17,401 research outputs found

    Sparse spatial selection for novelty-based search result diversification

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    Abstract. Novelty-based diversification approaches aim to produce a diverse ranking by directly comparing the retrieved documents. However, since such approaches are typically greedy, they require O(n 2) documentdocument comparisons in order to diversify a ranking of n documents. In this work, we propose to model novelty-based diversification as a similarity search in a sparse metric space. In particular, we exploit the triangle inequality property of metric spaces in order to drastically reduce the number of required document-document comparisons. Thorough experiments using three TREC test collections show that our approach is at least as effective as existing novelty-based diversification approaches, while improving their efficiency by an order of magnitude.

    An Adult with Episodic Abnormal Limb Posturing

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    K X-Ray Energies and Transition Probabilities for He-, Li- and Be-like Praseodymium ions

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    Theoretical transition energies and probabilities for He-, Li- and Be-like Praseodymium ions are calculated in the framework of the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method (MCDF), including QED corrections. These calculated values are compared to recent experimental data obtained in the Livermore SuperEBIT electron beam ion trap facility

    Interplay between chiral and axial symmetries in a SU(2) Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model with the Polyakov loop

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    We consider a two flavor Polyakov--Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model where the Lagrangian includes an interaction term that explicitly breaks the UA(1)_A(1) anomaly. At finite temperature, the restoration of chiral and axial symmetries, signaled by the behavior of several observables, is investigated. We compare the effects of two regularizations at finite temperature, one of them, that allows high momentum quarks states, leading to the full recovery of chiral symmetry. From the analysis of the behavior of the topological susceptibility and of the mesonic masses of the axial partners, it is found in the SU(2) model that, unlike the SU(3) results, the recovery of the axial symmetry is not a consequence of the full recovery of the chiral symmetry. Thus, one needs to use an additional idea, by means of a temperature dependence of the anomaly coefficient, that simulates instanton suppression effects.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures; PRD versio

    Avaliação e seleção de bulbos de cebola de baixo teor de ácido pirúvico de cultivares adaptadas ao Nordeste.

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    Diferente de outros países, o Brasil não desenvolveu populações de cebola com baixa pungência, o que poderia aumentar o consumo nacional e criar novas oportunidades para os agricultores. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o teor de ácido pirúvico em algumas populações de cebola desenvolvidas para o Nordeste brasileiro para orientar trabalhos de melhoramento da espécie. Foram avaliados bulbos de cinco variedades de cebola cultivados nos Campos Experimentais de Bebedouro e Mandacaru/Embrapa Semiárido, em 2010. As condições de cultivo e manejo de fertilizantes foram semelhantes nos dois locais. Os bulbos foram quantificados para o teor de ácido pirúvico por espectrofotometria, sendo selecionados aqueles com teor menor que 5 μmol/mL. Dos 206 bulbos de Bebedouro, os teores de ácido pirúvico variaram de 3,02 μmol/mL a 14,22 μmol/mL de suco de cebola, dos quais selecionou-se 14 (6,8%). Dos 360 bulbos, colhidos no Campo Experimental de Mandacaru, os teores de ácido pirúvico variaram de 3,65 μmol/mL a 18,52 μmol/mL de suco de cebola; destes 13 (3,6%) foram selecionados. Obteve-se sementes em 18 plantas dos 27 bulbos selecionados, o que possibilitará um novo ciclo de seleção recorrente, visando o desenvolvimento de populações de cebola com baixos teores de ácido pirúvico para o Nordeste brasileiro

    Superconducting Kondo phase in an orbitally-separated bilayer

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    The nature of superconductivity in heavy-fermion materials is a subject under intense debate, and controlling this many-body state is central for its eventual understanding. Here, we examine how proximity effects may change this phenomenon, by investigating the effects of an additional metallic layer on the top of a Kondo-lattice, and allowing for pairing in the former. We analyze a bilayer Kondo Lattice Model with an on-site Hubbard interaction, U-U, on the additional layer, using a mean-field approach. For U=0U=0, we notice a drastic change in the density-of-states due to multiple-orbital singlet resonating combinations. It destroys the well-known Kondo insulator at half filling, leading to a metallic ground state, which, in turn, enhances antiferromagnetism through the polarization of the conduction electrons. For U0U\neq 0, a superconducting Kondo state sets in at zero temperature, with the occurrence of unconventional pairing amplitudes involving ff-electrons. We establish that this remarkable feature is only possible due to the proximity effects of the additional layer. At finite temperatures we find that the critical superconducting temperature, TcT_c, decreases with the interlayer hybridization. We have also established that a zero temperature superconducting amplitude tracks TcT_c, which reminisces the BCS proportionality between the superconducting gap and TcT_c.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure