10 research outputs found

    Ketoacidosis and hypoglycemia of the diabetic child

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    Ambulatoriul Integrat al Spitalului Clinic Județean de Urgență „Sf. Spiridon”, Spitalul Clinic de Urgență pentru copii „Sf. Maria”, Iași, RomâniaIntroducere. Copilul cu diabet zaharat de tip 1 este expus cetoacidozelor și hipoglicemiilor, formele severe fiind urgențe terapeutice care pun în joc viața pacientului. Scopul lucrării: determinarea prevalenței cetoacidozelor și a hipoglicemiilor severe precum și identificarea cauzelor și a factorilor favorizanți ai acestor complicații. Material și metodă. Lotul de studiu a cuprins 119 copii și adolescenți cu diabet de tip1, analizându-se datele din fișele de dispensarizare și caietele de tratament ale acestora pe o perioada de 5 ani. Au fost incluși în studiu pacienții cu vârsta sub 19 ani și durata de evoluție a bolii de minimum 1 an. S-au analizat numai episoadele severe ce au impus internarea de urgentă urmarindu-se, de asemenea, determinarea etiologiei acestor complicații precum și stabilirea unor corelații cu anumiți parametri: vârstă, durata de evoluție a bolii, controlul metabolic, schema de tratament, sexul, mediul de proveniență. Teste de semnificaţie utilizate: coeficientul de corelaţie „Pearson” (r), testul F, testul c2 Rezultate si discutii. Din lotul de studiu, 15,3% dintre cazuri au prezentat cetoacidoze severe, cu un risc estimat uşor mai crescut la sexul feminin, la cei cu provenienţă rurală şi la adolescenții cu vârste de peste 13 ani. Riscul estimat de cetoacidoză severă a fost de 1,63 ori mai crescut la pacienții cu o vechime a diabetului de peste 5 ani. În ceea ce priveste hipoglicemiile severe, acestea au fost prezente la 28,6% dintre pacienti, care au prezentat simptome neuroglicopenice severe, fără diferenţe semnificative ale riscului estimat între sexe, dar cu un risc uşor mai crescut la copiii proveniţi din mediul urban și la cei cu vârste de peste 13 ani . Riscul estimat de hipoglicemie severă a fost de aproximativ 2 ori mai crescut la pacienții cu o vechime a diabetului de peste 5 ani. Concluzii. Episoadele severe de hipoglicemie sau cetoacidoză au efecte imediate privind prognosticul vital al pacienților dar și efecte la distanță asupra funcționalitații sistemului nervos (în cazul hipoglicemiilor severe). În concluzie, este esențial ca printr-o educaţie medicală continuă a pacienţilor diabetici să putem preveni aceste complicații.Introduction. The child suffering from type 1 diabetes isexposed to hypoglycemia and ketoacidosis, the severe forms being medical emergencies. Aim: to determine the prevalence of severe hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis and to identify the causes and the risk factors of these complications. Material and method: the data of 119 children and adolescents suffering from type 1 diabetes were analyzed for the latest 5 years (mandatory inclusion criteria have been: age under 19 and the evolution of disease for at least one year). There were analyzed only the cases with metabolic acute complications that led to hospital admission. These patients were investigated in order to determine the etiology of acute complications and also in order to establish a relationship between the onset of acute complications and certain parameters like age, duration of disease, metabolic control, insulin treatment, sex. Significance tests used have been: „Pearson” correlation coefficient (r), test F and c2 test. Results: 15,3% of patients presented diabetic ketoacidosis with a high relative risk in girls , in those from villages and in those older than 13 years .The estimated risk of ketoacidosis was 1,63 higher in those patients with a evolution of diabetes longer than 5 years. Regarding severe hypoglycemia with severe symptoms (seizures, coma), 28,6% of patients had at least one episode in the last 5 years, without significantly differences of relative risk between sexes but with a higher risk for children from urban setting and for those older than 13 years. In those patients with a duration of diabetes longer than 5 years, the estimated risk of severe hypoglycemia was double. Conclusions: Diabetic ketoacidosis and severe hypoglycemia are medical emergencies that present a risk for the patient’s vital prognosis but can also have long-term effects on the functioning of the nervous system ( in case of severe hypoglycemia ). It is very important to prevent these complications and we can achieve this through a continuous medical education

