22 research outputs found

    Oxygenocrenotherapy in the rehabilitation of the inflammatory diseases of the periodontium

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    Rezumat. Rolul oxigenului hiperbaric în tratametulmai multor afecţiuni este cunoscut. La fel, din cele mai vechi timpuri, sunt folosite cu succes apele minerale medicinale în profilaxia și tratamentul mai multor maladii. Programul de reabilitare medicală presupune infuzia neinvazivă permucoasă de oxigen și apă minerală medicinală de la o distanță de 0,5-1,0 cm prin intermediul unor accesorii cu dotație specială, sub formă de nanoparticule. Apa minerală medicinală, cu o concentraţie de hidrogen sulfurat de 1,08 mg/l și cu un conţinut sporit de substanţe organice, se utilizează în cantităţi de 10-15 ml, cu o temperatură de 36 - 37o C. Penetrarea atraumatică a oxigenului și apei minerale medicinale în ţesuturile parodonţiului se efectuează o dată la 7 zile, în cadrul a 2-3 ședințe. O ședință durează circa 15-30 de minute. Oxigenul hiperbaric are rolul de a restabili oxigenarea celulelor lezate, sporirea circulației sangvine și de a stimula funcția ţesuturilor. Drept consecință a sporirii microcirculaţiei locale, are loc absobţia apei minerale medicinale și îmbunătățirea proprietăților funcţionale ale parododonțiului, prin fortificarea sistemului imun bucal. Acțiunea terapeutică (antiinflamatorie), cât și de ordin protector, la nivelul ţesuturilor lezate, se atribuie constituentei microbiologice a apei minerale sulfuroase, inclusiv: catalaza, proteaza și aminoacizii. Sistemul curativ combinat (oxigenocrenoterapia): oxigenul hiperbaric și apa minerală medicinală presupune o acţiune concomitentă asupra ţesuturilor lezate, soldată cu regenerearea și biorevitalizarea parodonțiului afectat și, respectiv, cu reabilitarea vizibilă a afecțiunilor inflamatorii ale parodonțiului.Summary. The role of hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of many diseases is known. Likewise, since ancient times, medicinal mineral waters have been successfully used in the prophylaxis and treatment of many diseases. The medical rehabilitation program implies the non–invasive infusion of oxygen and medicinal mineral water from a distance of 0.5–1.0cm by means of special accessories, in the form of nanoparticles. A quantity of 10–15 ml of medicinal mineral water, with a temperature of 36–37o C, with a hydrogen sulphide concentration of 1.08 mg/l and an increased content of organic substances, is used. The atraumatic penetration into periodontal tissues of the oxygen and medicinal mineral water is performed every 7 days, within 2–3 sessions. A session lasts about 15–30 minutes. Hyperbaric oxygen has the role of restoring oxygenation of damaged cells, enhancing blood circulation and stimulating tissue function. Consequently, the increase of the local microcirculation makes possible the absorption of the medicinal mineral water with improvement of the functional properties of the periodontium, by strengthening the buccal immune system. The therapeutic action (anti– inflammatory), as well as the protective one, at the level of the injured tissues, is attributed to the microbiological constituent of the sulphurous mineral water, by means of the catalase, protease and amino acids. The combined curative system (oxygenocrenotherapy) with hyperbaric oxygen and medicinal mineral water, supposes a simultaneous action on the damaged tissues, resulting in the regeneration and biorevitalization of the affected periodontium, and respectively, with visible rehabilitation of the periodontal inflammatory diseases

    Therapeutic properties of the combined BioR 0.01 with beeswax layer drug (BioR-C 0.01 tablets)

