1,750 research outputs found

    Sistemas de criação de ovinos e ocorrência de anticorpos contra o vírus da Maedi-Visna na microrregião de Juazeiro, BA.

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    Com o objetivo de se obterem informações sobre os sistemas de produção de ovinos e avaliar a frequência de anticorpos contra o vírus da Maedi-Visna (MV) em propriedades localizadas na microrregião de Juazeiro - BA, investigou-se, a partir da aplicação de questionários, algumas características de manejo sanitário, alimentar e reprodutivo em 58 propriedades nos oito municípios que compõem essa região: Juazeiro, Sento Sé, Sobradinho, Pilão Arcado, Campo Alegre de Lourdes, Remanso, Casa Nova e Curaçá. Das propriedades visitadas, 89,6% (81,74% - 97,46%) adotavam sistema extensivo de criação e 58,6% (45,92% - 71,28%) não tinham assistência técnica. O manejo sanitário mostrou-se precário. Os produtores entrevistados apontaram a linfadenite caseosa como uma das doenças mais observadas nos rebanhos. Analisaram-se 919 amostras de soro pelo teste de Imunodifusão em Gel de Agarose (IDGA) no Laboratório de Patologia Clínica da Embrapa Caprinos e Ovinos, em Sobral - CE. Detectaram-se quatro animais positivos. As Lentiviroses de Pequenos Ruminantes têm demonstrado, em diversos estudos, relação direta com os manejos adotados nas propriedades e introdução de tecnologias sem adequado controle sanitário. Acredita-se que o baixo número de ovinos positivos evidenciado neste levantamento deva-se ao baixo índice tecnológico adotado na região. Outra possibilidade é de que, nessa região, o rebanho de ovinos caracteriza-se pela predominância de raças nativas e sem raça definida (SRD), com poucos animais importados de outros estados e/ou países. Production systems of sheep and the occurrence of Maedi-Visna Virus in properties located in the Juazeiro, BA, microregion. Abstract: In order to obtain data from the used sheep production systems and to analyze them to the occurrence of Maedi-Visna in properties located in the microregion of Juazeiro - BA, some features of health, food and reproductive management were inquired from the application of questionnaires, on 58 properties located in the eight municipalities that make up this region: Juazeiro; Sento Sé; Sobradinho; Pilão Arcado; Campo Alegre de Lourdes; Remanso; Casa Nova and Curaçá. This survey evaluated some basic elements in the production chain. It was asserted that 89.6% (81.74% - 97.46%) of the producers raise their animals extensively and 58.6% (45.92% - 71.28%) have no technical assistance. The health management seemed to be precarious. Caseous lymphadenitis is one of most commonly diseases observed by farmers. 919 samples of sheep serum were collected and analyzed by AGID in the Laboratory of Clinical Pathology of Embrapa Goats, in Sobral - CE. Four animals were positive. The Lentivirus of Small Ruminants has been shown in several studies to be directly related to the management practices adopted on the properties. It is believed the low number of positive sheep found in this survey is related to the low technological level used in this region. Another possibility is that the regional sheep herd is predominantly made up of native or mixed breed

    Coleta de germoplasma de mangueira (Mangifera indica) em pomares domésticos dos municípios de Juazeiro-BA e Petrolina-PE.

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    Observou-se, assim, uma grande variabilidade entre os diversos caracteres dos frutos nos acessos coletados

    Avaliação agronômica de germoplasma de manga nas condições irrigadas do semi-árido.

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar os acessos do banco de Germoplasma de Mangueira da Embrapa semi-Árido, localizado na Estação Experimental de Mandacaru (Juazeiro-BA)

    Interspecific transmission of small ruminant lentiviruses from goats to sheep.

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    Abstrract: This study was conducted in order to evaluate the transmission of caprine lentivirus to sheep using different experimental groups. The first one (colostrum group) was formed by nine lambs receiving colostrum from goats positive for small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV). The second group (milk group) was established by nine lambs that received milk of these goats. Third was a control group, consisting of lambs that suckled colostrum and milk of negative mothers. Another experimental group (contact group) was formed by eight adult sheep, confined with two naturally infected goats. The groups were monitored by immunoblotting (IB), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) and nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR). All lambs that suckled colostrum and milk of infected goats and six sheep of the contact group had positive results in the nPCR, although seroconversion was detected only in three of the exposed animals, with no clinical lentiviruses manifestation, in 720 days of observation. There was a close relationship between viral sequences obtained from infected animals and the prototype CAEV-Cork. Thus, it was concluded that SRLV can be transmitted from goats to sheep, however, the degree of adaptation of the virus strain to the host species probably interferes with the infection persistence and seroconversion rate

    Caracterização dos sistemas de produção de ovinos da região do Baixo Medio São Francisco, Bahia, Brasil.