    Autoimmune pathology in type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents

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    Ambulatoriul Integrat al Spitalului Clinic Județean de Urgență „Sf. Spiridon”, Iași, România, Spitalul Clinic de Urgență pentru copii „Sf. Maria”, Iași, RomâniaDiabetul zaharat tip 1 este o boală autoimună caracterizată prin autodistrugerea mediată imun a celulelor beta pancreatice în cadrul unui proces inflamator cronic („insulita”). Detectarea markerilor de autoimunitate (auto Ac GAD, IAA, ICA, etc) reprezintă o dovadă certă în favoarea acestui mecanism. Cele aproximativ 50 gene de susceptibilitate pentru diabet poartă în acelaşi timp un risc înalt de dezvoltare și a altor boli autoimune concomitent sau la distanță de debutul diabetului. Deseori se remarcă tendinţa unei agregări familiale pentru bolile autoimune ceea ce reprezintă un argument în plus în favoarea predispoziţiei genetice. Se descriu 3 categorii de sindroame poliglandulare autoimune: tipul I (apare în mica copilărie), tipul II-IV (la copilul mare şi adult) și IPEX (la sugar, extrem de rar, cu evoluţie fatală). PAS tipul I (sindrom Witaker) se transmite autosomal recesiv, este monogenic şi asociază cel puţin 2 dintre următoarele afecţiuni: boala Addison, candidoza mucocutanată, hipoparatiroidism. Prevalența diabetului zaharat tip 1 este de 2-33%. În timp, se pot asocia şi alte afecţiuni autoimune endocrine (tiroidită, hipogonadism) sau nonendocrine (hepatită, gastrită, alopecia areată, vitiligo, cheratoconjunctivita). PAS tipul II-IV, cel mai frecvent sindrom poliglandular autoimun, apare predominant la sexul feminin fiind poligenic. Diabetul zaharat tip 1 reprezintă boala autoimună cea mai frecvent întâlnită (40-60%), deseori fiind prima care apare. PAS tipul II asociază boala Addison (70-100%) cu cel puţin o altă endocrinopatie autoimună, PAS III (subtipul cel mai frecvent întâlnit) reuneşte 41% din posibilele asocieri de boli autoimune, în care, o constantă o reprezintă tiroidita autoimună (70-75%) asociată cu hipo/hipertiroidie. În acest subtip lipseşte boala Addison. PAS tipul IV este un grup eterogen de boli autoimune, atipic, care reuneşte boli autoimune endocrine (ex. diabet zaharat tip 1) şi nonendocrine (ex. boala celiacă, gastrita autoimună). În concluzie, aproximativ o treime din pacienţii diabetici dezvoltă în timp boli autoimune glandulare (ex. tiroidita autoimună 15-30%, boala Addison 0,5%) sau nonendocrine (ex. celiachie 4-9%, gastrită autoimună/anemie pernicioasă 5-10%, vitiligo 2-10%, artrita reumatoidă). Detectarea din timp a autoanticorpilor specifici şi a afectării organice latente permite măsuri terapeutice precoce pentru a preveni agravarea bolii autoimune şi decompensarea diabetului.Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease characterised by immune mediated self-distruction of pancreatic beta cells in a chronic inflammatory process („insulitis”). Detection of markers of autoimmunity (GAD, IAA, ICA) is a definite proof of this mechanism. The approximately 50 susceptibility genes for diabetes also carry a high risk for other autoimmune diseases in the same time with diabetes or away from the onset of diabetes. We often remark a family aggregation of autoimmune diseases and this is an additional argument for genetic predisposition. There are 3 categories of autoimmune polyglandular syndromes (PAS): type I (in first childhood), type II – IV (adolescent and adult) and IPEX (on infants, extremely rare but with fatal evolution). Type I PAS (Witaker syndrom) is an autosomal recessive and monogenic disease and associates at least two of the following conditions: Adisson disease, muco-cutaneous candidiasis, hypoparathyroidism. Prevalence of type 1 diabetes is 2 – 33%. In time other autoimmune endocrine diseases may be associated (thyroiditis, hypogonadism) or autoimmune non-endocrine diseases (hepatitis, gastritis, alopecia areata, vitiligo, keratoconjunctivitis). Type II-IV PAS, the most frequent polyglandular autoimmune syndrom, predominantly in the female, is polygenic disease. Type 1 diabetes is most frequent autoimmune disease (40 – 60%) and often is the first one to appear. Type II PAS associated Addison disease (70 – 100%) with at least another autoimmune endocrinopathy, type III PAS (the most frequent sub-type) meets 41% from possible autoimmune disease associations, but autoimmune thyroiditis (70-75%) with hypo/hyperthyroidism occurs constantly. In this sub-type Addison disease is not present. Type IV PAS is heterogeneous , atypical group of autoimmune diseases, including endocrine autoimmune diseases (type 1 diabetes) and non-endocrine autoimmune diseases (celiac disease, autoimmune gastritis). In conclusion, about one third of diabetic patients develop over timeendocrine autoimmune diseases (ex. Autoimmune thyroiditis 14 – 30%, Addison diseases 0,5%) or non-endocrine autoimmune diseases (ex. Celiac disease, autoimmune gastritis / pernicious anemia 5 – 10%, vitiligo 2 – 10%, rheumatoid arthritis). Early identification of specific autoantibodies and latent organic damage allows for adequate therapeutic measures to prevent worsening autoimmune disease and decompensation of diabetes

