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    This paper discusses the threat that new members pose to the cooperative agreements in the management of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks and the possible solutions to this problem. In particular, the main solutions proposed in the fisheries literature are explored-namely the "transferable membership," the "waiting period" and the "fair sharing rule." The analysis is illustrated by a typical highly migratory species: the northern Atlantic bluefin tuna. The application of the analysis to the bluefin tuna fishery case study shows that, at present, the threat of the new members is not sufficient for the breakdown of the cooperative agreement. The simulation results for this case study show that both the "transferable membership" and the "fair sharing rule" solutions solve the potential new member threat.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,


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    This paper analyzes the optimal management of the Northern Atlantic bluefin tuna, both eastern and western stocks. The analysis is based on a deterministic multi-gear and age-structured bioeconomic model. In order to assess the importance of the gear structure in this fishery, the model is optimized in two scenarios. In the first, the strategies are restricted to the gear mix of the base year, whereas in the second, the optimal gear mix is estimated. For both scenarios, optimal constant strategies are determined. The corresponding optimal use is then compared with an open-access scenario. Also, optimal non-constant strategies are explored. As expected, the gear structure of the fishery proved to be highly relevant in the optimal payoffs. In particular, the unrestricted strategies yield rents substantially higher than the restricted ones. Also, the optimal management of the bluefin tuna fishery, in both the East and West Atlantic, would imply significant reallocation of the gear shares.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,


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    This paper considers the prospects for cooperative multilateral management of the North Atlantic bluefin tuna fisheries in accordance with the United Nations (UN) Agreement on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks signed in December 1995. A three-players characteristic function game (c-game) is used to analyze the cooperative agreements. The analysis focuses on the sharing of total net returns from cooperation. Three sharing rules are calculated; namely, the Nucleolus, the Shapley value, and the Nash bargaining solution. The analysis is based on simulation and optimization results from a multi-gear, age-structured, bioeconomic model developed for the North Atlantic bluefin tuna fisheries, East and West stocks. The results show, as expected, that significant gains can be attained from cooperation. The different sharing rules for the distribution of gains provide different returns to each player. Nonetheless, the basic transfer payments structure is rather stable. This case study points out some particular situations where these solutions are not enough to guarantee cooperation between all the coastal states.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Integração e diferença em educação comunitária : missão impossível?

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    Neste artigo, pretendemos reflectir criticamente sobre as teses multiculturais do filósofo Charles Taylor, interrogando sobre o seu contributo para a compreensão e para a intervenção em educação comunitária não formal.In this paper, we critically reflect about the multicultural theory of the philosopher Charles Taylor, considering its contribution to the understanding and to the practical use in non formal community education

    Humanidades na formação médica : realidade ou farsa?

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    Relacionado com o grego morfé do qual, em português, recebemos morfema, morfologia, metamorfose, etc. e derivado do latim forma do qual recebemos forma e seus derivados, formoso, formulários, etc., o lexema formação no sentido de acto, efeito ou modo de adquirir determinada forma, pode entender-se de duas maneiras: – como processo exógeno, de impressão de uma forma numa matéria a partir do exterior, à maneira adoptada pela generalidade das artes *…+ e, neste sentido, Plotino, para definir a educação, utiliza a expressão metafórica ‘esculpir a est{tua de homem’; – como processo endógeno, próprio dos seres vivos, em que a forma brota do interior e implica as fases de germinar, nascer, crescer, florescer, frutificar, amadurecer no reino vegetal, ou desenvolver-se até se tornar adulto, tantas vezes através de inesperadas transformações ou metamorfoses, no reino animal (Ribeiro-Dias, 2009:40)

    Como educar para a saúde?

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    Publicado no "Jornal Público" (Fevereiro 2005

    O movimento da auto-organização e os seus contributos para a educação

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    O artigo contextualiza historica e epistemologicamente o surgimento do movimento da auto-organização (MAO), avançando depois para a sua explicação como corrente epistemológica, diferenciada de outras correntes suas contemporâneas. Tal será feito, pela enunciação e explicação de 7 características necessárias para a identificação de uma teoria como pertencendo ao MAO. Em seguida, expõe-se brevemente as duas teorias do MAO que foram provavelmente as mais influentes no mundo científico contemporâneo: a teoria da autopoiesis e a teoria do desejo mimético. Ao longo da sua descrição, serão feitas ligações entre ambas, e entre elas e outros autores e teorias do MAO, nomeadamente com seus precursores, como Bateson e Morin. Por fim, concluiu-se com o contributo pessoal da autora para a compreensão da aprendizagem e da educação, tendo por base a epistemologia do MAO, apresentando-se também um resumo do pensamento de outros autores do MAO sobre aprendizagem e educação

    What Bateson had in mind about 'mind'?

