32 research outputs found

    Mulberry (Morus sp.) leaf moisture in storage environments

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    Mulberry leaves (IZ 56/4 cultivar) in the pos-harvest, had been taken to the laboratory and submitted to six storage environments (8 hours in open ambient-O, 8 hours in cover ambientC, 1hO/7hC, 2hO/6hC, 3hO/5hC and 4hO/4hC), aiming to evaluate moisture exchange capacity . It was utilized the experimental design split plot with five replications (blocks), six principal treatments (parcels) and nine secondary treatments (sub parcels, weighing of hour in hour, of 08h00min. until 16h00min.). In the period of eight hours of experimentation mulberry leaves moisturedevreased in all the ambients evaluated. However, for cover leaves with wet cloth, for all periods, the water purport (74,63%) was maintained close to the original value (08h00min.- 76,07%), demonstrating the efficiency technique in the conservation of the humidity of leaves for feeding silkworm.Folhas de amoreira (cultivar IZ 56/4), no pós-colheita, foram levadas ao laboratório e submetidas a seis ambientes de armazenamento (8 horas em ambiente aberto-A, 8 horas em ambiente coberto-C, 1hA/7hC, 2hA/6hC, 3hA/5hC e 4hA/4hC), com o objetivo de avaliar a capacidade de troca de umidade. Foi utilizado o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas, cinco repetições (blocos), seis tratamentos principais (parcelas) e nove tratamentos secundários (subparcelas, pesagens de hora em hora, das 08h00min. até as 16h00min.). No período de oito horas de experimentação ocorreu diminuição da umidade das folhas de amoreira, em todos os ambientes avaliados. No entanto, para folhas cobertas com tecido úmido, por todo o período, o teor de água (74,63%) se manteve próximo ao original (08h00min.-76,07%), demonstrando ser essa técnica, eficiente na conservação da umidade das folhas para alimentação do bichoda-seda

    Influência sazonal sobre o perfil bioquímico e a eletroforese de proteínas séricas de Boa constrictor amarali criada em cativeiro

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    As serpentes, como outros répteis, são animais ectotérmicos e dependem exclusivamente do meio para a manutenção de seus processos fisiológicos, bioquímicos e imunológicos. Desta forma, alterações nos valores bioquímicos podem ser esperadas considerando-se a influência sazonal. Foram utilizadas vinte e duas Boa constrictor amarali adultas mantidas em cativeiro. A coleta de sangue foi realizada em duas estações diferentes: inverno (julho 2004) e verão (Janeiro 2005), para a realização dos exames: ácido úrico, aspartato aminotransferase (AST), glicose, colesterol, proteína total e eletroforese da proteína sérica. As médias dos exames bioquímicos obtidos no verão e inverno, respectivamente, foram: 6.3 ± 3.4 e 11.3 ± 6.2 mg/dL para ácido úrico; 28.7 ± 12.4 e 20.7 ± 16.2 UI/L para AST; 26.3 ± 17 e 17.4 ± 6.8 mg/dL para glicose; 67.3 ± 30.2 e 69.7 ± 38.5 mg/dL para colesterol; e 5.9 ± 1.6 e 5.9 ± 1.4 g/dL para proteína total. Os resultados da eletroforese no verão e inverno, respectivamente, foram: 1.9 ± 0.7 e 2.4 ± 0.6 g/dL para albumina; 0.7 ± 0.2 e 0.5 ± 0.2 g/dL para α globulina; 1.5 ± 0.5 e 1.7 ± 0.6 g/dL β globulina; e 1.8 ± 0.5 e 1.5 ± 0.5 g/dL para g globulina. No verão foi observado aumento significativo da AST (p < 0,05) e diminuição significativa do ácido úrico (p < 0,05). Na eletroforese de proteína sérica, houve um aumento significativo da fração a globulina (p < 0,05) na mesma estação. Para as outras variáveis não foram obtidas diferenças significativas entre as estações. de acordo com os resultados, é importante considerar o período do ano na interpretação de alguns exames bioquímicos desses animais.Similarly to other reptiles, snakes are ectothermic animals and depend exclusively on the environment for the maintenance of their physiological, biochemical and immunological processes. Thus, changes in biochemical values can be expected due to seasonal influence. Twenty-two adult specimens of Boa constrictor amarali kept in captivity were used. Blood collections were done in two different seasons: winter (July 2004) and summer (January 2005) for the following assays: uric acid, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), glucose, cholesterol, total protein, and serum protein electrophoresis. The mean biochemical results found in summer and winter, respectively, were: 6.3 ± 3.4 and 11.3 ± 6.2 mg/dL for uric acid; 28.7 ± 12.4 and 20.7 ± 16.2 UI/L for AST; 26.3 ± 17 and 17.4 ± 6.8 mg/dL for glucose; 67.3 ± 30.2 and 69.7 ± 38.5 mg/dL for cholesterol; and 5.9 ± 1.6 and 5.9 ± 1.4 g/dL for total protein. Results regarding electrophoresis in summer and winter, respectively, were: 1.9 ± 0.7 and 2.4 ± 0.6 g/dL for albumin; 0.7 ± 0.2 and 0.5 ± 0.2 g/dL for α-globulin; 1.5 ± 0.5 and 1.7 ± 0.6 g/dL for β-globulin; and 1.8 ± 0.5 and 1.5 ± 0.5 g/dL for g-globulin. In the summer, there was a significant increase in AST and a decrease in uric acid (p < 0.05). Serum protein electrophoresis showed a significant increase in α-globulin fraction (p < 0.05) in the same season. There were not significant differences between seasons for the remaining variables. Based on these results, the period of the year must be considered in the interpretation of some biochemical values for these animals