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    Rezumat. Preparatul combinat BioR 0,01 cu strat de Ceară de albine (comprimat BioR-C 0,01) este un preparat biologic complex obţinut prin asocierea a doua substanţe active: BioR0,01 și Ceara de albine 0,2. Componentul de BioR pe lângă efectul antioxidant, citoprotector, antiviral, antiinflamator și imunomodulator local, realizează și înalte efecte antimicrobiene în focarele distructive prin stimularea factorilor imuni generali, rezultat al absorţiei locale, cât și ingestiei parţiale a preparatului din cavitatea orală. Asocierea substanţei active BioR 0,01 cu Ceara de albine 0,2 ne-a permis să obţinem un produs terapeutic nou, de calitate, însoţit de majorarea semnificativă a proprietăţilor: antidolore, antialergice, stimulatoare ale secreţiei salivare și circulaţiei sangvine, dar și a acţiunilor dezinfectantă, cicatrizantă și nutritivă asupra mucoasei cavităţii bucale. Preparatul aderă ferm la mucoasa cavităţii orale datorită Carbopolului drept substanţă mucoadezivă; posedă proprietăţi apiterapeutice înalte, inclusiv de protecţie contra eluţiei; este bine tolerat; nu produce fenomene adverse; reduce considerabil numărul de vizite la medic, fiind minimalizat astfel și pericolul de contaminare cu diferite maladii grave, inclusiv lues, hepatite virale, infecţia HIV- SIDA. Reieșind din proprietăţile curativ-preventive înalte ale preparatului combinat BioR 0,01 cu strat de Ceară de albine (comprimat BioR-C 0,01), acest remediu este recomendat drept tratament alternativ al unor afectiuni ale mucoasei cavităţii orale (leziunilor traumatice, stomatitei aftoase cronice recidivante, herpesului cronic recidivant) și afecţiunilor parodonţiului.Summary. The combined BioR 0.01 with beeswax layer drug (BioR-C 0.01 tablets) is a complex biological medication obtained by combination of two active substances: BioR 0.01 and beeswax 0.2. Besides the antioxidant, cyto-protective, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulatory local effects, BioR provides high antimicrobial action in destructive lesions by stimulating the general immune factorsresult of local absorption and partial ingestion of the drug in the oral cavity. The association of the active substance BioR 0.01 with beeswax 0.2 allowed us to get a new and qualitative therapeutic product, with significant increase of its properties: analgesic, anti-allergic, stimulator of saliva production and of blood circulation, but also of its actions: disinfectant, healing and nourishing the oral mucosa. The tablets adhere firmly to the oral mucosa due to Carbopol as mucoadhesive substance; possess high apitherapeutic properties, including protection against elution. The dug is well tolerated, produces no adverse events, reduces importantly the number of visits to the doctor, thus minimizing the danger of contamination with various diseases, including syphilis, viral hepatitis, and HIV infection. Given the therapeutic and preventive properties of the combined drug BioR 0.01 with beeswax layer (BioR-C 0.01 tablets), we recommend this remedy like alternative medication of the oral cavity mucosa diseases (traumatic injuries, chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis, chronic recurrent herpes) and periodontal diseases

    Sulfural medical water with a high content of organic substances — alternative treatment in the rehabilitation of the periodontal diseases

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    Rezumat Importanţa apelor minerale în profilaxia și tratamentul mai multor afecţiuni este cunoscut din cele mai vechi timpuri. Programul de reabilitare medicală include folosirea apei minerale medicinale cu o concentraţie de hidrogen Sulfurat de 1,08 mh/l și cu un conţinut spotit de substanţe organice [2, 3, 4], în cantităţi de 300–500ml, la temperatura apei de 390 –400 C, sub în formă de clătituri (băiţe) bucale a câte 5–10 minute, de trei ori pe zi, timp de 14–18 zile. Apa medicinală utilizată sporește circulaţia sanguină la nivelul ţesuturilor bolnave, stimulează sistemul nervos central, imun bucal, manifestând efecte curative locale și generale asupra organismului [1, 5, 6]. Substanţele biologice active specifice apei curative, prin mecanismele proprii, produc acţiuni protectoare, antiinflamatorii și vindecatoare la nivelul ţesuturilor lezate în urma afecţiunilor parodonţiului. Glutiţia parţială a apei minerale, în procesul terapeutic, influenţează benefic asupra funcţiilor organelor tubului digestiv [1, 5]. Proprietăţile terapeutice pe care le posedă apa minerală medicinală sulfuroasă cu un conţinut sporit de substanţe organice, permite recomandarea acesteia în procesul de reabilitare a unor afecţiuni ale parodonţiului, în calitate de remediu curativ alternativ.Summary The importance of mineral waters in the prophylaxis and treatment of many diseases is known from ancient times. The medical rehabilitation program includes the use of 1.08 mg/l Sulfur Hydrogenated mineral water with a high content of organic minerals [2, 3, 4] in amounts of 300–500ml, at a temperature of 390 –400 C, in the form of oral rinses (baths) with a duration of 5–10 minutes, three times daily for 14–18 days. The medical water increases the blood circulation in the affected tissues, stimulates the central nervous system, the local oral immune system, showing local and general curative effects on the body [1, 5, 6]. Biologically active substances specific to the curative water, by their own mechanisms, provide protective, anti– inflammatory and healing actions in the tissues affected by periodontal diseases. Partial digestion of the mineral water during the therapeutic process has a beneficial influence on the digestive tract organs functions [1, 5]. Giving the therapeutic properties of the sulphurous medical mineral water with an increased content of organic substances, it can be recommended to be used in the periodontal diseases process of rehabilitation as an alternative curative remedy

