222 research outputs found

    Une vision produit-process et sa méthodologie dédiée à la sauvegarde du patrimoine technique et industriel sous une forme virtuelle

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    International audienceLors de la conférence CPI en 2005, nous avons présenté un nouveau champ de recherche émergent : la sauvegarde sous forme virtuelle du patrimoine industriel et technique. Nous avons alors établi l'état de l'art et les hypothèses de premier niveau. Après 2 ans d'investigations, cette communication statue sur l'avancement de nos travaux : mise en place d'une démarche formalisée pour conserver ce patrimoine grâce à un Système d'Information dédié orienté selon une vision Produit-Processus

    Knowledge management for industrial heritage

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    All along history, humans have always invented, created to improve their standard of liv-ing. Many machines have been built, sometimes simple and others very complex. In order to achieve the best results for customers, machines, industrial plants and humans are moved, displaced and replaced. It is the global humanity technical knowledge that dis-appears. Indeed, there is a lack in the actually conservation methods: sciences and technologies have to be considered and not only architecture. Our heritage research focuses on the mechanical and technical point of view. For instance, in a factory, there is the building but also actua-tors, motors and machines that produce product: taking into account the technical point of view can reach to a better understanding of the past. That's why preserving the national technical patrimony has now become the priority of governments and world organizations. Our approach proposes a new kind of finality: as saving and maintaining physical object cost a lot for museums, and sometimes dismantling is impossible as the machine falls in ruin, we propose to preserve it as a numerical object. The aim of this research is to define the global process and technologies used for imple-menting a numerical model of old machines. The final aim is to constitute a new reference for museologic actors, using actual techniques and methods for putting old machines and technical means in “virtual use”, taking into account the working situation including human being at work. This process is illustrated by an example we performed: a steam engine

    A new approach for preserving the technical heritage

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    International audienceAll along history, humans have always invented, created to improve their standard of living. Many machines have been built, sometimes simple and others very complex. In order to achieve the best results for customers, machines, industrial plants and humans are moved, displaced and replaced. It is the global humanity technical knowledge that disappears. Indeed, there is a lack in the actually conservation methods: sciences and technologies have to be considered and not only architecture. Our heritage research focuses on the mechanical and technical point of view. For instance, in a factory, there is the building but also actuators, motors and machines that produce product: taking into account the technical point of view can reach to a better understanding of the past. That's why preserving the national technical patrimony has now become the priority of governments and world organizations. Our approach proposes a new kind of finality: as saving and maintaining physical object cost a lot for museums, and sometimes dismantling is impossible as the machine falls in ruin, we propose to preserve it as a numerical object. The aim of this research is to define the global process and technologies used for implementing a numerical model of old machines. All along the global numerical chain, we will present the different technologies used illustrating them by examples we performed; those examples were experiences realized in France with museums and students in order to sensitize them to a new approach for old technical objects and machines. The global aim is to constitute a new reference for museologic actors, using actual techniques and methods for putting old machines and technical means in “virtual use”, taking into account the working situation including human being at work. From the digitalization of the physical object to its valorization with virtual reality technologies, we present a state of the art of the possibilities offered for creating digital products in a context of technical history and patrimony. According to this inventory, we give the methodology we are developing for preserving technical heritage in a virtual way. This process is illustrated by an example we performed: a steam engine

    Virtualization of ancient technical objects: a new design process and its inter-disciplinary team

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    International audienceContemporary engineering processes require numerous competences and knowledge using different semantics. Our research consists to design virtually ancient technical objects. The approach we have developed is a new kind of design process: it is a heritage reverse-engineering methodology. It requires a project team with many jobs which, until then, have never collaborate together or not yet: it is an inter disciplinary team. An example will demonstrate our proposal for making old technical objects alive again and how human sciences and technical sciences can merge together. The case study is a steam boat designed in 1861 by DCNS Propulsion

    Le patrimoine technique de l’époque moderne, aperçu d’un monde en transition

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    Entre la Renaissance italienne qui mobilisa ses « ingénieurs », à compter des xive et xve siècles, et la « révolution industrielle » anglaise, dans le dernier tiers du xviiie siècle, les mises en œuvre techniques réalisées par les entreprises civiles ou militaires fournissent des images matérielles assez précises des différentes sociétés européennes, pour autant qu’un patrimoine de ces réalisations subsiste. Ces grands événements sociotechniques bornent donc notre étude, mais la définition de..

    Les débuts de la ligne ferroviaire de Saint-Étienne à Lyon et les événements de 1830

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    Un beau projet non dénué de difficultés En mars 1826, les frères Seguin d’Annonayobtiennent l’adjudication de la ligne de chemin de fer devant relier le bassin minier de Saint-Étienne à la vallée du Rhône. Dans cette affaire de construction ferroviaire, très nouvelle en France, ils sont associés à Édouard Biot, le fils du physicien et neveu de Barnabé Brisson, le principal collaborateur technique du directeur général des Ponts et Chaussées. Le tracé est profondément novateur, il doit en parti..

