2,607 research outputs found

    Ab initio parametrised model of strain-dependent solubility of H in alpha-iron

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    The calculated effects of interstitial hydrogen on the elastic properties of alpha-iron from our earlier work are used to describe the H interactions with homogeneous strain fields using ab initio methods. In particular we calculate the H solublility in Fe subject to hydrostatic, uniaxial, and shear strain. For comparison, these interactions are parametrised successfully using a simple model with parameters entirely derived from ab initio methods. The results are used to predict the solubility of H in spatially-varying elastic strain fields, representative of realistic dislocations outside their core. We find a strong directional dependence of the H-dislocation interaction, leading to strong attraction of H by the axial strain components of edge dislocations and by screw dislocations oriented along the critical slip direction. We further find a H concentration enhancement around dislocation cores, consistent with experimental observations.Comment: part 2/2 from splitting of 1009.3784 (first part was 1102.0187), minor changes from previous version

    Scaling Behaviour and Complexity of the Portevin-Le Chatelier Effect

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    The plastic deformation of dilute alloys is often accompanied by plastic instabilities due to dynamic strain aging and dislocation interaction. The repeated breakaway of dislocations from and their recapture by solute atoms leads to stress serrations and localized strain in the strain controlled tensile tests, known as the Portevin-Le Chatelier (PLC) effect. In this present work, we analyse the stress time series data of the observed PLC effect in the constant strain rate tensile tests on Al-2.5%Mg alloy for a wide range of strain rates at room temperature. The scaling behaviour of the PLC effect was studied using two complementary scaling analysis methods: the finite variance scaling method and the diffusion entropy analysis. From these analyses we could establish that in the entire span of strain rates, PLC effect showed Levy walk property. Moreover, the multiscale entropy analysis is carried out on the stress time series data observed during the PLC effect to quantify the complexity of the distinct spatiotemporal dynamical regimes. It is shown that for the static type C band, the entropy is very low for all the scales compared to the hopping type B and the propagating type A bands. The results are interpreted considering the time and length scales relevant to the effect.Comment: 35 pages, 6 figure

    A whole-bark method of rearing Dryocoetes Confusus SW.

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    Density hardening plasticity and mechanical aging of silica glass under pressure: A Raman spectroscopic study

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    In addition of a flow, plastic deformation of structural glasses (in particular amorphous silica) is characterized by a permanent densification. Raman spectroscopic estimators are shown to give a full account of the plastic behavior of silica under pressure. While the permanent densification of silica has been widely discussed in terms of amorphous-amorphous transition, from a plasticity point of view, the evolution of the residual densification with the maximum pressure of a pressure cycle can be discussed as a density hardening phenomenon. In the framework of such a mechanical aging effect, we propose that the glass structure could be labelled by the maximum pressure experienced by the glass and that the saturation of densification could be associated with the densest packing of tetrahedra only linked by their vertices

    Critical Dynamics of Burst Instabilities in the Portevin-Le Chatelier Effect

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    We investigate the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect (PLC), by compressing Al-Mg alloys in a very large deformation range, and interpret the results from the viewpoint of phase transitions and critical phenomena. The system undergoes two dynamical phase transitions between intermittent (or "jerky") and "laminar" plastic dynamic phases. Near these two dynamic critical points, the order parameter 1/\tau of the PLC effect exhibits large fluctuations, and "critical slowing down" (i.e., the number Ď„\tau of bursts, or plastic instabilities, per unit time slows down considerably).Comment: the published 4-page version is in the PRL web sit

    Big Entropy Fluctuations in Statistical Equilibrium: The Macroscopic Kinetics

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    Large entropy fluctuations in an equilibrium steady state of classical mechanics were studied in extensive numerical experiments on a simple 2--freedom strongly chaotic Hamiltonian model described by the modified Arnold cat map. The rise and fall of a large separated fluctuation was shown to be described by the (regular and stable) "macroscopic" kinetics both fast (ballistic) and slow (diffusive). We abandoned a vague problem of "appropriate" initial conditions by observing (in a long run)spontaneous birth and death of arbitrarily big fluctuations for any initial state of our dynamical model. Statistics of the infinite chain of fluctuations, reminiscent to the Poincar\'e recurrences, was shown to be Poissonian. A simple empirical relation for the mean period between the fluctuations (Poincar\'e "cycle") has been found and confirmed in numerical experiments. A new representation of the entropy via the variance of only a few trajectories ("particles") is proposed which greatly facilitates the computation, being at the same time fairly accurate for big fluctuations. The relation of our results to a long standing debates over statistical "irreversibility" and the "time arrow" is briefly discussed too.Comment: Latex 2.09, 26 pages, 6 figure

