17 research outputs found

    Realizing Dynamic and Efficient Bipedal Locomotion on the Humanoid Robot DURUS

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2016.7487325This paper presents the methodology used to achieve efficient and dynamic walking behaviors on the prototype humanoid robotics platform, DURUS. As a means of providing a hardware platform capable of these behaviors, the design of DURUS combines highly efficient electromechanical components with “control in the loop” design of the leg morphology. Utilizing the final design of DURUS, a formal framework for the generation of dynamic walking gaits which maximizes efficiency by exploiting the full body dynamics of the robot, including the interplay between the passive and active elements, is developed. The gaits generated through this methodology form the basis of the control implementation experimentally realized on DURUS; in particular, the trajectories generated through the formal framework yield a feedforward control input which is modulated by feedback in the form of regulators that compensate for discrepancies between the model and physical system. The end result of the unified approach to control-informed mechanical design, formal gait design and regulator-based feedback control implementation is efficient and dynamic locomotion on the humanoid robot DURUS. In particular, DURUS was able to demonstrate dynamic locomotion at the DRC Finals Endurance Test, walking for just under five hours in a single day, traveling 3.9 km with a mean cost of transport of 1.61-the lowest reported cost of transport achieved on a bipedal humanoid robot

    Manipulating the alpha level cannot cure significance testing

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    We argue that making accept/reject decisions on scientific hypotheses, including a recent call for changing the canonical alpha level from p = 0.05 to p = 0.005, is deleterious for the finding of new discoveries and the progress of science. Given that blanket and variable alpha levels both are problematic, it is sensible to dispense with significance testing altogether. There are alternatives that address study design and sample size much more directly than significance testing does; but none of the statistical tools should be taken as the new magic method giving clear-cut mechanical answers. Inference should not be based on single studies at all, but on cumulative evidence from multiple independent studies. When evaluating the strength of the evidence, we should consider, for example, auxiliary assumptions, the strength of the experimental design, and implications for applications. To boil all this down to a binary decision based on a p-value threshold of 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, or anything else, is not acceptable

    Systematic assessment of long-read RNA-seq methods for transcript identification and quantification

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    The Long-read RNA-Seq Genome Annotation Assessment Project Consortium was formed to evaluate the effectiveness of long-read approaches for transcriptome analysis. Using different protocols and sequencing platforms, the consortium generated over 427 million long-read sequences from complementary DNA and direct RNA datasets, encompassing human, mouse and manatee species. Developers utilized these data to address challenges in transcript isoform detection, quantification and de novo transcript detection. The study revealed that libraries with longer, more accurate sequences produce more accurate transcripts than those with increased read depth, whereas greater read depth improved quantification accuracy. In well-annotated genomes, tools based on reference sequences demonstrated the best performance. Incorporating additional orthogonal data and replicate samples is advised when aiming to detect rare and novel transcripts or using reference-free approaches. This collaborative study offers a benchmark for current practices and provides direction for future method development in transcriptome analysis

    Dynamically stable bipedal robotic walking with NAO via human-inspired hybrid zero dynamics

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    This paper demonstrates the process of utilizing human lo-comotion data to formally design controllers that yield prov-ably stable robotic walking and experimentally realizing these formal methods to achieve dynamically stable bipedal robotic walking on the NAO robot. Beginning with walking data, outputs—or functions of the kinematics—are determined that result in a low-dimensional representation of human lo-comotion. These same outputs can be considered on a robot, and human-inspired control is used to drive the outputs of the robot to the outputs of the human. An optimization problem is presented that determines the parameters of this controller that provide the best fit of the human data while simultaneously ensuring partial hybrid zero dynamics. The main formal result of this paper is a proof that these same parameters result in a stable hybrid periodic orbit with a fixed point that can be computed in closed form. Thus, starting with only human data we obtain a stable walking gait for the bipedal robot model. These formal results are validated through experimentation: implementing the stable walking found in simulation on NAO results in dynamically stable robotic walking that shows excellent agreement with the simulated behavior from which it was derived

    Model predictive control of underactuated bipedal robotic walking

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    This paper addresses the problem of controlling underactuated bipedal walking robots in the presence of actuator torque saturation. The proposed method synthesizes elements of the Human-Inspired Control (HIC) approach for generating provably-stable walking controllers, rapidly exponentially stabilizing control Lyapunov functions (RES-CLFs) and standard model predictive control (MPC). Specifically, the proposed controller uses feedback linearization to construct a linear control system describing the dynamics of the walking outputs. The input to this linear system is designed to be the solution of a MPC-based Quadratic Program which minimizes the sum of the values of a RES-CLF-describing the walking control objectives-over a finite-time horizon. Future values of the torque constraints are mapped into the linear control system using the Hybrid Zero Dynamics property of HIC and subsequently incorporated in the Quadratic Program. The proposed method is implemented in a rigid-body dynamics simulation and initial experiments with the Durus robot