    Dry matter production and seasonal distribution and chemical composition of alfalfa cultivates (Medicago sativa L.)

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate dry matter production (DMP), seasonal distribution (SD) and chemical composition of crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) of seventeen alfalfa cultivates: Creole, Florida 77, P555, P581, Moapa, Gilboa, 34 Linea, C/W 8754, C/W 4468, C/W 86, C/W 8746, Hunter Field, Trifecta, Sequel, CUF 101, Aurora e Siriver. A complete randomized blocks experimental design, with three replicates in a split plot on time scheme, was used. For DMP and SD, the cultivates were in the main plot and cuts in the subplots. For chemical composition, cultivates were also the main plots, and seasons of the year, summer and winter, the subplots. There were no differences among cultivates for the annual average dry matter production (12,08 t/[ha.year]) and SD (35% in the winter). There were differences in the chemical composition, among cultivates for CP and significant interaction among cultivates and the seasons of year for NDF and ADF. All cultivates showed similar potential production and seasonal distribution of dry matter. The alfalfa quality in the winter was better than in the summer

    Evaluation of ensilage potential of alfalfa cultivars (Medicago sativa L.)

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    The objective of this trial was to study the ensilage potential of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L,.). The material used in the evaluation was harvested from an experiment in a complete randomized blocks design with three replicates, with seventeen alfalfa cultivars, Criouil, Florida 77, P555, P581, Moapa, Gilboa, 34 Linea, C/W 8754, C/W 4468, C/W 86, C/W 8746, Hunter Field, Trifecta, Sequel, CUF 101, Aurora e Siriver, during three years. The harvest used for the determinations was collected at 30(th) day of plants development and the material was submitted to two treatments: no wilting - Fresh alfalfa frozen immediately after harvest; wilting fresh alfalfa exposed to sun by three hours to get 35% DM. The dry matter content (DM), water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and buffer capacity (BC) were evaluated in rhp forages Wilting increased the dry matter content (39,98%), however there were not differences among cultivars. The same occurred for the WSC content, with interaction among cultivars and treatments. The alfalfa cultivars, when submitted to effective wilting practice, presented appropriated characteristics of dry matter and water-soluble carbohydrates for ensilage. Wilting had no effect on alfalfa buffer capacity

    Morphological characterization of the development stages of female reproduction apparel of bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, in the intensive Anfigranja systems