    Perspectives of transition to self-management of the stomatological service

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    Rezumat. Consideram, că odată cu trecerea la autogestiune a serviciului stomatologic vor apărea oportunităţ mai eficiente și cu un randament mai înalt de gestionare a surselor financiare accumulate din cadrul Companiei Naţionale de Asigurări în Medicină, cît și celor parvenite din prestările serviciilor medicale contra plată. Astfel se vor crea condiţiile favorabile de acumulare a surselor financiare din an în an, ce vor permite efectuarea reparaţiilor capitale a edeficiilor stomatologice, a procurărilor de utilaj medical contemporan. În urma lărgirii posibilităţilor financiare se prevede o evoluţie de sporire a competenţelor angajaţilor în domeniu prin ridicarea nivelului profesional prin specializări și perfecţionări atît la nivel naţional, cît și după hotare. Realizarea acestor activităţi, vor crea premizele necesare de sporire a accesului populaţiei, inclusive celor socialmente vulnerabile la asistenţă medicală stomatologică specializată, atît la nivel urban, cît și rural. Ca urmare a tuturor măsurilor întreprinse, vectorul indicatorului de sănătate stomatologică a populaţiei va avea o tendinţă ascendentă.Summary. The transition to self-management of the stomatological service could bring new and more effective opportunities, with a higher performance of financial resources management accumulated both from the National Insurance Company and from the paid services. Therefore, each year, it will be possible to cumulate financial resources that could be used for the overhauls of stomatological buildings, for buying modern technique, resulting with a well consolidated material and technical basis of the institution. The enrichment of financial possibilities could later on favor the evolution of competences in this field of the medical services by increasing the professional level (specializations n the country and abroad). The realization of these changes in the stomatological service will optimize the access of the population (including socially vulnerable) to specialized, qualitative stomatological assistance, both in urban and rural areas. Given all above mentioned improvements, the stomatological health indicators of the population will present an ascending pathway

    Tratamentul de revascularizare în AVC ischemic acut

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    Background. Mechanical thrombectomy is the rescue treatment for large vessel occlusion in acute ischemic stroke up to 24 hours after onset. Objective of the study. The objective of this study is to share the results of a series of cases that underwent mechanical thrombectomy in Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery in 2021. Material and Methods. The study represents a series of patients who underwent mechanical thrombectomy for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. Before intervention, the patients were assessed based on NIHSS scale. Mechanical thrombectomy using aspiration, stent-retriever, angioplasty, stenting, and special techniques were used. Outcome criteria were assessed at 3 months. Results. All the patients were initially evaluated with CT and angio-CT for planning the intervention. The patients were operated mainly under general anesthesia. Aspiration and thrombectomy using a stent-retriever were procedures used in the majority of cases. Special cases like angioplasty and stenting are also described. Majority of the patients were in a mRS score below 3 at 3 months follow-up. Conclusion. Our data confirm the data that endovascular management is superior to standard medical management alone for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke due to large vessel occlusion.Introducere. Trombectomia mecanica este tratamentul salvator, de revascularizare în ictusul ischemic supraacut cauzat de o ocluzie de vas major intracranian in primele 24 ore de la debutul bolii. Scopul lucrării. Scopul lucrării este prezentarea rezultatelor unei serii de cazuri trombectomie mecanica efectuate in Institutul de Neurologie si Neurochirurgie in anul 2021. Material și Metode. Studiul reprezintă o serie de cazuri de trombectomie mecanica la pacienții cu ictus cerebral ischemic acut. Preoperator pacienții au fost evaluați conform scalei NIHSS. Procedurile efectuate au fost: trombaspiratia, trombectomia prin stent-retriever, angioplastia, stentarea, si trombectomia prin utilizarea tehnicilor speciale. Evaluarea pacienților a avut loc la 3 luni postoperator. Rezultate. Preoperator pacienții au fost evaluați prin CT si angio-CT in vederea planificării intervenției chirurgicale. Majoritatea procedurilor au fost efectuate in anestezie generala. Trombaspirația si trombectomia utilizând un stent-retriver au fost procedurile de baza. Sunt descrise in lucrare de asemenea si cazuri speciale de angioplastie si stentare. Majoritatea pacienților externați au avut la 3 luni un scor Rankin mai mic ca 3. Concluzii. Studiul dat confirma datele prezentate in literatura ca tratamentul endovascular al ictusului ischemic acut este superior tratamentului conservativ/medicamentos cauzat de ocluzii de vase majore intracraniene


