2 research outputs found


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    Children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) frequently show difficulties in the acquisition of multiple repertoires, including verbal behavior. One type of verbal operant behavior is the intraverbal. It involves the emission of a verbal response under the control of a verbal discriminative stimulus, without point-to-point correspondence between them, and the response is maintained by a generalized conditioned reinforcer. This study focused on narrative retelling, which is a skill that comprises intraverbal chains. It is also discussed in the literature that the teaching of this repertoire may improve gains in text comprehension, which also involves the emission of intraverbals, that is, answering questions. Regarding this skill, previous research investigated procedures that may produce the emergence of answering comprehension questions referred as complex ABC intraverbals (related to the stimulus equivalence paradigm) in typically developing children. In general, they were exposed to cycles in which they first read short texts/sentences relating information on three different stimuli (A, B, and C), Thereafter, the children answered several questions representing all possible complex intraverbal relations among the three stimuli from the sentences. Some learners demonstrated the emergence of all complex relations, and further investigations were carried out with the teaching of simpler intraverbal relations of the type of exemplars and categories before the cycles of reading sentences – probing complex ABC intraverbals. Data indicated that more learners showed the emergence of all, or nearly all, complex relations. The present study comprised two systematic replication experiments, with the inclusion of a child with ASD as participant. Both also involved the teaching of sentence reading and retelling through script fading, to analyze the effects of narrative production on the possible emergence of complex intraverbals. In Experiment 1, cycles of teaching sentence reading and retelling – probing ABC intraverbals were administered. As a result, all possible complex relations emerged.  Experiment 2 involved the teaching of simpler intraverbal relations of the type of exemplars and categories before the cycles of teaching sentence reading and retelling – probing ABC intraverbals. All possible complex intraverbal relations also emerged. Data were discussed in the sense that, although positive, it is not clear whether the teaching of sentence retelling and simpler intraverbal relations facilitated the establishment of the complex intraverbals. It is possible that reading the sentences was sufficient. The limitations of the research were presented and discussed, as well as recommendations for future investigations that may more clearly isolate the effects of each manipulated independent variable. Anyway, the current study extended previous investigations by showing that complex intraverbal relations of the ABC type may also be established in a learner diagnosed with ASD.  Article visualizations

    Experiências anômalas e dissociativas em contexto religioso: uma abordagem autoetnográfica

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    The present study explored the phenomenological characteristics of anomalous experiences (AEs) reported during Umbanda rituals, a mediumistic Brazilian religion, with the aim of comparing AEs reported during rituals involving the use of Ayahuasca (an entheogen frequently used in some Umbanda contexts) and rituals without the use of this substance. In order to do so, we compared individuals with different levels of involvement with the mediumistic practices. The study was based on an auto-ethnographic approach. This methodological perspective allowed us to confront subjective data with the available knowledge in the scientific literature about AEs, dissociative phenomena and altered states of consciousness and was of fundamental importance for a more sensitive understanding of the nuances and characteristics of these experiences. The results attest to a significant similarity between the experiences reported with and without the use of Ayahuasca in mediumistic contexts. In both groups, the experiencers were able to identify certain similarities in their experiences regarding a reduction of voluntary motor control, changes in memory and perception, communicability and accessibility of experiences, anomalous information reception and increases in interpersonal sensitivity. The results support the methodological feasibility of autoethnography as a research tool and point to its relevance to a deeper understanding of AEs and other subjective experiences usually of difficult investigation by other research methods.A presente pesquisa investigou as características fenomenológicas das experiências anômalas (EAs) relatadas em contextos mediúnicos umbandistas, a partir de uma comparação entre EAs reportadas durante rituais envolvendo o uso da substância Ayahuasca e rituais sem o uso dessa substância. Para tanto, comparamos indivíduos com diferentes graus de envolvimento com as práticas mediúnicas umbandistas, tendo por base uma abordagem autoetnográfica. A perspectiva metodológica adotada nos permitiu confrontar os dados subjetivos com o conhecimento disponível na literatura acadêmica acerca das EAs, dos fenômenos dissociativos e estados alterados de consciência, tendo sido fundamental para uma compreensão mais sensível das nuances e características dessas experiências. Os relatos analisados atestam uma semelhança significativa entre as experiências vivenciadas com e sem o uso de Ayahuasca em contextos mediúnicos. Em ambos os casos, os experienciadores puderam reconhecer similaridades no que diz respeito à redução do controle motor, às alterações perceptivas e mnêmicas experimentadas, à comunicabilidade da experiência, à recepção anômala de informação e a um aumento da sensibilidade interpessoal. Os resultados indicam a viabilidade metodológica da autoetnografia como recurso para um aprofundamento de aspectos das EAs e outras experiências subjetivas usualmente de difícil investigação por outros métodos.En la presente investigación se analiso las características fenomenológicas de experiencias anómalas (EAs) relatadas en contextos mediúmnicos umbandistas por medio de una comparación entre EAs reportadas durante rituales con el uso de la sustancia Ayahuasca y rituales sin el uso de esa sustancia. Para alcanzar ese objectivo, comparamos algunas caracteristicas de individuos con diferentes grados de involucracion con las prácticas mediúmnicas. Utilizamos un enfoque autoetnográfico. La perspectiva metodológica adoptada nos permitió evaluar los datos subjetivos con el conocimiento disponible en la literatura académica acerca de las EAs, de los fenómenos disociativos y los estados alterados de conciencia. Este acercamiento metodológico fue fundamental para una comprensión más sensible de los matices y características de las experiencias investigadas. Los relatos analizados atestiguan una similitud significativa entre las experiencias vivenciadas con y sin el uso de Ayahuasca en contextos mediúmnicos. En ambos casos, los participantes reconoceran similitudes en lo que se refiere a la reducción del control motor, a las alteraciones perceptivas y mnémicas experimentadas, a la comunicabilidad de la experiencia, a la recepción anómala de información, y un aumento de la sensibilidad interpersonal. Los resultados indican la viabilidad metodológica de la autoetnografía como recurso para una compreension profunda de aspectos de las EAs y otras experiencias subjetivas usualmente de difícil investigación por otros métodos