    Short stature in pediatric pathology

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    Clinica III Pediatrie, Spitalul Clinic de Urgenţe pentru Copii „Sf. Maria”, Iaşi, România, Disciplina Medicina de Familie, Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie „Gr.T.Popa”, Iaşi, RomâniaTalia mică constituie o motivaţie relativ frecventă de adresabilitate la medic. De cele mai multe ori ea reprezintă doar o variaţie de la fiziologia normală mai curând decât o consecinţă a unei patologii reale. Dezvoltarea staturo-ponderală este condiţionată de factori genetici (“zestrea genetica”), factori de mediu şi psiho-sociali şi starea de sănătate a persoanei respective. Hipostatura reprezinta talia sub 2 deviaţii standard (sau sub percentila 3) comparativ cu media taliei pentru vârstă şi sex la persoane aparţinând aceluiaşi grup etnic şi rasial. Deficitul de creştere defineşte o rată de creştere inferioara velocitătii (vitezei) medii de crestere pentru vârstă şi sex. Dwarfism-ul, termen în general evitat, se referă la o hipostatura extremă (adultul cu talia sub 147 cm). Cauzele hipostaturii pot fi grupate în 3 categorii nonendocrine (intrauterine, psiho-sociale sau boli cronice: pulmonare, digestive, renale, cardiace, reumatice, neoplazice, genetice, displazii scheletale), endocrine (deficit/rezistenţă periferica la GH, hipotiroidism, sindrom Cushing, tulburări ale glandei paratiroide si vitaminei D) sau variante normale de hipostatura (familial, constituţional, idiopatic). Investigarea unui copil cu hipostatura presupune o anamneza completa (date legate de perioada perinatală, ancheta familială, consanguinitate, alimentaţie, condiţii psiho-sociale, boli preexistente), examen clinic amănunţit (indici antropometrici, velocitatea de creştere a taliei şi greutăţii, dezvoltare somatică si neuro-psihică, eventuale dismorfii), investigaţii paraclinice (biologice, hormonale, radiologice, genetice sau specifi ce pentru decelarea unor boli cronice). Hipostatura idiopatică reprezintă un diagnostic de excludere (după infirmarea cauzelor organice şi psiho-sociale). În concluzie, diagnosticul precoce şi corect al hipostaturii permite instituirea unui tratament precoce şi adecvat, cu eficienţă terapeutică maximă.Short stature is a motivation relatively frequent for addressability to the pediatrician. In most patients, it is just a variation of normal physiology rather than a true pathology. Stature-ponderal development is conditioned by genetic factors (heredity), environmental factors, psycho-social factors, and health status. Short stature is defined as absolute height below – 2 SDS (< percentile 3) for age, sex of people belonging to the same ethnic and racial group. Growth failure represents a growth rate below-average growth velocity for age and sex. Dwarfism, a term often avoided, refers to extreme short stature (height under 147 cm in adult). Etiology of short stature can be grouped into 3 categories: non-endocrine (intrauterine causes, psychosocial causes or chronic diseases: pulmonary, digestive, renal, cardiac, neoplastic, rheumatic, genetic diseases or skeletal dysplasia ), endocrine (deficiency or peripheral resistance for GH, hypothyroidism, Cushing syndrome, disorders of the parathyroid gland or D vitamin) or normal variations of hypostature (family, constitutional, idiopathic). A logical process of assessment is required for a child with short stature including a complete anamnesis (perinatal period, family history, consanguinity, nutrition, psycho-social condition, preexisting diseases), detailed clinical exam (auxological parameters, the growth velocity of the height, and weight, somatic and neuro-psychic development, dysmorphic features), laboratory procedures (biological, hormonal, radiological and genetic investigations, specific investigations for chronic diseases). Idiopathic short stature refers to hypostature without a cause (denial organic and psycho-social causes). In conclusion, early and correct diagnosis of short stature allows for appropriate treatment with optimal therapeutic effectiveness

