859 research outputs found

    Fostering Cognitive Presence in Online Courses: A Systematic Review (2008-2020)

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    Within the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework, cognitive presence has been central to success in higher education settings. This systematic review examined 24 articles published between 2008-2020 that empirically analyzed cognitive presence in online courses. We share the patterns that emerged regarding the interplay between teaching and cognitive presence and social and cognitive presence. We also explore how the four phases of cognitive presence—triggering event, exploration, integration, and resolution—were evident within specific instructional activities. We conclude with implications for practice that will be helpful for course instructors and designers seeking to foster greater cognitive presence within their online courses

    Case Notes

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    A review of juvenile redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1898) Aquaculture: global production practices and innovation

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    The Australian Redclaw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, has been the subject of aquaculture development for more than 3 decades. Farm production from Australia and from around the world for this species has been relatively low, as suitable production technology continues to develop. The production of redclaw juveniles for the purpose of stocking to ponds for on-growing to marketable size, has been a particular constraint and new approaches to breeding and mass production of craylings have provided renewed impetus to industry expansion. This paper reviews the literature concerning redclaw juvenile production and provides a status report of current practices and innovations that may support further expansion of redclaw aquaculture

    Determining suitable thermal regimes for early instar redclaw juveniles, Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868) (Decapoda, Parastacidae), for a proposed nursery phase

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    Modern, intensified aquaculture typically involves three production phases; hatchery, nursery, and grow-out. For redclaw crayfish aquaculture however, such delineation has been ill-defined. Farming of redclaw was initiated based on the putative beneficial physical and biological attributes of the species, which suggested production methods would be relatively simple. The simple approach proved to be inefficient and only partially effective, which hindered industry development. Hatchery technology now exists to supply seed stock for grow-out, but hatchery production is variable, and the performance of hatchery reared juveniles is inconsistent. A nursery phase has been proposed between hatchery production and grow-out of approximately 3 weeks duration, sufficient to allow 2 or more moults. An important primary parameter in the proposed nursery phase is the thermal regime that will support optimum survival and growth. This study quantified the effect of temperature on the growth and survival of redclaw juveniles for a 22-day nursery phase. Temperature had a statistically significant effect on the survival of juveniles, whereby, the high temperatures were associated with high mortality, and the lower temperature treatments were associated with very low mortality. Survival was 98 to 100% for craylings held at temperatures between 18 degrees C and 22 degrees C, and between 0% and 6% for craylings at temperature treatments of 25 degrees C to 32 degrees C. Mortalities within treatments between 25 degrees C and 30 degrees C, primarily occurred from day six to day eleven, corresponding with the initiation of moulting. Change of mass of crayfish was significantly higher with increasing temperature between 18 degrees C and 22 degrees C and at individual weights that suggest they had completed a moult. This study suggests a water temperature of 22 degrees C is optimal for survival and growth in a nursery phase

    Evaluation of four practical diets on the growth and survival of juvenile redclaw, Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868)

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    Redclaw, Cherax quadricariatus (von Martens) has shown promise as an aquaculture species but commercial development has been constrained by variability of production, perhaps due to poor survival and growth of early craylings. Diet contributes to survival and growth and previous studies have determined requirements for larger redclaw, but little research exists for the early craylings. An experiment was performed to evaluate survival and growth of early instar redclaw using four diets; Frippak (commercial shrimp diet), CSIRO compound diet, bloodworms, and on-grown Artemia. Bloodworms and Artemia produced significantly higher survival of craylings over two weeks than the two other diets. Artemia diet had a significantly higher weight increase than bloodworms or the CSIRO diet, but not Frippak, which did not differ from bloodworms or CSIRO. Biomass was significantly higher when fed Artemia. High mortality in the Frippak and CSIRO diet treatments were not wholly attributable to nutritional deficiencies as the manufactured diets became less physically accessible, potentially reducing intake, leading to difficulties completing ecdysis and eventually death. This study concluded that Artemia and bloodworms promoted highest survival, and Artemia and Frippak the highest weight gain. The best combination of survival, weight gain and biomass was with the Artemia diet

    Bay watch: using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV’s) to survey the box jellyfish Chironex fleckeri

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    Biological investigations on free ranging marine species are regarded as challenging throughout the scientific community. This is particularly true for ‘logistically difficult species’ where their cryptic natures, low abundance, patchy distributions and difficult and/or dangerous sampling environments, make traditional surveys near impossible. What results is a lack of ecological knowledge on such marine species. However, advances in UAV technology holds potential for overcoming these logistical difficulties and filling this knowledge gap. Our research focused on one such logistically difficult species, the Australian box Jellyfish (Chironex fleckeri), and we investigated the capacity of consumer grade UAV technology to detect this, highly venomous, target species in the inshore waters of Northern Queensland Australia. At two sites in the Weipa area, we utilized video analysis, visual count comparisons with a netted animal tally, and evaluated the role of associated environmental conditions, such as wind speed, water visibility and cloud cover on jellyfish detection rates. In total fifteen, 70 meter transects were completed between two sites, with 107 individuals captured. Drone success varied between the two sites with a significant difference between field and post-field (laboratory) counts. Animal size and cloud cover also had significant effects on detection rates with an increase in cloud cover and animal size enhancing detection probability. This study provides evidence to suggest drone surveys overcome obstacles that traditional surveys can’t, with respect to species deemed logistically difficult and open scope for further ecological investigations on such species