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    G. Bateson believed that the scientific school of the future would be ‘ecology of mind’. The first aim of this paper is to understand what he meant by ‘mind’, and the other is to understand how this concept emerged in his thought, i.e., how its meaning would become more flexible throughout his life and work. Furthermore, we will approach the epistemological implications of ecology of mind for scientific education in the West. Bateson’s concept of mind emerged when he became aware (in 1926) of his own way of thinking, i.e., of his immense abductive capacity. This led him to search for patterns of similarity and difference between organisms (like in homology). Later, he identified this thought process as being abstract and formal, relating not just facts but also ideas. Afterwards, Bateson developed criteria for us to consider a system as being mental, with special emphasis on living and cybernetic systems

    From cybernetics to autopoiesis: continuties and descontinuities

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    O artigo tem por finalidade refletir como a teoria da autopoiesis foi influenciada pela Cibernética, e como ambas contribuíram para o esclarecimento da interacção entre os fenómenos de aprendizagem e os de educação. A metodologia utilizada é de tipo hermenêutica. Discute-se o surgimento da Cibernética. As três cibernéticas até aos anos 80-90. Cibernética e Biologia. As continuidades e descontinuidades entre a autopoiesis biológica e a auto-regulação cibernética. Aprendizagem e auto-produção de sentido, via acopulamentos estruturais. Observação e Educação. Em conclusão evidencia-se que existem incongruências lógicas e epistémicas entre o estudo da auto-regulação cibernética e o das autopoiesis biológicas; que a conceitualização da cibernética de 2ª ordem foi especialmente importante para a compreensão da dimensão observacional na teoria autopoiética, da qual decorre a educação; que os processos de educação só produzem aprendizagem efetiva quando os educadores e/ou conteúdos informacionais possibilitam um reforço, uma criação, ou uma flexibilização de sentido autopoiético do educando.The purpose of this article is to reflect how the autopoiesis theory was influenced by the cybernetics and as both contributed to the explanation of the interaction between learning and education phenomenon. We used hermeneutical methodology. We discuss the cybernetic’s emergence. The three cybernetics until 80-90. Cybernetics and biology. Continuities and discontinuities between the biological autopoiesis and the cybernetic self-regulation. Learning, individual’s and community’s self production of meaning, through structural couplings. Observation and Education. In conclusion, we point logical and epistemic incongruities between the study of cybernetic self-regulation and the one of the biological autopoiesis; that some concepts of cybernetics of 2nd order were especially important for the understanding of the observational dimension in the autopoiesis theory of which elapses education; that education processes only produce effective learning when the educators and/or informational contents make possible a reinforcement, a creation, or a flexiblization of the other person’s autopoietic meaning

    Educational and communitarian contributions of self-organising epistemological Movement : a self-organising narrative method to the training of adult educator

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    Apresenta-se um método narrativo utilizado na formação de educadores (não formais) de adultos, reflectindo sobre os fundamentos epistemológicos do Movimento da Auto-organização (MAO) nos quais ele se baseia. Descreve-se brevemente o seu contexto formativo. Os alicerces epistemológicos do MAO garantem a este método uma dimensão transdisciplinar que promove a educação permanente e comunitária dos formandos; desde uma década que ele tem vindo a ser utilizado e a ser reconhecido como promovendo auto-conhecimento e mudança na vida dos futuros educadores de adultos.On the basis of the interdisciplinary perspective developed within the epistemological movement of self-organisation, and with the help of narrative methodologies used in social sciences, I purpose a method for the training of adult educators. After testing the method over ten years with different groups, there is evidence of having succeeded in attaining its objectives. In this article I describe the nature of the steps of this method, as well as the academic context in which it was conceived and the way it relates to the epistemology associated with the epistemological movement of self-organisation