11 research outputs found

    Modern therapeutic options in diabetic foot ulcer

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    Diabetic foot is a severe complication of diabetes that occurs as a result of poor glycemic control, being associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Mortality associated with this disease is estimated at 5% in the first 12 months, and about 42% in the next 5 years. On average, it affects about 15% of people with diabetes during their lifetime, including as possible manifestations neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease, and subsequent ulceration which, if treated incorrectly, can lead to amputation. This paper presents a retrospective and descriptive study of patients diagnosed and treated for diabetic foot ulcers in the Proctoven Clinic. The study includes a group of 50 cases diagnosed with diabetic foot over a period of 5 years, from 01.01.2017 to 31.12.2021. In this study, the effectiveness of the modern treatment methods most frequently used in the surgical treatment of the diabetic foot is analyzed based on several parameters

    Post-Traumatic Cilia Remaining Inert in the Posterior Chamber for 50 Years

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    Intraocular foreign body injuries (IOFB) can lead to a number of intraocular pathologies; the visual results depend on the mechanism of the injury, the type of foreign body and the subsequent complications. The presence of intraocular cilia (eye lashes) following penetrating injury or surgical intervention is uncommon. In the present paper, we present a case of a 58-year-old woman with a history of eye trauma and a perforated corneal wound in the left eye that occurred 50 years ago. On the ophthalmological exam we noticed in the anterior chamber a straight linear extension, resembling cilia, extending behind the iris. The patient reports that it appeared during COVID-19 infection, after repeated episodes of coughing. After a follow-up period, we decided to remove the eyelash; 24 h after surgery, the patient complained of severe eye pain. Intraocular pressure (IOP) in LE was 54 mmHg. The slit-lamp examination showed perikeratic congestion, corneal edema and mydriasis. Eye hypotensive treatment was started immediately and the patient’s general condition slightly improved. Intraocular cilia can be tolerated for many years without causing any ocular reaction. The decision for surgical intervention must be taken according to the individual needs of the patient and his ocular characteristics with careful pre- and post-operative follow up

    Therapeutic Perspectives for Microbiota Transplantation in Digestive Diseases and Neoplasia—A Literature Review

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    In a mutually beneficial connection with its host, the gut microbiota affects the host’s nutrition, immunity, and metabolism. An increasing number of studies have shown links between certain types of disease and gut dysbiosis or specific microorganisms. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is strongly advised for the treatment of recurrent or resistant Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) due to its outstanding clinical effectiveness against CDI. The therapeutic potential of FMT for other disorders, particularly inflammatory bowel diseases and malignancies, is currently gaining more and more attention. We summarized the most recent preclinical and clinical evidence to show the promise of FMT in the management of cancer as well as complications related to cancer treatment after reviewing the most recent research on the gut microbiota and its relationship to cancer

    The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Management of Mental Health Services for Hospitalized Patients in Sibiu County—Central Region, Romania

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic brought a burden and represented a challenge for the Romanian medical system. This study explored the consequences that COVID epidemiological measures had on the quality of the mental health care provided to hospitalized patients in a regional psychiatric hospital in Romania. Materials and methods: Both patient-level and hospital-level indicators were considered for this comparative retrospective study. On the one hand, we extracted patient-level indicators, such as sociodemographics, diagnosis, admission, and discharge dates for 7026 hospitalized patients (3701 women, average age = 55.14) from hospital records. On the other hand, for the hospital-level indicators, we included indicators referring to the aggregated concept of mental health services, such as case mix index, length of stay, bed occupancy rate and patients’ degree of satisfaction. Data extracted covered a period of two years (1 March 2019–28 February 2021) before and during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: We found that, compared to the pre-pandemic period, the pandemic period was marked by a drastic decrease in hospitalized patient admissions, coupled with an increase in emergency-based admissions. Other management indicators, such as the case mix index, the number of cases contracted/performed, and the degree of patient satisfaction, decreased. In contrast, the average length of stay and bed occupancy rate increased. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic, especially in the first year, raised multiple difficult issues for the management of psychiatric hospitals. It imposed an application of strict measures designed to face these new and unprecedented challenges. Our findings offer a detailed snapshot of the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of its impact on mental health services and suggest some future directions. Implications for hospital management are discussed.Keywords: hospital management; COVID-19 pandemic; hospitalized patients; psychiatric hospital; mental health services

    Serum Interleukins 8, 17, and 33 as Potential Biomarkers of Colon Cancer

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    This research investigated the serum levels of three interleukins (IL8, IL17A, and IL33) and the possible relationships between them in healthy people and colon cancer patients at different stages. This study involved 82 participants, 42 of whom had colon cancer and 40 were healthy individuals. The cancer patients were classified into four groups according to the TNM staging classification of colon and rectal cancer. Serum levels of the interleukins were measured by the ELISA test. The data were analyzed statistically to compare the demographic characteristics, the interleukin levels across cancer stages, and the correlation between interleukins in both groups. The results showed that women had more early-stage colon cancer diagnoses, while men had more advanced-stage cancer diagnoses. Stage two colon cancer was more common in older people. Younger people, men, and those with early-stage colon cancer had higher levels of interleukins. The levels of IL8 and IL17A were higher in the cancer group, while the level of IL33 was higher in the healthy group. There was a strong correlation between IL8 and IL17A levels in both groups (p = 0.001). IL17A influenced the level of IL33 in the cancer group (p = 0.007). This study suggested that cytokine variation profiles could be useful for detecting colon cancer and predicting its outcome

    Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in Patients Co-Infected with SARS-CoV2 and <i>Clostridioides difficile</i>

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the treatment of Clostridioides Difficile (CD)-infected patients given the increasing number of co-infections with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). In this context, fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) shows promise in modulating the immune system’s function and alleviating the burdens associated with this condition. Methods: To achieve this goal, we performed a comparative, retrospective, single-center study on 86 patients (admitted between January 2020 and March 2022). We based our approach on specific inclusion criteria: 1. The study group included 46 co-infected patients (COVID-19 and CD) receiving antibiotics and FMT; 2. In the control group, 40 co-infected patients received antibiotics only. Our results showed no significant group differences in terms of gender, age, risk factors such as cardiovascular and neurological diseases, type 2 diabetes, and obesity (p > 0.05), or in pre-treatment inflammatory status, evaluated by white blood cell (WBC) count and C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. We report a significant decrease in inflammatory syndrome (CRP, WBC) in coinfected patients receiving FMT in addition to antibiotics (p p < 0.05). Conclusion: Our study provides new data to support the multiple benefits of FMT in the case of COVID-19 and CD co-infection by improving patients’ quality of life and inflammatory syndrome

    Severe Acute Ischemia of Glans Penis after Achieving Treatment with Only Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: A Rare Case Report and Systematic Literature Review

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    Acute ischemia of the glands is a severe complication after circumcision. We outline the challenging case of a seventeen-year-old boy with glandular ischemia (GI) that appeared shortly after circumcision. Methods: We present a case report and literature review related to glans ischemia, and the complications of circumcision are reviewed. We note that there are very few cases described in the literature. Our patient was successfully treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) after four days of no positive effect after all medical and surgical treatments written in the literature: Subcutaneous enoxaparin, local application of a glyceryl trinitrate, continuous epidural perfusion, intravenous pentoxifylline, alprostadil, intraoperative drainage, and aspiration with saline solution and epinephrine. Clinical improvement was noted at the first session of HBOT. A number of days after the operation, the penis looked normal and was healing. Complete healing of the penile glans was successfully realized one month after surgery. Conclusion: Based on the review and the case presented, we conclude that HBOT is the treatment of choice for acute ischemia of the penile glans, especially when other treatments do not work

    Meniscal Tear Management Associated with ACL Reconstruction

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    Meniscal lesions often occur in association with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears at the moment of the injury or, secondarily, as a consequence of knee instability. Both ACL and meniscus lesions are associated with a higher risk of osteoarthritis. Adequate treatment of these lesions reduces the rate of degenerative changes in the affected knee. Meniscal tears should be addressed concomitantly with ACL reconstruction and the treatment must be oriented towards preserving the meniscal tissue anytime this is possible. Several options for approaching a meniscus tear are available. The meniscal suture should always be considered, and, if possible, meniscectomy should be the last choice. “Masterly neglect” is a valuable option in selected cases

    Meniscal Tear Management Associated with ACL Reconstruction

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    Meniscal lesions often occur in association with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears at the moment of the injury or, secondarily, as a consequence of knee instability. Both ACL and meniscus lesions are associated with a higher risk of osteoarthritis. Adequate treatment of these lesions reduces the rate of degenerative changes in the affected knee. Meniscal tears should be addressed concomitantly with ACL reconstruction and the treatment must be oriented towards preserving the meniscal tissue anytime this is possible. Several options for approaching a meniscus tear are available. The meniscal suture should always be considered, and, if possible, meniscectomy should be the last choice. &ldquo;Masterly neglect&rdquo; is a valuable option in selected cases

    A Rare Case of Polysplenia Syndrome Associated with Severe Cardiac Malformations and Congenital Alveolar Dysplasia in a One-Month-Old Infant: A Complete Macroscopic and Histopathologic Study

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    Polysplenia syndrome represents a type of left atrial isomerism characterized by multiple small spleens, often associated with cardiac malformations and with situs ambiguus of the abdominal organs. The case presented is of a one-month-old male infant, weighing approximately 3000 g, born at the County Clinical Emergency Hospital of Sibiu, who was hospitalized from birth until death. The patient suffered cardio-respiratory arrest due to severe hypoxia and septicemia on the background of a series of complex cardiac malformations associated with congenital abdominal organ anomalies. Examination of the body revealed a common atrium with complete atrioventricular canal defect, left ventricular hypertrophy, right ventricle hypoplasia, truncus arteriosus, superior vena cava duplication, bilobation of the lungs, situs ambiguous of the abdominal organs with right-sided stomach, a midline liver, gall bladder agenesis, multiple right-sided spleens and complete inversion of the intestines and pancreas. Histopathology concluded that the patient suffered cardiac lesions consistent with infantile lactic acidosis, as well as pulmonary modifications suggesting congenital alveolar dysplasia and altered hepatic architecture compatible with fibrosis