    Big Entropy Fluctuations in Nonequilibrium Steady State: A Simple Model with Gauss Heat Bath

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    Large entropy fluctuations in a nonequilibrium steady state of classical mechanics were studied in extensive numerical experiments on a simple 2-freedom model with the so-called Gauss time-reversible thermostat. The local fluctuations (on a set of fixed trajectory segments) from the average heat entropy absorbed in thermostat were found to be non-Gaussian. Approximately, the fluctuations can be discribed by a two-Gaussian distribution with a crossover independent of the segment length and the number of trajectories ('particles'). The distribution itself does depend on both, approaching the single standard Gaussian distribution as any of those parameters increases. The global time-dependent fluctuations turned out to be qualitatively different in that they have a strict upper bound much less than the average entropy production. Thus, unlike the equilibrium steady state, the recovery of the initial low entropy becomes impossible, after a sufficiently long time, even in the largest fluctuations. However, preliminary numerical experiments and the theoretical estimates in the special case of the critical dynamics with superdiffusion suggest the existence of infinitely many Poincar\'e recurrences to the initial state and beyond. This is a new interesting phenomenon to be farther studied together with some other open questions. Relation of this particular example of nonequilibrium steady state to a long-standing persistent controversy over statistical 'irreversibility', or the notorious 'time arrow', is also discussed. In conclusion, an unsolved problem of the origin of the causality 'principle' is touched upon.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figure

    A Markovian event-based framework for stochastic spiking neural networks

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    In spiking neural networks, the information is conveyed by the spike times, that depend on the intrinsic dynamics of each neuron, the input they receive and on the connections between neurons. In this article we study the Markovian nature of the sequence of spike times in stochastic neural networks, and in particular the ability to deduce from a spike train the next spike time, and therefore produce a description of the network activity only based on the spike times regardless of the membrane potential process. To study this question in a rigorous manner, we introduce and study an event-based description of networks of noisy integrate-and-fire neurons, i.e. that is based on the computation of the spike times. We show that the firing times of the neurons in the networks constitute a Markov chain, whose transition probability is related to the probability distribution of the interspike interval of the neurons in the network. In the cases where the Markovian model can be developed, the transition probability is explicitly derived in such classical cases of neural networks as the linear integrate-and-fire neuron models with excitatory and inhibitory interactions, for different types of synapses, possibly featuring noisy synaptic integration, transmission delays and absolute and relative refractory period. This covers most of the cases that have been investigated in the event-based description of spiking deterministic neural networks

    A dynamical approach to the spatiotemporal aspects of the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect: Chaos,turbulence and band propagation

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    Experimental time series obtained from single and poly-crystals subjected to a constant strain rate tests report an intriguing dynamical crossover from a low dimensional chaotic state at medium strain rates to an infinite dimensional power law state of stress drops at high strain rates. We present results of an extensive study of all aspects of the PLC effect within the context a model that reproduces this crossover. A study of the distribution of the Lyapunov exponents as a function of strain rate shows that it changes from a small set of positive exponents in the chaotic regime to a dense set of null exponents in the scaling regime. As the latter feature is similar to the GOY shell model for turbulence, we compare our results with the GOY model. Interestingly, the null exponents in our model themselves obey a power law. The configuration of dislocations is visualized through the slow manifold analysis. This shows that while a large proportion of dislocations are in the pinned state in the chaotic regime, most of them are at the threshold of unpinning in the scaling regime. The model qualitatively reproduces the different types of deformation bands seen in experiments. At high strain rates where propagating bands are seen, the model equations are reduced to the Fisher-Kolmogorov equation for propagative fronts. This shows that the velocity of the bands varies linearly with the strain rate and inversely with the dislocation density, consistent with the known experimental results. Thus, this simple dynamical model captures the complex spatio-temporal features of the PLC effect.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figure
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