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Trombectomia mecanica este tratamentul salvator, de revascularizare în ictusul ischemic supraacut cauzat de o ocluzie de vas major intracranian in primele 24 ore de la debutul bolii. Scopul lucrării. Scopul lucrării este prezentarea rezultatelor unei serii de cazuri trombectomie mecanica efectuate in Institutul de Neurologie si Neurochirurgie in anul 2021. Material și Metode. Studiul reprezintă o serie de cazuri de trombectomie mecanica la pacienții cu ictus cerebral ischemic acut. Preoperator pacienții au fost evaluați conform scalei NIHSS. Procedurile efectuate au fost: trombaspiratia, trombectomia prin stent-retriever, angioplastia, stentarea, si trombectomia prin utilizarea tehnicilor speciale. Evaluarea pacienților a avut loc la 3 luni postoperator. Rezultate. Preoperator pacienții au fost evaluați prin CT si angio-CT in vederea planificării intervenției chirurgicale. Majoritatea procedurilor au fost efectuate in anestezie generala. Trombaspirația si trombectomia utilizând un stent-retriver au fost procedurile de baza. Sunt descrise in lucrare de asemenea si cazuri speciale de angioplastie si stentare. Majoritatea pacienților externați au avut la 3 luni un scor Rankin mai mic ca 3. Concluzii. Studiul dat confirma datele prezentate in literatura ca tratamentul endovascular al ictusului ischemic acut este superior tratamentului conservativ/medicamentos cauzat de ocluzii de vase majore intracraniene.Background. Mechanical thrombectomy is the rescue treatment for large vessel occlusion in acute ischemic stroke up to 24 hours after onset. Objective of the study. The objective of this study is to share the results of a series of cases that underwent mechanical thrombectomy in Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery in 2021. Material and Methods. The study represents a series of patients who underwent mechanical thrombectomy for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. Before intervention, the patients were assessed based on NIHSS scale. Mechanical thrombectomy using aspiration, stent-retriever, angioplasty, stenting, and special techniques were used. Outcome criteria were assessed at 3 months. Results. All the patients were initially evaluated with CT and angio-CT for planning the intervention. The patients were operated mainly under general anesthesia. Aspiration and thrombectomy using a stent-retriever were procedures used in the majority of cases. Special cases like angioplasty and stenting are also described. Majority of the patients were in a mRS score below 3 at 3 months follow-up. Conclusion. Our data confirm the data that endovascular management is superior to standard medical management alone for the treatment of acute ischemic stroke due to large vessel occlusion

    Some histological aspects of dental caries and pulp complications

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    Rezumat. Sunt prezentate rezultatele cercetărilor histologice în dentină și pulpă la pacienţi cu carii dentare și afecţiuni infl amatorii pulpare. În mai mult de 50% cazuri modifi cările histologice nu manifestă prezenţa sindromului dolor, fapt însemnat pentru practica clinică.Summary. Histological research on dentin and pulp are presented in patients with tooth cavities and inflammatory pulp. In more than 50% cases, histological changes do not show any pain syndrome, market fact for clinical practice