    Dynamic Humanoid Locomotion: A Scalable Formulation for HZD Gait Optimization

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    Hybrid zero dynamics (HZD) has emerged as a popular framework for dynamic walking but has significant implementation difficulties when applied to the high degrees of freedom humanoids. The primary impediment is the process of gait design—it is difficult for optimizers to converge on a viable set of virtual constraints defining a gait. This paper presents a methodology that allows for fast and reliable generation of dynamic robotic walking gaits through the HZD framework, even in the presence of underactuation. Specifically, we describe an optimization formulation that builds upon the novel combination of HZD and direct collocation methods. Furthermore, achieving a scalable implementation required developing a defect-variable substitution formulation to simplify expressions, which ultimately allows us to generate compact analytic Jacobians of the constraints. We experimentally validate our methodology on an underactuated humanoid, DURUS, a spring-legged machine designed to facilitate energy-economical walking. We show that the optimization approach, in concert with the HZD framework, yields dynamic and stable walking gaits in hardware with a total electrical cost of transport of 1.33

    3D Dynamic Walking with Underactuated Humanoid Robots: A Direct Collocation Framework for Optimizing Hybrid Zero Dynamics

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.DOI: 10.1109/ICRA.2016.7487279Hybrid zero dynamics (HZD) has emerged as a popular framework for dynamic and underactuated bipedal walking, but has significant implementation difficulties when applied to the high degrees of freedom present in humanoid robots. The primary impediment is the process of gait design– it is difficult for optimizers to converge on a viable set of virtual constraints defining a gait. This paper presents a methodology that allows for the fast and reliable generation of efficient multi-contact robotic walking gaits through the framework of HZD, even in the presence of underactuation. To achieve this goal, we unify methods from trajectory optimization with the control framework of multi-domain hybrid zero dynamics. By formulating a novel optimization problem in the context of direct collocation and generating analytic Jacobians for the constraints, solving the resulting nonlinear program becomes tractable for large-scale nonlinear programming solvers, even for systems as high-dimensional as humanoid robots. We experimentally validated our methodology on the spring-legged prototype humanoid, DURUS, showing that the optimization approach yields dynamic and stable 3D walking gaits

    Dynamic Humanoid Locomotion: A Scalable Formulation for HZD Gait Optimization

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    Hybrid zero dynamics (HZD) has emerged as a popular framework for dynamic walking but has significant implementation difficulties when applied to the high degrees of freedom humanoids. The primary impediment is the process of gait design—it is difficult for optimizers to converge on a viable set of virtual constraints defining a gait. This paper presents a methodology that allows for fast and reliable generation of dynamic robotic walking gaits through the HZD framework, even in the presence of underactuation. Specifically, we describe an optimization formulation that builds upon the novel combination of HZD and direct collocation methods. Furthermore, achieving a scalable implementation required developing a defect-variable substitution formulation to simplify expressions, which ultimately allows us to generate compact analytic Jacobians of the constraints. We experimentally validate our methodology on an underactuated humanoid, DURUS, a spring-legged machine designed to facilitate energy-economical walking. We show that the optimization approach, in concert with the HZD framework, yields dynamic and stable walking gaits in hardware with a total electrical cost of transport of 1.33

    Dynamic Humanoid Locomotion: A Scalable Formulation for HZD Gait Optimization

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    Realizing dynamic and efficient bipedal locomotion on the humanoid robot DURUS

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    This paper presents the methodology used to achieve efficient and dynamic walking behaviors on the prototype humanoid robotics platform, DURUS. As a means of providing a hardware platform capable of these behaviors, the design of DURUS combines highly efficient electromechanical components with “control in the loop” design of the leg morphology. Utilizing the final design of DURUS, a formal framework for the generation of dynamic walking gaits which maximizes efficiency by exploiting the full body dynamics of the robot, including the interplay between the passive and active elements, is developed. The gaits generated through this methodology form the basis of the control implementation experimentally realized on DURUS; in particular, the trajectories generated through the formal framework yield a feedforward control input which is modulated by feedback in the form of regulators that compensate for discrepancies between the model and physical system. The end result of the unified approach to control-informed mechanical design, formal gait design and regulator-based feedback control implementation is efficient and dynamic locomotion on the humanoid robot DURUS. In particular, DURUS was able to demonstrate dynamic locomotion at the DRC Finals Endurance Test, walking for just under five hours in a single day, traveling 3.9 km with a mean cost of transport of 1.61-the lowest reported cost of transport achieved on a bipedal humanoid robot