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    A ovinocultura no Nordeste brasileiro se destaca pela grande relevância sócio-econômica, representando muitas vezes a principal fonte de renda para as famílias no semiárido. Com o objetivo de se obter informações sobre os sistemas de produção de ovinos em propriedades localizadas na Região do Baixo Médio São Francisco (Microrregião de Juazeiro), estado da Bahia, investigou-se a partir da aplicação de questionários, algumas características de manejo sanitário, alimentar e reprodutivo de 58 propriedades localizadas nos oito municípios que compõem esta região: Juazeiro, Sento Sé, Sobradinho, Pilão Arcado, Campo Alegre de Lourdes, Remanso, Casa Nova e Curaçá. Estes municípios possuem uma das maiores concentrações de ovinos do país. O tipo de exploração predominante foi o extensivo, com presença de animais nativos, mestiços e sem raça definida, visando a produção de carne e pele, com baixa produtividade e tecnificação. O manejo sanitário mostrou-se precário

    Randomised Clinical Trial of Prostatic Artery Embolisation Versus a Sham Procedure for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

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    Background: Prostatic artery embolisation (PAE) has been associated with an improvement of lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia (LUTS/BPH), but conclusive evidence of efficacy from randomised controlled clinical trials has been lacking. Objective: To assess the safety and efficacy of PAE compared with a sham procedure in the treatment of LUTS/BPH. Design, setting, and participants: A randomised, single-blind, sham-controlled superiority clinical trial was conducted in 80 males ≥45yr with severe LUTS/BPH refractory to medical treatment from 2014 to 2019 in a private clinic, with efficacy assessments at 6 and 12 mo after randomisation. One patient in the PAE group and three in the sham group did not complete the study. Intervention: Patients were randomised 1:1 upon successful catheterisation of a prostatic artery to either PAE or a sham PAE procedure without embolisation. After 6 mo, all 38 patients randomised to the sham group who completed the single-blind period underwent PAE, and both groups completed a 6-mo open period. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: An intention-to-treat analysis of all randomised patients was performed. The coprimary outcomes were the change from baseline to 6 mo in the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and the quality of life (QoL) score at 6 mo, analysed with analysis of covariance and t test, respectively. Results and limitations: Mean age was 63.8±6.0yr, baseline IPSS 26.4±3.87, and QoL score 4.43±0.52. At 6 mo, patients in the PAE arm had a greater improvement in IPSS, with a difference in the change from baseline of 13.2 (95% confidence interval [CI] 10.2-16.2, p<0.0001), and a better QoL score at 6 mo (difference: 2.13; 95% CI 1.57-2.68, p<0.0001) than the patients in the sham arm. The improvements in IPSS and QoL in the sham group 6 mo after they performed PAE were, respectively, 13.6±9.19 (p<0.0001) and 2.05 ± 1.71 (p<0.0001). Adverse events occurred in 14 (35.0%) patients after PAE and in 13 (32.5%) after sham, with one serious adverse event in the sham group during the open period. No treatment failures occurred. Limitations include a single-centre trial, only severe LUTS/BPH, and follow-up limited to 12 mo. Conclusions: The improvements in subjective and objective variables after PAE are far superior from those due to the placebo effect. Patient summary: Clearly superior efficacy of prostatic artery embolisation (PAE) compared with a sham procedure was found in this study, which supports the use of PAE in patients with typical symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevalência sorológica da Maedi-Visna em rebanhos ovinos damicrorregião de Juazeiro - Bahia por meio do teste de imunodifusão em gel de ágar.