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    The objective of this work was to caracterize the morphological characterization of the development stages of female reproduction apparel of bullfrog Rana catesbeiana from intensive Anfigranja system. During the period of one year, 836 bullfrog females were removed from regrowing and reproduction sections of the Anfigranja system to study the basic aspects of the reproduction of this specie. The collections were realized monthly and, in that occasion, the body and ovary weights for each animal were recorded and their macroscopic gonadal characteristics, registred. The ovaries from 303 females were removed and histologically examined. From the macro and microscopic characteristics analysis set of the ovary, five stages of gonadal maturation for the female of Rana catesbeiana were determined: juvenile, beginning of maturation, intermediate maturation, advance maturation and spent

    Morphological characterization of development stages of male reproduction apparel of bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, in the intensive Anfigranja system

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    The objective of this work was to caracterize the morphological characterization of the development stages of male reproduction apparel of bullfrog Rana catesbeiana from intensive Anfigranja system. During the period of one year, 657 bullfrog males were removed from regrowing and reproduction sections in Anfigranja system to study basic aspects of the reproduction of this specie. The collections were realized monthly and, in that occasion, the body and testicles weights for each animal were recorded and their macroscopic gonadal characteristics, registred. Testicles from 274 males were removed and histologically analyzed. From the macro and microscopic gonadal characteristics, analysis set of the testicles, five stages of gonadal maturation for the male of Rana catesbeiana were determined: juvenile, beginning of maturation, intermediate maturation, advanced maturation and spent

    Study on the nutrition value of pigeon pea meal [Cajanus-cajan (l) millps] in broiler feed .1. evaluation of thermal-treatment

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    The experiment was conducted to evaluate pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) protein in broiler chicks (up to 28 days of age) feeding, as compared to soybean (Glycine mar) protein, In the experiment the effects of temperature and autoclaving on antinutritional factors on pigeon pea meal were studied. Temperatures of 100, 110 e 120 degrees C and times of autoclaving of 10, 20 and 30 minutes were applied using a two-way factorial design, replicated in four times. Underheating and overheating during the process of inactivation of proteases inhibiting were evaluated by ureatic activity and protein solubility analysis, after the grains were dried and ground. After 28 days, the best time of autoclaving was 20 minutes (p<,05) irrespectively of temperature, which lead to a lower feed consuption. There were no histopathological alterations in kidney, liver, pancreas, heart and intestines of the broilers.O experimento teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do tratamento térmico sobre os fatores antinutricionais presentes no guandu. Foram utilizados 288 pintos de corte em duas baterias metálicas, distribuídos num delineamento experimental em quatro blocos, num esquema fatorial de 3 x 3, em três temperaturas: 100, 110 a 120 °C e três tempos de autoclavagem: 10, 20 e 30 minutos. Após o processamento, secagem e moagem dos grãos, foram analisadas a atividade ureática e a solubilidade da proteína como parâmetros de sub ou superaquecimento durante o processo de inativação dos inibidores de proteases. No final, constatou-se que o melhor tratamento foi proporcionado pelo guandu tratado durante 20 minutos (p < ,05) independentemente das temperaturas de autoclavagem, resultando num menor consumo de ração. As aves não apresentaram nenhuma alteração histopatológica nos rins, no fígado, no pâncreas, no coração e nos intestinos

    Processing of sample high-moisture grains silage of sorghum with low and high tannin to determinate apparent digestibility in equine