    Diagnostic algorithm of hyperglycemia in children

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    Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie ”Grigore T.Popa”,Iaşi, România, Spitalul clinic de urgentă pentru copii “Sf.Maria”, Iaşi, RomâniaDefi nim hiperglicemia prin creşterea glicemiei a jeun peste 110 mg/dl sau printr-o glicemie oricand in cursul zilei peste 140 mg/dl. În practica pediatrică, aceste valori pot fi cauzate de anumite medicamente, de stres sau pun problema apariţiei diabetului zaharat. Dintre medicamentele care pot determina hiperglicemie menţionăm steroizii, tiazidele, hormonul de creştere şi unele antipsihotice. Acestea din urmă au fost asociate cu o incidenţă crescută a diabetului de tip 2 si cu înrăutăţirea controlului metabolic în diabetul de tip 1. Hiperglicemia de stres poate avea cauze minore, spre exemplu o infecţie de tract respirator superior, sau cauze severe, chirurgicale. Hiperglicemia din infecţiile minore poate anunţa apariţia unui diabet de tip 1 sau diabet MODY şi trebuie investigată ulterior. Dacă valorile glicemiei sunt peste 126 mg/dl a jeun şi peste 200 mg/dl în cursul zilei, se stabileşte diagnosticul de diabet zaharat. În peste 90% din cazuri, în copilărie şi adolescenţă se diagnostichează diabetul de tip 1, pe baza simptomelor tipice si prin confi rmarea patogeniei autoimune, respectiv a markerilor de autoimunitate. Există şi posibilitatea unui diabet secundar asociat anumitor afectiuni, cum ar fi fi broza chistică, talasemia, feocromocitomul sau afecţiuni genetice. Când valorile glicemiei a jeun sunt între 100-125 mg/dl, pentru a diferenţia diabetul zaharat de tip 2 de un diabet monogenic sau de un prediabet, se recomandă efectuarea testului oral de toleranţă la glucoză asociat cu determinarea hemoglobinei glicozilate A1c, a anticorpilor anticelule insulare ( ICA ), a anticorpilor antiinsulinici şi a peptidului C. În prezent, se remarcă o crestere a incidenţei diabetului zaharat de tip 2 la populatia pediatrică, şi anume la pacientii cu obezitate şi istoric familial pozitiv de obezitate şi/sau diabet de tip 2, cu valori normale sau crescute ale peptidului C şi fără autoanticorpi prezenţi. Diabetul de tip MODY apare la 2-3,5 % din cazurile de diabet zaharat, copiii având un fenotip extrem de variabil, nu prezinta autoanticorpi, iar transmiterea autosomal dominanta este demonstrata de istoricul familial de diabet la 2-3 generaţii. În concluzie, hiperglicemia la copil pune probleme de diagostic diferenţial între debutul diabetului zaharat, un diabet secundar, o hiperglicemie indusa medicamentos sau o hiperglicemie de stres.Hyperglycemia is defined as an increase of the fasting blood glucose level above 110 mg/dl or by random blood glucose level above 140 mg/dl. In pediatric practice, these values may be caused by certain medications, by stress or they may be an indication of diabetes mellitus. Here are some of the medications that may cause hyperglycemia: steroids, thiazides, growth hormone, and some antipsychotics. The latter was associated with an increased incidence of type 2 diabetes and with poor metabolic control in type 1 diabetes. Hyperglycemia caused by stress may have minor causes, for instance, an upper respiratory tract infection, or severe surgical causes. Hyperglycemia caused by minor infections may be the precursor of type 1 diabetes or of MODY diabetes and it should be further and more thoroughly analyzed. When the fasting blood glucose levels exceed 126 mg/dl and when the blood glucose levels are over 200 mg/dl at any time during the day, the diabetes mellitus diagnosis is set. Type 1 diabetes is diagnosed during childhood and adolescence in over 90% of the cases, based on specific symptoms and when confirmed by autoimmune pathogenicity, i.e. autoimmunity markers. There is also the possibility of secondary diabetes associated with certain conditions such as cystic fibrosis, thalassemia, pheochromocytoma, or genetic disorders. When fasting blood glucose levels are between 100-125 mg/dl, in order to distinguish type 2 diabetes from monogenic diabetes or from prediabetes, an oral glucose tolerance test is recommended together with the determination of glycosylated hemoglobin A1c, anti-islet cells (ICA), anti-insulin antibodies, and peptide C. Nowadays, there is an increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes in the pediatric population, namely in patients with obesity and family history of obesity and/or type 2 diabetes, with normal or elevated C-peptide levels and no autoantibodies present. MODY diabetes occurs in 2-3.5% of the cases of diabetes, as children have a very variable phenotype, do not show autoantibodies, and dominant autosomal transmission is demonstrated by family history of diabetes in 2-3 generations. To conclude, hyperglycemia in children poses a differential diagnosis problem, as it is difficult to distinguish between the onset of diabetes mellitus, secondary diabetes, medication-induced hyperglycemia, or stress-caused hyperglycemia