    Intégrité et authenticité d’un objet patrimonial numérisé : l’approche déontologique du projet Reseed

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    L’article aborde la question du traitement numérique de l’intégrité et de l’authenticité d’un objet ou d’un site patrimonial et, en conséquence, de l’usage et de la signification de ces termes au sein du processus numérique lui-même. En effet, ces deux notions jouent un rôle central dans l’évaluation de la valeur patrimoniale d’un bien. Un travail de rétroconception et de documentation patrimoniale par les outils numériques qui se veut rigoureux et approfondi ne peut éviter ces questions. Leur intégration dans le vocabulaire des outils numériques doit prendre garde aux glissements de sens et faire un usage réfléchi des termes. Dans ce cas, la complémentarité qui s’établit entre l’objet réel et son traitement numérique peut enrichir une approche déontologique raisonnée du processus mis en œuvre.The article addresses the issue of the digital treatment of the integrity and authenticity of a heritage object or site and, consequently, the use and meaning of these terms within the digital process itself. Indeed, these two notions play a central role in assessing the heritage value of a property. To be rigorous and thorough a project based on reverse engineering and heritage documentation by means of digital tools cannot avoid addressing these questions. Their integration into the vocabulary of digital tools must deal with potential shifts in meaning and use the terms carefully. In this case, the complementarity that is established between the real object and its digital treatment can enrich a reasoned deontological approach to the implemented process

    Virtualization of ancient technical objects: a new design process and its inter-disciplinary team

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    International audienceContemporary engineering processes require numerous competences and knowledge using different semantics. Our research consists to design virtually ancient technical objects. The approach we have developed is a new kind of design process: it is a heritage reverse-engineering methodology. It requires a project team with many jobs which, until then, have never collaborate together or not yet: it is an inter disciplinary team. An example will demonstrate our proposal for making old technical objects alive again and how human sciences and technical sciences can merge together. The case study is a steam boat designed in 1861 by DCNS Propulsion

    Advanced Industrial Archaeology: A new reverse-engineering process for contextualizing and digitizing ancient technical objects

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    International audienceSince virtual engineering has been introduced inside industries, time processes have been reduced and products are more adapted to customer needs. Nowadays, the DMU is the centre point for all teams: design, manufacturing, communication etc. However, physical mock-ups and prototypes are sometimes requested. Consequently, a back-and-forth action between the real and the virtual worlds is necessary. Our research team has developed a reverse-engineering methodology for capturing technical characteristics of industrial objects but also for capitalizing knowledge and know-how which are required for contextualizing life cycles. More precisely, we work with ancient industrial machines. It is what we call Advanced Industrial Archaeology. Thanks to the coupling of different kinds of 3D digitalization technologies and CAD software, we are able to re-design old industrial objects and old processes. To illustrate our proposal, we will describe one of the experiments we have done with a salt-washing machine which is nearly 100 years old: from the global 3D digitalization of the plant to precise parts design, we have rediscovered the enterprise process and understand its integration in the economic context

    Les outils numériques au service de l’histoire des techniques

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    Depuis maintenant près de 30 ans, les outils numériques interviennent dans les pratiques des historiens des techniques, des spécialistes du patrimoine industriel et de la muséographie des techniques, et des historiens des sciences expérimentales. Bien entendu, toutes les branches professionnelles ont été concernées par la révolution informatique, mais il s’agit de voir dans cet article en quoi ces outils numériques ont un lien privilégié, ou pas, avec l’histoire des techniques comprise dans un sens étendu.Chacune des techniques spécifiques du numérique a joué un rôle : numérisation des documents, constitution de bibliothèques et d’archives numériques, logiciels d’écriture et de bureautique, bases de données numériques, utilisation d’internet et consultation à distance, modélisation tridimensionnelle classique de l’architecture et de l’archéologie, modélisation cinématique de type conception assistée par ordinateur, système d’information géographique, etc.Beaucoup de ces nouveaux outils apportent une pertinence importante aux travaux des historiens des techniques, mais, un peu curieusement, les méthodes de maquettes virtuelles ont mis longtemps à s’imposer au sein de cette communauté qui pourtant semble entretenir un lien historique fort avec la tradition des maquettes architecturales et mécaniques, afin de présenter le réel. Aujourd’hui, ces blocages aux origines identifiables sont en voie d’être surmontés et une nouvelle étape du travail de restitution du réel de l’histoire des techniques et du patrimoine industriel semble s’ouvrir.L’une des spécificités de ces pratiques au sein de la communauté est une orientation vers la combinaison de ces différents outils entre eux, ainsi que la recherche d’une interactivité évoluée avec les usagers. Une autre semble être un relatif éclatement des projets suivant les équipes de recherche et des choix d’outils propres à chacun de ces projets. En d’autres termes, une dynamique s’est incontestablement installée mais elle reste pour l’instant relativement dispersée. Une autre facette qui émerge est l’importance de l’interdisciplinarité au sein de ces projets, qui associent volontiers historiens, archéologues, mécaniciens, informaticiens, des musées, etc.Since almost 30 years now, historys of technology scholars, specialists of industrial heritage and museography of technology and historians of experimental sciences have been using digital tools in their practices. No doubt, every professional field was affected by the digital revolution, however, this paper aims to examine whether or not there exists a special relationship between such tools and the History of Technology in its larger sense.Every specific digital technology played a role: digitalisation of documents, implementation of digital libraries and archival resources, software for writing and office automation, digital data bases, use of the internet, remote access services, 3D classical models for architecture and archaeology, digitally aided cinematic models, geographical information systems, etc.Several of these new tools bear an important significance to a history of technology scholar. , Strangely, virtual scale model tools took a longer time to be accepted by this community, which, however seems to maintain a strong historic relationship with traditional architectural and mechanical scale models to demonstrate technical reality. Today, these hang–ups – the causes of which have been identified – are being overcome and a new step towards restitution of material reality inside history of technology and industrial heritage seems to be opening up.One of the characteristics of these community practices is an orientation towards combinations of these different tools and evolved interactivity with users. Another feature seems to be a relative dispersion of projects due to research teams and tool choices specific to each project. In other words, the dynamics is clearly present, but for the time being, remains relatively scattered. Another facet that is rising pertains to the importance of interdisciplinary approaches inside these projects, readily associating historians, archeologists, mechanical scientists, computer scientists, museums, etc
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