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    There were used four castrated male horses, crossbred. It was used randomized block by design for four replications. The objective was to evaluate the effect of using samples, ground or in natura, in the precision of the mobile nylon bag technique (MNBT) in comparison to the total collection (CT) method in oder to estimate the apparent digestibility coefficient (DC) of nutrients of high-moisture grains silage of sorghum with low (SSLT) and high (SSHT) tannin in the feeding equine. No effect was observed for MNBT and CT methods with in natura sample for DC of DM, OM, CE, CP to SSLT (P>0.05), whose average values were 81.71, 84.23, 82.27 e 81.43%, respectively. The MNBT did not showacuracy to evaluate of DC of the SSHT, with ground and in natura samples. It was concluded that MNBT containing in natura sample should be used to determinating the DC of SSLT to DM, OM, CE and CP for equines.Foram utilizados quatro cavalos castrados sem raça definida em delineamento blocos casualizados. O objetivo foi avaliar o efeito do uso de amostras, moída ou in natura, das silagens grãos de sorgo com baixo e alto teores de tanino, sobre a precisão da técnica do saco de náilon móvel. Os tratamentos consistiram de métodos de digestibilidade (coleta total de fezes [CTF] e técnica do saco de náilon móvel [TSNM] contendo amostras moídas e in natura) das silagens de grãos de sorgo de baixo (SSBT) e alto (SSAT) teores de tanino. Encontrou-se similaridade entra as metodologias, CTF e TSNM com amostra in natura, para os CD da MS, MO, EB e PB para SSBT (P>0,05), no qual os valores médios foram 81,71, 84,23, 82,27 e 81,43%, respectivamente. A TSNM foi imprecisa na determinação dos CD dos nutrientes da SSAT, independentemente do tipo de amostra utilizada. O CDAmido foi determinado com precisão, para ambas silagens, por meio da TSNM contendo amostras moídas, no qual o valor foi de 99,97% para SSBT e de 99,69% para SSAT. Concluiu-se que a TSNM contendo amostra in natura pode ser usada para determinar os CD da SSBT para MS, MO, EB e PB para eqüinos

    Evaluation of migration nymphs scaptocoris carvalhoi becker, 1967 (hemiptera, cydnidae) between economic importance of plants and invasive testing with opportunity to choose

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    One of the factors that affect the control of brown - roots environmental bedbug is the wide availability of plant species. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the migration of nymphs of the brown - roots between plant species of economic importance and invasive stinkbug. Eight species of plants have been established in a set formed by eight circular PVC containers, connected symmetrically with free communication to a central circular container. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design and consisted of eight treatments and six replications. The test evaluations were performed on 15o , 30o , 45o and 60o days after the release of the nymphs, by counting the insects that migrated to the roots of different plants. It was observed that by the 30o day of early release nymphs, no significant differences (P < 0,05) in the choices nymph by plants. B. alata at 15 days of initial release and B. alata and grass-dictyoneura at 30 days were plants that had higher migration. All counts were carried out on 45o and 60o days, the migration of U. brizantha cv. Marandu presented significantly higher than all other species tested plants nymphs.Um dos fatores que afetam o controle do percevejo castanho-das-raízes no ambiente é a grande disponibilidade de espécies de plantas. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a migração das ninfas do percevejo castanhodas-raízes em espécies de plantas de importância econômicas e invasoras. Oito espécies de plantas foram estabelecidas, em um conjunto formado por oito recipientes circulares de PVC, interligados simetricamente com livre comunicação a um recipiente central circular. O experimento foi organizado segundo o delineamento inteiramente casualizado e constou de oito tratamentos e seis repetições. As avaliações do ensaio foram realizadas nos 15o , 30o , 45o e 60o dias após a liberação das ninfas, por meio da contagem de insetos que migraram para as raízes das diferentes plantas. Observou-se que até o 30o dia do início da liberação das ninfas, não houve diferenças significativas (P<0,05) nas escolhas da ninfa pelas plantas. A B. alata aos 15 dias da liberação inicial e B. alata e capim-dictyoneura aos 30 dias foram as plantas que apresentaram maior migração. Nas contagens realizadas no 45o e 60o dia, a U. brizantha cv. Marandu apresentou migração de ninfas significativamente maior que todas as demais espécies de plantas testadas

    Estimate of bullfrog size at first sexual maturation, Rana catesbeiana, in the intensive growing Anfigranja system

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    The objective of this research was to study the basic aspects of bullfrog reproduction in Anfigranja system from June 1989 to July 1990. For the 1493 animals involved in this experiment (657 males and 836 females) biometrical data were obtained (weight, length and tympanum diameter) and developmental stages of gonads were determined. Female sizes at first maturation were 10,33 cm and 109,78 g and for males it was around 8,09 cm; all males above 45 g were already in the maturation process. The relationship between tympanum diameter and body length (RTC) was considered a good index for male maturation