4 research outputs found

    Localization of HET-S to the Cell Periphery, Not to [Het-s] Aggregates, Is Associated with [Het-s]–HET-S Toxicity

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    Prion diseases are associated with accumulation of the amyloid form of the prion protein, but the mechanisms of toxicity are unknown. Amyloid toxicity is also associated with fungal prions. In Podospora anserina, the simultaneous presence of [Het-s] prion and its allelic protein HET-S causes cell death in a self-/nonself-discrimination process. Here, using the prion form of a fragment of HET-s ([PrD(157)(+)]), we show that [Het-s]–HET-S toxicity can be faithfully recapitulated in yeast. Overexpression of Hsp40 chaperone, Sis1, rescues this toxicity by curing cells of [PrD(157)(+)]. We find no evidence for toxic [PrD(157)(+)] conformers in the presence of HET-S. Instead, [PrD(157)(+)] appears to seed HET-S to accumulate at the cell periphery and to form aggregates distinct from visible [PrD(157)(+)] aggregates. Furthermore, HET-S mutants that cause HET-S to be sequestered into [PrD(157)(+)] prion aggregates are not toxic. The localization of HET-S at the cell periphery and its association with cell death was also observed in the native host Podospora anserina. Thus, upon interaction with [Het-s], HET-S localizes to the cell periphery, and this relocalization, rather than the formation of mixed HET-s/HET-S aggregates, is associated with toxicity

    Role of Hsp104 in the Propagation and Inheritance of the [Het-s] Prion

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    The chaperones of the ClpB/HSP100 family play a central role in thermotolerance in bacteria, plants, and fungi by ensuring solubilization of heat-induced protein aggregates. In addition in yeast, Hsp104 was found to be required for prion propagation. Herein, we analyze the role of Podospora anserina Hsp104 (PaHsp104) in the formation and propagation of the [Het-s] prion. We show that ΔPaHsp104 strains propagate [Het-s], making [Het-s] the first native fungal prion to be propagated in the absence of Hsp104. Nevertheless, we found that [Het-s]-propagon numbers, propagation rate, and spontaneous emergence are reduced in a ΔPaHsp104 background. In addition, inactivation of PaHsp104 leads to severe meiotic instability of [Het-s] and abolishes its meiotic drive activity. Finally, we show that ΔPaHSP104 strains are less susceptible than wild type to infection by exogenous recombinant HET-s(218–289) prion amyloids. Like [URE3] and [PIN+] in yeast but unlike [PSI+], [Het-s] is not cured by constitutive PaHsp104 overexpression. The observed effects of PaHsp104 inactivation are consistent with the described role of Hsp104 in prion aggregate shearing in yeast. However, Hsp104-dependency appears less stringent in P. anserina than in yeast; presumably because in Podospora prion propagation occurs in a syncitium