2 research outputs found

    Monteggia fracture-dislocations surgical treatment aspects

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    Catedra Traumatologie, Ortopedie şi Chirurgie de Campanie, USMF “N. Testemiţanu”, Spitalul Clinic Traumatologie şi Ortopedie, Chişinău, Conferinţa a XI-a Naţională a ortopezilor-tramatologi din Republica Moldova “Politraumatisme – concepţii contemporane de diagnostic şi tratament”, 21 mai 2009, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaEste prezentat tratamentul chirurgical a 12 bolnavi adulţi cu leziunea Monteggia. La toţi pacienţii s-a efectuat osteosinteza osului ulnar. Capul osului radial în 7 cazuri a fost redus chirurgical, iar în 5 – înlăturat (într-un caz s-a efectuat plastia defectului osos în aria fracturii cu grefă cilindrică fasonată din capul radial rezectat). Rezultatele finale sunt pozitive.The surgical treatment of 12 adult patients with Monteggia lesions is presented. All the patients had undergone the osteosynthesis of the ulnar bone. The head of the radial bone in 7 cases was reduced surgicaly, and in 5 cases was removed (in one case was performed the plasty of the bone defect with a cylindrical bone graft processed from the resected radial head into the area of the fracture). The final results are positive

    Септические осложнения при надкостном остеосинтезе металлическими пластинками при закрытых переломах трубчатых костей

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    USMF Nicolae Testemiţanu, Catedra Ortopedie şi TraumatologieIn this article we present the study of 60 patients with different types of closed fractures of long bones. Open reduction metal internal fi xation with extracortical plates and srows, which was followed by septic complications. Afler the complex treatment of these complications good anatomical and function results were obtained in 93,3% of cases with the stable remission of the septic processВ статье представлен анализ лечения 60 больных с закрытыми переломами трубчатых костей (плечо – 9, предплечья – 8, бедро – 20, большеберцовая кость – 23), которым проведено хирургическое лечение: открытая репозиция с надкостным остеосинтезом металлическими пластинками, вследствие чего развились септические осложнения. В результате комплексного лечения этих осложнений получен хороший анатомический и удовлетворительный функциональный результат в 93,33% случаев, со стабильной ремиссией септического процесса