1,782 research outputs found

    An Integrated Picture of Star Formation, Metallicity Evolution, and Galactic Stellar Mass Assembly

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    We present an integrated study of star formation and galactic stellar mass assembly from z=0.05-1.5 and galactic metallicity evolution from z=0.05-0.9 using a very large and highly spectroscopically complete sample selected by rest-frame NIR bolometric flux in the GOODS-N. We assume a Salpeter IMF and fit Bruzual & Charlot (2003) models to compute the galactic stellar masses and extinctions. We determine the expected formed stellar mass density growth rates produced by star formation and compare them with the growth rates measured from the formed stellar mass functions by mass interval. We show that the growth rates match if the IMF is slightly increased from the Salpeter IMF at intermediate masses (~10 solar masses). We investigate the evolution of galaxy color, spectral type, and morphology with mass and redshift and the evolution of mass with environment. We find that applying extinction corrections is critical when analyzing galaxy colors; e.g., nearly all of the galaxies in the green valley are 24um sources, but after correcting for extinction, the bulk of the 24um sources lie in the blue cloud. We find an evolution of the metallicity-mass relation corresponding to a decrease of 0.21+/-0.03 dex between the local value and the value at z=0.77 in the 1e10-1e11 solar mass range. We use the metallicity evolution to estimate the gas mass of the galaxies, which we compare with the galactic stellar mass assembly and star formation histories. Overall, our measurements are consistent with a galaxy evolution process dominated by episodic bursts of star formation and where star formation in the most massive galaxies (>1e11 solar masses) ceases at z<1.5 because of gas starvation. (Abstract abridged)Comment: 48 pages, Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    The bar PANDA focussing-lightguide disc DIRC

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    bar PANDA will be a fixed target experiment internal to the HESR antiproton storage ring at the future FAIR complex. The ANDA detector requires excellent particle-identification capabilities in order to achieve its scientific potential. Cherenkov counters employing the DIRC principle were chosen as PID detectors for the Target Spectrometer. The proposed Focussing-Lightguide Disc DIRC will cover the forward part of the Target Spectrometer acceptance in the angular range between 5° and 22°. Its design includes a novel approach to mitigate dispersion effects in the solid radiator of a DIRC counter using optical elements. The dispersion correction will enable the Focussing-Lightguide Disc DIRC to provide pion-kaon identification for momenta well above 3.5 GeV/c

    Optically Faint Microjansky Radio Sources

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    We report on the identifications of radio sources from our survey of the Hubble Deep Field and the SSA13 fields, both of which comprise the deepest radio surveys to date at 1.4 GHz and 8.5 GHz respectively. About 80% of the microjansky radio sources are associated with moderate redshift starburst galaxies or AGNs within the I magnitude range of 17 to 24 with a median of I = 22 mag. Thirty-one (20%) of the radio sources are: 1) fainter than I>I>25 mag, with two objects in the HDF IAB>I_{AB}>28.5, 2) often identified with very red objects I−K>I-K>4, and 3) not significantly different in radio properties than the brighter objects. We suggest that most of these objects are associated with heavily obscured starburst galaxies with redshifts between 1 and 3. However, other mechanisms are discussed and cannot be ruled out with the present observations.Comment: to appear in Astrophysical Journal Letters, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Galaxy Halo Masses from Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing

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    We present measurements of the extended dark halo profiles of bright early type galaxies at redshifts 0.1 to 0.9 obtained via galaxy-galaxy lensing analysis of images taken at the CFHT using the UH8K CCD mosaic camera. Six half degree fields were observed for a total of 2 hours each in I and V, resulting in catalogs containing ~20 000 galaxies per field. We used V-I color and I magnitude to select bright early type galaxies as the lens galaxies, yielding a sample of massive lenses with fairly well determined redshifts and absolute magnitudes M ~ M_* \pm 1. We paired these with faint galaxies lying at angular distances 20" to 60", corresponding to physical radii of 26 to 77 kpc (z = 0.1) and 105 to 315 kpc (z = 0.9), and computed the mean tangential shear of the faint galaxies. The shear falls off with radius roughly as expected for flat rotation curve halos. The shear values were weighted in proportion to the square root of the luminosity of the lens galaxy. Our results give a value for the average mean rotation velocity of an L_* galaxy halo at r~50-200 kpc of v_* = 238^{+27}_{-30} km per sec for a flat lambda (Omega_m0 = 0.3, Omega_l0 = 0.7) cosmology (v_* = 269^{+34}_{-39} km per sec for Einstein-de Sitter), and with little evidence for evolution with redshift. We compare to halo masses measured by other groups/techniques. We find a mass-to-light ratio of ~121\pm28h(r/100 kpc) and these halos constitute Omega ~0.04 \pm 0.01(r/100 kpc) of closure density. (abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (minor modifications) - 32 pages, 11 figs, 5 table

