8 research outputs found


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    This article was written in order to provide an overview regarding the opportunities of promoting Romania’s image and identity through the brain circulation phenomenon; it deals with skilled migration from a developing country perspective, while emphasizing the influences that the Brain Circulation phenomenon can have in promoting Romania’s image and identity abroad, within the nation branding process. Perceived as being one of the most important and sustainable assets that assures continuous development, the subject of nation branding became a widely approached one; thus, due to its complexity, the promotion of a nation within the nation branding process met various methods and techniques, while one of the most important elements has been avoided: the subject of the brain drain circulation, whose perspective regarding its image of the country of origin can suffer modifications while traveling abroad and who can influence other’s opinion by becoming authentic representatives of their nation, country ambassadors across the borders. Considering this, the paper aims at facilitating readers’ understanding regarding nation branding process, country image promotion and brain circulation phenomenon by identifying and explaining their connections and by highlighting their role in assuring long term prosperity


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    This article was written in order to provide an overview regarding the differences and similarities regarding two congruent, yet different concepts: country brand and country image. The geopolitical context and, implicitly, the current global context require a redefinition – or a more complex circumscription – of the “country image” and “country branding” concepts. In this paper, the author aimed to highlight the characteristics and particularities of the approached concepts in order to shape a framework of the context within these two operate; a brief analysis of the literature is presented, trying to emphasize the slight difference between the approached concept


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    The purpose of the present paper is to provide an overview of the challenges posed by the multiple possibilities of promoting Romania's image and identity, both internally and externally-; at the same time, the present paper answers to some questions about building Romania as a brand, revealing to readers by whom this process should be initiated, to whom should it be oriented and why is it necessary. This topic was chosen because, in the present context, the country suffers from an image deficit and the current process of nation branding requires a real incentive in order to achieve its objectives. However, internal branding seems to be overlooked by those involved in the process of branding the country. In order to write this paper, the author reviewed the literature in the field, she's contributions consisting in finding answers that could bring Romania as a brand in the right direction in terms of nation branding: Why branding process is important, who should it be addressed to, which are the differences between communication and promoting the image of the country. Also, the author tried to highlight the conceptual differences existing between terms like nation branding and country branding, branding and rebranding process or "communication" and "promotion" in the context of these processes. At the same time, the author tried to provide information regarding the perception and identification of Romania as a brand and also to emphasize the relevant elements used for identifying the nation brand


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    Considering the fat that a rate of up to 70% of tourists visiting Romania have a professional motivation, the present papers intends to provide an overview of the advantages held by Romania for offering tourists the proper conditions for spending quality time in this emerging country. Within the present article, the authors provide to readers an overview regarding destination branding, business travel and the critical elements in achieving economic advantages over competing regions/countries; the article emphasizes the fact that -intelligently exploited-, business tourism can be an element of prosperity within the tumultuous period of time through which Romania and other emerging states are crossing nowadays. The results of this paper work are focused on the identifying, analysing and correlating the main factors that can influence a destination' development through its propulsion as a brand destination for business tourism. Generally speaking, the paper approaches aspects regarding business tourism. The methodology used in order to write the present article is limited to the collection and processing empirical data and information. In this regard, the literature in the field has been reviewed, so that the authors could identify and expose the importance of destination branding through business travel for sustainable development in Romania


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    The present work-paper was written in order to provide an overview of the intangible values that actively contribute to brand capital formation within the nation branding process; through this article, the author tried to emphasize the differences existent between brand capital and brand equity within the context of the nation branding process, which has became a widely approached subject both in the national and international literature. Also, the evolution of brand capital and brand equity was approached, in order to identify and explain their components and their role, by highlighting the entire process of their evolution under a sequence of steps scheme. The results of this paper are focused on the identification of a structured flowchart through which the process of nation branding -and the brand capital itself- are to be perceived as holistic concepts, integrator and inter-correlated ones, easily understood.The methodology used in order to write the present article resumes to all appropriate methods and techniques used for collecting and processing empirical data and information, respectively to observing, sorting, correlating, categorizing, comparing and analyzing data, so that the addressed theoretical elements could have been founded; in the center of the qualitative thematic research addressed in the present article lie general elements belonging to Romania's image and identity promotion