    Role of environmental chemicals in the development of obesity

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    Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie ”Grigore T. Popa”, Spitalul clinic de urgență pentru copii “Sf. Maria”, Iaşi, RomâniaNumeroşi factori pot avea un rol în dezvoltarea obezităţii – principala problemă de sănătate publică a secolului 21. Ipoteza mediului obezogen sugerează că expunerea prenatală şi precoce la diferite substanţe, cum ar fi chimicale, ce determină disrupţie endocrină pot predispune la creşterea masei grase şi exces ponderal. Lista chimicalelor studiate ca posibili obezogeni continuă să crească şi include dietilstilbestrolul (DES), bisfenolul A (BPA), ftalaţii, organotinele, eterii difenil-polibrominaţi (PBDEs), chimicalele polifluoroalkil (PFCs), organoclorinele (OC) pesticidele şi bifenil-policlorinatele (PCBs). Diverse mecanisme explică rolul chimicalelor obezogene, majoritatea având efecte disruptive asupra homeostaziei balanţei energetice, metabolismului glucozei şi lipidelor şi controlului adipogenezei. Aceste chimicale afectează mecanismele epigenetice, structurale şi funcţionale care controlează homeostazia energetică, metabolismul lipidic, reglarea apetitului şi adipogeneza. Expunerea la aceste chimicale are efecte diferite: în cursul perioadei fetale şi copilăriei efectele pot fi ireversibile şi pot persista in perioada de adult, iar expunerea la doze mici în cursul perioadelor critice ale diferenţierii pot schimba programarea dezvoltării şi pot cauza obezitate. Fumatul matern prenatal este asociat cu apariţia în creştere a supraponderalităţii la copil şi adolescent. Unele consecinţe asupra sănătăţii pot deveni aparente nu numai în copilărie, ci şi în perioada de adult. Alte chimicale au impact asupra retardului de creştere intrauterină, greutăţii mici la naştere şi prematurităţii, fi ind documentate ca factori predispozanţi ai obezităţii. Concluzie. Obezitatea epidemică ar putea fi considerată o boală complexă multifactorială. Efectul potenţial al chimicalelor asupra dezvoltării obezităţii este mare şi sunt necesare mai multe studii asupra expunerii chimice în timpul dezvoltării pre- şi perinatale şi apariţiei obezităţii mai târziu.Numerous factors may have a role in the development of obesity - the principal public health disease of the 21st century. The environmental obesogen hypothesis suggests that prenatal or early-life exposure to certain substances as endocrine- disrupting chemicals may predispose individuals to increased fat mass and excess weight. The list of chemicals studied as possible obesogens continues to grow and includes diethylstilbestrol (DES), bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates, organotins, polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polyfluoroalkyl chemicals (PFCs), organochlorine (OC) pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Diverse mechanisms explained the role of obesogen chemicals, the majority having disruptive effects on the homeostasis of energy balance, glucose and lipid metabolism, and control of adipogenesis. These chemicals disrupt some epigenetic, structural, and functional mechanisms, which control energy homeostasis, lipid metabolism, appetite regulation, and adipogenesis Exposure to these chemicals has different effects: during fetal and infancy periods may be irreversible and long-lasting for adulthood and exposure to low doses during critical times of differentiation can change the developmental programming and may result in obesity. Prenatal maternal smoking is associated with increased occurrence of overweight among children and early adolescents. Such health consequences may become apparent not only in childhood but also in adulthood. Other chemicals have an impact on intrauterine growth retardation, low birth weight, and prematurity which are documented as predisposing factors for obesity. Conclusion. The obesity epidemic should be considered a multifactorial complex disorder. The potential effect of chemicals on the developmental programming of obesity is great and there are necessary more studies on chemical exposures during pre- and perinatal development to assess later obesity