    Hipotermia locală cu dispozitiv pe bază de elemente Peltier ca terapie la pacienții cu traumatism cranio-cerebral sever

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    Background. Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the causes contributing death and disability worldwide. Patients suffering from severe TBI usually will end up with disability, as they are associated with extensive damages to the brain. This makes the management of severe TBI to be challenging, Objective of the study. The study aims to use a Peltier effect device in severe TBI patients as a method of local hypothermia, because therapeutic hypothermia showed promising results in reducing secondary tissue injury and intracranial pressure after TBI. Material and Methods. Thermoelectric coolers (TECs) based on the Peltier effect are preferred for hypothermia because they have small size, low weight, lack of moving parts, high precision and safe operation. For the purpose of the study a therapeutic hypothermia device was assembled, software for the device was designed, as well a graphical user interface (GUI). The TEC helmet was assebled and tested. Results. Computer simulations and mathematical calculations were made prior to assembly, the dimensions and location of the Peltier elements in the helmet were adjusted to the simulation results, with elements dimensions 40x40 mm, and placement on temporal, parietal and occipital regions and divided in two sides controlled by 2 separate microcontrollers to allow cooling of a more specific region of the head. Previous studies suggest that local cooling devices of the brain were effective at achieving a brain temperature 34°C within a 2–6 h time frame while available systems were not adequate to achieve this desired goal, so further research into local cooling systems is needed. Conclusion. There is a possibility to implement this device for local hypothermia in the clinical settings, for this purpose a RCT is being designed to test the efficacy of the device, because there is an ongoing debate about local hypothermia efficacy in TBI in clinical trials compared to laboratory ones. Introducere. Traumatismul cranio-cerebral grav (TCC) este una din cauzele principale ale decesului și le dizabilității la nivel mondial. Pacienții ce au suportat TCC grav, de obicei vor rămâne cu dizabilități din cauza injuriei cerebrale. Din această cauză managementul TCC sever este dificil. Scopul lucrării. Studiul are scopul de a utiliza un dispozitiv pe bază de elemente Peltier ca metodă de hipotermie locală în TCC grav, deoarece hipotermia are un efect pozitiv în reducerea injuriei cerebrale secundare și a tensiunii intracraniene dupa TCC. Material și Metode. Dispozitivele termoelectrice (DTE) pe baza efectului Peltier sunt preferabile în hipotermie, deoarece sunt de dimensiune, masă mică, absența părților mobile, precizie înaltă, operare sigură. Pentru studiu un dispozitiv a fost asamblat, software-ul și interfața grafică proiectate pentru grafică. Precum și casca cu elemente DTE a fost asamblată si testată. Rezultate. Înainte de asamblarea dispozitivului au fost efectuate simulări computerizate și calcule matematice, ulterior dimensiunea și localizarea elementelor Peltier au fost ajustate în conformitate cu rezultatele simulărlior, dimensiunile elementelor fiind 40x40 mm și localizare în regiunile temporală, parietală și occipitală, de asemenea dispozitivul constă funcțional din 2 jumătăți controlate de 2 microcontrolere ce permite o precizie mai înaltă de lucru. Studiile precedente au demostrat că dispozitivele de hipotermie locală sunt eficiente în răcirea țesutului cerebral până la 34oC, însă sistemele disponibile la moment nu pot realiza scopul dat și sunt necesare studii suplimentare. Concluzii. Cu implementarea dispozitivului pentru hipotermie locală în condiții clinice, un studiu randomizat este în elaborare pentru testarea eficienței dispozitivlului, din cauză că există o dezbatere continuă asupra eficienței hipotermiei locale în TCC în studiile clinice comparativ cu cele de laborator

    Local hypothermia therapy using a Peltier elements cooling device severe traumatic brain injury patients