    Morphology and weight-length relationships for the first six instars of Cherax quadricarinatus (von Martens, 1868)

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    Cherax quadricarinatus (redclaw) aquaculture has not achieved the industry growth that had been predicted in the early days of development. Provision of quality juvenile crayfish seed stock has been identified as a critical factor in overcoming industry development inertia. Hatchery technology has been developed to produce independent craylings and a nursery phase is now being developed to nurture the delicate craylings to a more advanced and robust juvenile stage, suitable for pond stocking. As part of the nursery development, clear definitions of the successive stages from egg through the first several instars, are required. Although some morphological descriptions of the early stages of redclaw have been made, the characteristics and nomenclature for stages from egg through to an advanced juvenile need clarification. A naming system is proposed (Egg, L1, L2, J1, J2 and J3) for the first six instars from egg, based on gross morphology and allometric relationships. Egg volume, wet weight and ocular carapace length (OCL) were analysed through linear regression. Based on these variables, the size of each instar is defined. Descriptions and photographs of the six instars provide a visual reference for identification. Five of the six instars had a significant relationship between wet weight and OCL. Both significantly increased for each successive instar. Lyophilized (dry) weight was not significantly different between stages until after instar J1, where endogenous feeding begins. The growth of the first four instars, in terms of wet weight and OCL but not dry weight, suggests an extra endogenous source of nutrition in addition to the yolk supply. Branchial water uptake during ecdysis has been proposed as a route for dissolved organic matter or small particulate matter to be acquired by the crayfish during the lecithotrophic, non-exogenous feeding stages, as an additional food source that might further enhance growth and survival

    Physiological and morphological responses of 'Irukandji' polyps to thermal and osmotic conditions: consequences for niche profiling

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    The Irukandji jellyfish (Carukia barnesi) is a medically important species. While the medusa stage of this species is well known, due to its highly venomous sting, the benthic polyp has core roles in regulating both the timing and abundance of medusa making it a research priority. However, due to their small size, Carukia barnesi polyps have never been found in situ and, basic ecological knowledge surrounding this life stage is limited. In this study we adopt a lab-based approach, utilizing physiological tolerance as a functional tool, to gain new insights into the in situ location for Carukia barnesi polyps. The physiological tolerance of Carukia barnesi polyps was characterized by measuring the oxygen consumption rates of polyps exposed to different salinity/temperature combinations. A total of nine salinities and seven temperatures were investigated, ranging from 11 °C/16‰ to 34 °C/42.5‰, encompassing the spectrum of environments experienced on the Great Barrier Reef. Polyps were also monitored for morphological changes such as asexual reproduction, polyp deterioration, and mortality. Salinity did not have a significant effect on oxygen consumption rates, with Carukia barnesi polyps displaying a significant tolerance to a wide range of salinities. The effect of temperature, however, was statistically significant with oxygen °consumption rates increasing alongside water temperature. There was no statistical evidence to support an interactive effect between salinity and temperature. Based on these results, we conclude that the polyp stage of this species is likely located in an environment with stable temperatures and fluctuating salinities and, consequently, future endeavors aimed at locating this life stage should expand targeted survey areas outside stable oceanic environments, typical of medusa, and encompass dynamic environments such as estuaries and submarine freshwater upwellings

    Sparrow Nest Survival in Relation to Prescribed Fire and Woody Plant Invasion in a Northern Mixed-Grass Prairie

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    Prescribed fire is used to reverse invasion by woody vegetation on grasslands, but managers often are uncertain whether influences of shrub and tree reduction outweigh potential effects of fire on nest survival of grassland birds. During the 2001–2003 breeding seasons, we examined relationships of prescribed fire and woody vegetation to nest survival of clay-colored sparrow (Spizella pallida) and Savannah sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis) in mixed-grass prairie at Des Lacs National Wildlife Refuge in northwestern North Dakota, USA.We assessed relationships of nest survival to 1) recent fire history, in terms of number of breeding seasons (2, 3, or 4–5) since the last prescribed fire, and 2) prevalence of trees and tall (\u3e1.5 m) shrubs in the landscape and of low (≤1.5 m) shrubs within 5 m of nests. Nest survival of both species exhibited distinct patterns related to age of the nest and day of year, but bore no relationship to fire history. Survival of clay-colored sparrow nests declined as the amount of trees and tall shrubs within 100 m increased, but we found no relationship to suggest nest parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater) as an underlying mechanism. We found little evidence linking nest survival of Savannah sparrow to woody vegetation. Our results suggest that fire can be used to restore northern mixed-grass prairies without adversely affecting nest survival of ≥2 widespread passerine species. Survival of nests of clay-colored sparrow may increase when tall woody cover is reduced by fire. Our data lend support to the use of fire for reducing scattered patches of tall woody cover to enhance survival of nests of ≥1 grassland bird species in northern mixed-grass prairies, but further study is needed that incorporates experimental approaches and assessments of shorter term effects of fire on survival of nests of grassland passerines
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