    Implications of nutrition during pregnancy on future child

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    Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Grigore T. Popa”, Departamentul Medicina mamei şi copilului, Disciplina Pediatrie, Iaşi, România, Spitalul de Urgenţă pentru Copii „Sf.Maria”, Secţia clinică Pediatrie III, Iaşi, România, Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Grigore T. Popa”, Disciplina Medicină de familie, Iaşi, RomâniaStatusul nutriţional şi starea de sănătate înainte şi în primele 2 luni de sarcină influenţează dezvoltarea embrionului şi riscul de complicaţii în timpul sarcinii. Obiectivele nutriţiei în sarcină sunt: naşterea unui copil sănătos cu greutate normală, cu riscuri minime pentru sănătatea mamei; creşterea corespunzătoare în greutate a gravidei; aport caloric, de vitamine şi minerale suplimentar pentru gravidă; înţelegerea necesarului nutriţional modificat din cursul sarcinii. Nutriţia maternă înainte / în timpul sarcinii influenţează evoluția sarcinii; dezvoltarea fetală; dezvoltarea copilului în primii ani de viață, precum şi viaţa adultului. Nutriţia în sarcină depinde de: statusul economic, mediul social /cultural, obiceiurile alimentare ale femeii. Dieta maternă în sarcină influențează direct creşterea fetală, marimea şi sănătatea nou-născutului. O dietă inadecvată în sarcină afectează sănătatea mamei, creşte riscul de complicaţii (naştere laborioasă, deces), afectează sănătatea copilului în perioada de sugar şi mica copilărie, conducând la anemie, rahitism, imunitate scăzută şi infecții. O femeie bine nutrită are complicaţii puţine/rare în sarcină şi risc scăzut de prematuritate. Alimentația unei femei însărcinate diferă de cea a populației generale. Nevoile energetice suplimentare sunt necesare dezvoltării fătului şi anexelor sale (2200 – 2900 kcal/zi în total), dar proporţia de proteine, glucide, lipide rămâne aproximativ aceeași. Câştigul ponderal trebuie să permită: naşterea unui copil cu stare de sănătate bună, cu greutatea de 3.1-3.6 kg, evitarea unui surplus de greutate maternal după sarcină, reducerea riscului de boli cronice la copil. Concluzii. Sănătatea fătului depinde de statusul nutriţional al mamei înainte şi în timpul sarcinii. O femeie bine nutrită înainte de concepţie intră în sarcină cu rezerve de nutrienţi care acoperă nevoile fătului, fără a afecta sănătatea mamei. O femeie bine nutrita înseamnă un copil sănătos.The nutritional status and health status before and during the first 2 months of pregnancy influence the development of the embryo and the risk of complications during pregnancy. The goals of nutrition in pregnancy are: the birth of a healthy child of normal weight, with minimal risks to the mother’s health; appropriate increase in pregnancy weight; caloric intake, vitamins and minerals in addition to pregnancy; understanding of the nutritional needs modified during pregnancy. Maternal nutrition before / during pregnancy influences the evolution of pregnancy; fetal development; the development of the child in the first years of life, as well as the life of the adult. Pregnancy nutrition depends on: economic status, social / cultural environment, women’s eating habits. The maternal diet in pregnancy influences the direct creation of the fetus, the size and health of the newborn. An inadequate diet in pregnancy affects the health of the mother, the