    The Radio/Optical Catalog of the SSA13 Field

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    We present a 1.4-GHz catalog of 810 radio sources (560 sources in the complete sample) with 1.8" resolution found within a 17' radius in the SSA13 field (RA=13h12m,DEC=42d38'). The radio image from the VLA has an rms noise level of 4.82 microJy/beam at the field center, and Subaru optical images in r-band (6300A) and z-band (9200A) have a three-sigma detection magnitude of 26.1 and 24.9, respectively. 88% of the radio sources are identified with an optical counterpart, and there is significantly more reddening for objects fainter than 24-mag. The radio and optical parameters are tabulated, and source morphologies are displayed by radio contours overlaying optical false-color images. The radio structures show a wealth of complexity and these are classified into a small number of categories. About one-third of the radio sources are larger than 1.2" and their orientation is often similar to that of the associated galaxy or binary-galaxy system. The density of sources in the SSA13 field above 75 microJy is 0.40 per square arcmin, with a slope of -2.43 in the differential counts. The radio spectral index may steepen for sources below 75 microJy. We estimate that at most 40% of the microJansky radio sources are dominated by AGN processes.Comment: 50 pages, 14 figures of which fig 6 contains 33 parts. In press, Astrophysical Journal, Supp

    HST and Spitzer Observations of the Host Galaxy of GRB 050904: A Metal-Enriched, Dusty Starburst at z=6.295

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    We present deep Hubble Space Telescope and Spitzer Space Telescope observations of the host galaxy of GRB 050904 at z=6.295. The host is detected in the H-band and marginally at 3.6 micron. From these detections, and limits in the z'-band and 4.5 micron, we infer an extinction-corrected absolute magnitude, M(UV)=-20.7 mag, or ~L*, a substantial star formation rate of 15 solar masses per year, and a stellar mass of a few 10^9 solar masses. A comparison to the published sample of spectroscopically-confirmed galaxies at z>5.5 reveals that the host of GRB 050904 would evade detection and/or confirmation in any of the current surveys due to the lack of detectable Ly-alpha emission, which is likely the result of dust extinction (A[1200]~1.5 mag). This suggests that not all luminous starburst galaxies at z~6 are currently being accounted for. Most importantly, using the metallicity of Z~0.05 solar inferred from the afterglow absorption spectrum, our observations indicate for the first time that the observed evolution in the mass- and luminosity-metallicity relations from z=0 to z~2 continues on to z>6. The ease of measuring redshifts and metallicities from the afterglow emission suggests that in tandem with the next generation ground- and space-based telescopes, a GRB mission with dedicated near-IR follow-up can provide unique information on the evolution of stars and galaxies through the epoch of re-ionization.Comment: Submitted to ApJ; 11 pages, 5 figures; A high-resolution version of figure 1 can be found at http://www.ociw.edu/~eberger/fig1.050904.berger.ep

    Dusty star forming galaxies at high redshift

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    The global star formation rate in high redshift galaxies, based on optical surveys, shows a strong peak at a redshift of z=1.5, which implies that we have already seen most of the formation. High redshift galaxies may, however, emit most of their energy at submillimeter wavelengths if they contain substantial amounts of dust. The dust would absorb the starlight and reradiate it as far-infrared light, which would be redshifted to the submillimeter range. Here we report a deep survey of two blank regions of sky performed at submillimeter wavelengths (450 and 850-micron). If the sources we detect in the 850-micron band are powered by star formation, then each must be converting more than 100 solar masses of gas per year into stars, which is larger than the maximum star formation rates inferred for most optically-selected galaxies. The total amount of high redshift star formation is essentially fixed by the level of background light, but where the peak occurs in redshift for the submillimeter is not yet established. However, the background light contribution from only the sources detected at 850-micron is already comparable to that from the optically-selected sources. Establishing the main epoch of star formation will therefore require a combination of optical and submillimeter studies.Comment: 10 pages + 2 Postscript figures, under embargo at Natur

    Thermal and Photochemical Reduction and Functionalization Chemistry of the Uranyl Dication, [U VI O2] 2+

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    The uranyl ion, [UVIO2]2+, possesses rigorously trans, strongly covalent, and chemically robust U-oxo groups. However, through the use of anaerobic reaction techniques, both one- and two-electron reductive functionalization of the uranyl oxo groups has been discovered and developed. Prior to 2010, this unusual reactivity centered around the reductive silylation of the uranyl ion which entailed conversion of the oxo ligands into siloxy ligands and reductive metalation of the uranyl oxo with Group 1 and f-block metals. This review surveys the large number of new examples of reductive functionalization of the uranyl ion that have been reported since 2010, including reductive borylation and alumination, metalation with d- or f-block metals, and new examples of reductive silylation. Other examples of oxo-group functionalization of [UVIO2]2+ that do not involve reduction, mainly with Group 1 cations, are also covered, along with new advances in the photochemistry of the uranyl(VI) ion that involve the transient formation of formally uranyl(V) [UVO2]+ ion