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    SUMPh „Nicolae Testemitanu” Department of Neurosurgery, INN „Diomid Gherman”, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareIntroduction 1. Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the causes contributed to the major source of death and severe disability worldwide. Patients suffering from severe traumatic brain injury usually will end up with disability, as they most often are associated with extensive irreversible damages to the brain. This makes the management of severe TBI to be challenging and very often associate with disappointing outcomes. 2. Hypothermic neuroprotection has been demonstrated in many preclinical models of injury. 3. The humoral and cellular neuroinflammatory response to TBI has been shown to be temperature dependent. 4. Hypothermia has effects on many secondary injury mechanisms including (1) cerebral metabolism, (2) excitotoxicity, (3) oxidative stress, (4) blood– brain barrier (BBB) permeability, (5) gene expression, (6) neurotrophin levels and function, (7) neuroinflammation, (8) cerebral swelling, and (9) axonal injury. Purpose The study aims to use a Peltier effect device in severe TBI patients as a method of local hypothermia, because therapeutic hypothermia showed promising results in reducing secondary tissue injury and intracranial pressure after TBI. Material and methods Thermoelectric coolers (TECs) based on the Peltier effect are preferred in hypothermia because they have small thickness, low weight, lack of moving mechanisms, high precision, and safe operation. Peltier cooling elements allow elaboration of a small mobile device, complementary to ICP monitoring that can be operated in emergency medical services, as well as neurointensive care units, in this way reducing the risk of secondary tissue injury after TBI. Results As mentioned earlier, targeting Brain temperature (BT) is now possible— making regional or selective hypothermia of the patient’s head an alternative method to achieving hypothermia after TBI, which may have fewer side effects than systemic hypothermia. Preliminary studies suggest that custom cooling devices of the brain were effective at achieving a BT 34°C within a 2–6 h time frame. Conclusions There is a possibility to implement this device for local hypothermia in the clinical settings, for this purpose a RCT is being designed to test the efficacy of the device, and ICP monitoing because there is an ongoing debate about local hypothermia efficacy in TBI in clinical trials compared to laboratory ones

    Clinical-epidemiological characteristics of adults hospitalized with Covid–19 in the Republic of Moldova

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has a major negative impact on health and socio-economic well-being. Understanding the characteristics of COVID-19 disease and identifying the wide range of factors affecting health and quality of life can be the key to providing viable solutions to improve the management of patients and their physical and psycho-emotional rehabilitation. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the influence of SARS CoV-2 infection on the health status of adults hospitalized with the diagnosis of COVID-19 in the Republic of Moldova. Material and methods: The presented study is a retrospective, cohort, consisting of a sample of 7441 patients randomly selected, aged 18 y.o. and older, hospitalized in 10 public medical institutions in Chisinau, Moldova. Diagnosis of COVID-19 was confirmed by detection of CoV-2 SARS RNA. The data in the patients’ medical records were processed and stored according to the unified, pre-established form, prepared in accordance with the requirements of the software „Electronic Patient Record COVID-19”. The severity of COVID-19 disease was assessed using two principles: (1) according to the criteria of the National Clinical Protocol PCN-371; (2) according to the 7-point graduated scale developed by the WHO Special Committee (V.3.0, 3 March 2020) in randomized multicenter clinical trials. Result: Only 30.07% patients mentioned the presence of a close contact with a COVID-19 positive person. The average age of the patients in the study was 52.83 years. Mild form was diagnosed in 5.00% of patients, medium - 66.15%, severe –20.67%, critical-8.18%. The main complaints of patients were fever, fatigue or physical asthenia, cough, and headache. More than 1/4 of those hospitalized have severe or critical forms of COVID-19; more than 1/3 - require oxygen therapy, and every 6-th patient needs non-invasive high-flow oxygen ventilation or mechanical ventilation. Old age, male sex, chronic comorbidities increase statistically significantly the probability of patients having an unfavorable prognosis in COVID-19. 7.93% of patients died, according to the age group: every 2-nd patient over 90 years, every 3-rd over 80 years, every 5-th over 70 years, and every 9-th over 60 years died. Conclusions: (1) The uncertainty of the source of infection lead to delay specific prophylactic public health measures; (2) In COVID-19, in a hospital-type medical management, the emphasis should be placed mainly on patients over the age of 50; (3) There is no specific clinical manifestation in COVID-19, that would allow to distinguish the disease from other pathologies; (4) Age over 60 y.o., male sex, and chronic cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidneys diseases and malignant tumors unfavorable influence the evolution of COVID-19; (5) Antibiotic administration remains at a high level in hospitalized patients and is often unjustified and unnecessary