8 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional motion tracking of coronary arteries in biplane cineangiograms

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    Supporting the TECAB Grafting through CT Based Analysis of Coronary Arteries

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    Calcified coronary arteries can cause severe cardiac problems and may provoke an infarction of the heart's wall. An established treatment method is the bypass operation. The usage of a telemanipulation system allows for the execution of that operation as a totally endoscopic coronary artery bypass (TECAB) grafting. This relatively new method narrows the surgeon's view and does not permit the palpation of the vessel in order to detect calcifications (hard plaques)

    Videocirurgia colorretal com assistĂȘncia robĂłtica: o prĂłximo passo? Robotic assisted colorrectal surgery

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    O desenvolvimento de tĂ©cnicas minimamente invasivas Ă© um dos mais importantes avanços da cirurgia colorretal. A assistĂȘncia robĂłtica integra o arsenal de tĂ©cnicas em cirurgia minimamente invasiva, e vem sendo aplicado em cirurgia colorretal por um restrito grupo de cirurgiĂ”es em alguns centros ao redor do mundo com resultados iniciais que merecem atenção. O objetivo do presente estudo Ă© analisar os resultados do emprego da assistĂȘncia robĂłtica em videocirurgia colorretal. Dentre as vantagens associadas ao emprego de robĂŽs em videocirurgia colorretal, figuram o incremento na precisĂŁo dos movimentos e a visĂŁo tridimensional. A experiĂȘncia clĂ­nica Ă© ainda pequena, e advĂ©m de uma sĂ©rie de casos e estudos comparativos com a videocirurgia colorretal sem assistĂȘncia robĂłtica com ainda pequeno nĂșmero de casos. A dissecção pĂ©lvica com incremento da preservação autonĂŽmica parece ser a maior vantagem associada Ă  assistĂȘncia robĂłtica em videocirurgia colorretal. Somente atravĂ©s do treinamento de um nĂșmero mais representativo de cirurgiĂ”es colorretais, bem como com a expansĂŁo da experiĂȘncia clĂ­nica serĂĄ possĂ­vel prever com maior precisĂŁo o papel da assistĂȘncia robĂłtica em videocirurgia colorretal.<br>The development of minimally invasive surgical techniques represents an important aspect of modern surgical research. Robot-assisted minimally invasive colorectal surgery represents a way of assisting laparoscopic colorectal procedures. Robotic technology overcomes some of these limitations by successfully providing intuitive motion and enhanced precision and accuracy, in an environment that is much more ergonomic. A restrict number of surgeons in specialized centers around the world have been applying robotics. In this review, current evidence about different technologies and its place in colorectal surgery is evaluated. The feasibility of performing robot-assisted colorectal operations has been demonstrated though case series and small case-controlled trials. The potential for enhancing autonomic nerve preservation during proctectomy may be the most remarkable advantage associated to robotic assistance during laparoscopic colorectal surgery. Colorectal surgeons should seize the opportunity to begin to use surgical robotic systems. Only through widespread surgeon training and increasing clinical experience with these systems, further technological developments, and continuous research, robotic technology will be routinely incorporated into surgical procedures on the colon and rectum

    An Architecture for Autonomy

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    International audienceAn autonomous robot offers a challenging and ideal field for the study of intelligent architectures. Autonomy within a rational behavior could be evaluated by the robot's effectiveness and robustness in carrying out tasks in different and ill-known environments_ It raises major requirements on the control architecture. Furthermore, a robot as a programmable machine brings up other architectural needs, such as the ease and quality of its speci_cation and programming. This paper describes an integrated architecture allowing a mobile robot to plan its tasks, taking into account temporal and domain constraints, to perform corresponding actions and to control their execution in real_time, while being reactive to possible events. The general architecture is composed of three levels : a decision level, an execution level and a functional level. The later is composed of modules that embed the functions achieving sensor data processing and effector control. The decision level is goal and event driven, it may have several layers, according to the application ; their basic structure is a planner/supervisor pair that enables to integrate deliberation and reaction. The proposed architecture relies naturally on several representations, programming paradigms and processing approaches meeting the precise requirements specified for each level. We developed proper tools to meet these specifications and implement each level of the architecture : IxTeT a temporal planner, PRS a procedural system for task refinement and supervision, Kheops for the reactive control of the functional level, and GenoM for the specification and integration of modules at that level. Validation of temporal and logical properties of the reactive parts of the system, through these tools, are presented. Instances of the proposed architecture have been already integrated into several indoor and outdoor robots. Examples from real world experimentations are provided and analyzed