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    A introdução de novas raças, com o objetivo de aumentar a produtividade, levou à alteração do perfil sanitário dos rebanhos. Dentre as enfermidades introduzidas no Brasil, destacam-se as lentiviroses de pequenos ruminantes (LVPR), representadas pela artrite-encefalite caprina (CAE) e pela maedi-visna (MV). Devido à importância econômica da ovinocultura para a microrregião de Juazeiro-Bahia e à escassez de dados sobre a lentivirose em ovinos, buscou-se obter a prevalência da MV. Foram avaliados 919 soros por imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA). As amostras foram colhidas nos oito municípios que compõem essa microrregião (Juazeiro, Sento Sé, Sobradinho, Pilão Arcado, Campo Alegre de Lourdes, Remanso, Casa Nova e Curaçá), conforme a representatividade de cada município no total de animais. Constatou-se que 0,34% (4/919) dos ovinos amostrados apresentaram reação positiva no IDGA. Concluiu-se com esse resultado que a MV ocorre na microrregião estudada, com baixa prevalência, provavelmente pela predominância de animais de raças localmente adaptadas. SEROLOGICAL PREVALENCE OF MAEDI VISNA IN SHEEP HERDS IN THE MICROREGION OF JUAZEIRO - BAHIA, BYAGAR GEL IMMUNODIFFUSION (AGID). The introduction of new breeds, aiming at increasing productivity, caused the change in the health profile of herds. Among the diseases introduced in Brazil lentiviroses of small ruminants (LVPR) stand out, represented by caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) and the maedi-visna (MV). In order to obtain data concerning the presence of maedi visna (MV) in sheep herds in the microregion of Juazeiro, Bahia, 91 9 serum samples were evaluated by agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID). The samples were collected in eight cities that make up this microregion (Juazeiro, Sento Sé, Sobradinho, Pilão Arcado, Campo Alegre Lourdes, Remanso, Casa Nova and Curaçá) considering how representative each municipality is within the totalilty of animals. It was observed that 0.34% of the sampled sheep showed positive reaction in the AGID. It was concluded that the MV occurs with low prevalence in the studied microregion, probably due to the predominance of locally adapted breeds

    Cereal landraces genetic resources in worldwide GeneBanks. A review

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    Since the dawn of agriculture, cereal landraces have been the staples for food production worldwide, but their use dramatically declined in the 2nd half of the last century, replaced by modern cultivars. In most parts of the world, landraces are one of the most threatened components of agrobiodiversity, facing the risk of genetic erosion and extinction. Since landraces have a tremendous potential in the development of new cultivars adapted to changing environmental conditions, GeneBanks holding their genetic resources potentially play an important role in supporting sustainable agriculture. This work reviews the current knowledge on cereal landraces maintained in GeneBanks and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of existing information about their taxonomy, origin, structure, threats, sampling methodologies and conservation and GeneBanks’ documentation and management. An overview of major collections of cereal landraces is presented, using the information available in global metadatabase systems. This review on winter cereal landrace conservation focuses on: (1) traditional role of GeneBanks is evolving beyond their original purpose to conserve plant materials for breeding programmes. Today’s GeneBank users are interested in landraces’ history, agro-ecology and traditional knowledge associated with their use, in addition to germplasm traits. (2) GeneBanks therefore need to actively share their germplasm collections’ information using different channels, to promote unlimited and effective use of these materials for the further development of sustainable agriculture. (3) Access to information on the 7.4 million accessions conserved in GeneBanks worldwide, of which cereal accessions account for nearly 45 %, particularly information on cereal landraces (24 % of wheat, 23 % of barley, 14 % of oats and 29 % of rye accessions), is often not easily available to potential users, mainly due to the lack of consistent or compatible documentation systems, their structure and registration. (4) Enhancing the sustainable use of landraces maintained in germplasm collections through the effective application of recent advances in landrace knowledge (origin, structure and traits) and documentation using the internet tools and data providing networks, including the use of molecular and biotechnological tools for the material screening and detection of agronomic traits. (5) Cereal landraces cannot be exclusively conserved as seed samples maintained under ex situ conditions in GeneBanks. The enormous contribution of farmers in maintaining the crop and landraces diversity is recognised. Sharing of benefits and raising awareness of the value of cereal landraces are the most effective ways to promote their conservation and to ensure their continued availability and sustainable use. (6) Evaluation of costs and economic benefits attributed to sustainable use of cereal landraces conserved in the GeneBanks requires comprehensive studies conducted on a case-by-case basis, that take into consideration species/crop resources, conservation conditions and quality and GeneBank location and functions.This work was support by the European Community, through the INTERREG IIIB and MAC programmes, research projects Germobanco Agrícola da Macaronesia and AGRICOMAC. This paper was edited by Olga Spellman (Bioversity International)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio