting Attention Task. Given the well-established links between autism and deficits in executive function, and the less well-established links between autism and flicker perception, this study explores the possible link between CFFT, executive function, and autistic traits. Using an achromatic flicker task, no relationship was found between CFFT and executive function and CFFT and self- rated autistic traits (as measured by the Autism Quotient; Baron-Cohen et al., 2019). This investigation also found no relationship between CFFT and processing speed (as measured by the processing speed index from the WAIS-IV; Wechsler, 2008), but the current study did find that processing speed significantly predicted executive function. These results cast some doubt on the notion that CFFT, a proxy measure of processing speed is related to executive function and that flicker perception is related to autistic traits. Further questions and additional research and theoretical ideas are developed, along with possible explanations for these, and previous findings

    How to Be Omnipresent

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    Attributions of omnipresence, most familiar within the philosophy of religion, typically take the omnipresence of an entity to either consist in that entity's occupation of certain regions or be dependent upon other of that entity's attributes, such as omnipotence or omniscience. This paper defends an alternative conception of omnipresence that is independent of other purported divine attributes and dispenses with occupation. The resulting view repurposes the metaphysics of necessitism and permanentism, taking omnipresent entities to be those entities that exist at all regions. This view is then shown to best accommodate attributions of omnipresence to a diverse range of metaphysical posits, like abstract entities, and a more diverse class of religious posits

    Win Prediction in Esports: Mixed-Rank Match Prediction in Multi-player Online Battle Arena Games

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    Esports has emerged as a popular genre for players as well as spectators, supporting a global entertainment industry. Esports analytics has evolved to address the requirement for data-driven feedback, and is focused on cyber-athlete evaluation, strategy and prediction. Towards the latter, previous work has used match data from a variety of player ranks from hobbyist to professional players. However, professional players have been shown to behave differently than lower ranked players. Given the comparatively limited supply of professional data, a key question is thus whether mixed-rank match datasets can be used to create data-driven models which predict winners in professional matches and provide a simple in-game statistic for viewers and broadcasters. Here we show that, although there is a slightly reduced accuracy, mixed-rank datasets can be used to predict the outcome of professional matches, with suitably optimized configurations

    Naturalism and Non-Qualitative Properties

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    Lynne Baker’s case for the incompatibility of naturalism with the first-person perspective raises a range of questions about the relationship between naturalism and the various properties involved in first-person perspectives. After arguing that non-qualitative properties—most notably, haecceities like being Lynne Baker—are ineliminably tied to first-person perspectives, this paper considers whether naturalism and non-qualitative properties are, in fact, compatible. In doing so, the discussion focus on Shamik Dasupgta’s argument against individuals and, in turn, non-qualitative properties. Several strategies for undermining Dasgupta's argument are considered, drawing on de re laws and haecceitistic possibilities. Finally, an analogy is drawn between naturalism and platonism regarding mathematical entities and naturalism's parallel commitment to individuals. I conclude that naturalists are obliged to posit non-qualitative properties

    Using Association Rule Mining to Predict Opponent Deck Content in Android: Netrunner

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    As part of their design, card games often include information that is hidden from opponents and represents a strategic advantage if discovered. A player that can discover this information will be able to alter their strategy based on the nature of that information, and therefore become a more competent opponent. In this paper, we employ association rule-mining techniques for predicting item multisets, and show them to be effective in predicting the content of Netrunner decks. We then apply different modifications based on heuristic knowledge of the Netrunner game, and show the effectiveness of techniques which consider this knowledge during rule generation and prediction

    A Conceptual Framework of Business Model Emerging Resilience

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    In this paper we introduce an environmentally driven conceptual framework of Business Model change. Business models acquired substantial momentum in academic literature during the past decade. Several studies focused on what exactly constitutes a Business Model (role model, recipe, architecture etc.) triggering a theoretical debate about the Business Model’s components and their corresponding dynamics and relationships. In this paper, we argue that for Business Models as cognitive structures, are highly influenced in terms of relevance by the context of application, which consequently enriches its functionality. As a result, the Business Model can be used either as a role model (benchmarking) or a recipe (strategy). For that purpose, we assume that the Business Model is embedded within the economic (task) environment, and consequently affected by it. Through a typology of the environmental impact on the Business Model productivity, we introduce a conceptual framework that aims to capture the salient features of Business Model emergent resilience as reaction to two types impact: productivity constraining and disturbin

    Narrative Bytes : Data-Driven Content Production in Esports

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    Esports - video games played competitively that are broadcast to large audiences - are a rapidly growing new form of mainstream entertainment. Esports borrow from traditional TV, but are a qualitatively different genre, due to the high flexibility of content capture and availability of detailed gameplay data. Indeed, in esports, there is access to both real-time and historical data about any action taken in the virtual world. This aspect motivates the research presented here, the question asked being: can the information buried deep in such data, unavailable to the human eye, be unlocked and used to improve the live broadcast compilations of the events? In this paper, we present a large-scale case study of a production tool called Echo, which we developed in close collaboration with leading industry stakeholders. Echo uses live and historic match data to detect extraordinary player performances in the popular esport Dota 2, and dynamically translates interesting data points into audience-facing graphics. Echo was deployed at one of the largest yearly Dota 2 tournaments, which was watched by 25 million people. An analysis of 40 hours of video, over 46,000 live chat messages, and feedback of 98 audience members showed that Echo measurably affected the range and quality of storytelling, increased audience engagement, and invoked rich emotional response among viewers

    A strategic roadmap for BM change for the video-games industry

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    The global video games industry has experienced and exponential growth in terms of socioeconomic impact during the last 50 years. Surprisingly, little academic interest is directed towards the industry, particularly in the context of BM Change. As a technologically intensive creative industry, developing studios and publishers experience substantial internal and external forces to identify, and sustain, their competitive advantage. To achieve that, managers are called to systematically explore and exploit, alternative BMs that are compatible with the company’s strategy. We build on empirical analysis of the video-games industry to construct a Toolkit that i) will help practitioners and academics to describe the industrial ecosystem of BMs more accurately, and ii) use it a strategic roadmap for managers to navigate through alternatives for entrepreneurial and growth purposes