risk of complications (labor births, deeds), affects the health of the child during sugar and early childhood, leading to anemia, rickets, low immunity and infectious. A well-nourished woman has few / rare complications in pregnancy and low risk of prematurity. The diet of a pregnant woman differs from that of the general population. The additional energy needs are necessary for the development of the fetus and its attachments (2200 – 2900 kcal / day in total), but the proportion of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids remains approximately the same. The weight gain must allow: the birth of a child in good health, weighing 3.1-3.6 kg, avoiding an excess of maternal weight after pregnancy, reducing the risk of chronic diseases in the child. Conclusions. The health of the fetus depends on the nutritional status of the mother before and during pregnancy. A well-nourished woman before conception is in charge of nutrient reserves that cover the needs of the fetus, without affecting the health of the mother. A well-nourished woman means a healthy child


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    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common diseases of gastro-enterology, associating abdominal pain, transit disorders and changes in the consistency of the stools. Material and method. The study included 200 patients suffering from IBS, selected from a total of 2,300 patients of a family medicine practice in urban area. For diagnosis and classification, Rome III criteria and Bristol scale were used. For a subgroup was applied a questionnaire for the evaluation of quality of life, QoL. Treatment was initiated on three levels. Results. The incidence of the disease during the 3 years of study (2013-2016) was 2.9%. The type of IBS most often encountered was the one with dominance of constipation (IBS-C 32.5%), followed by the alternating form (IBS-A 26%), mixed (IBS-M-24%) and the dominance of diarrhea (IBS-D 18.5%). Form with more severe impact on the quality of life is IBS-C – 52.24 score, and most easily tolerated IBS-A – 69 score. Treatment was initiated at the on level I at 33% of the patients at the on level II to 36 %, and on level III to 31% of the patients. Maximum efficiency of treatment scores were obtained from patients on treatment level III. Complete remission of symptoms is obtained only in 9.5% of total patients. Conclusions. SII is a common condition in family medicine practice, due to changes in the modern diet. The diagnosis can be facilitated by the application of questionnaires, and treatment is based on changes in lifestyle and on pharmacological agents

    The Significance of Low Magnesium Levels in COVID-19 Patients

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    Magnesium is the fourth most common mineral in the human body and the second richest intracellular cation. This element is necessary for many physiological reactions, especially in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. The majority of people who become ill as a result of COVID-19 have mild-to-moderate symptoms and recover without specific treatment. Moreover, there are people who develop severe forms of COVID-19, which require highly specialized medical assistance. Magnesium deficiency may play a role in the pathophysiology of infection with SARS-CoV-2. The primary manifestation of COVID-19 remains respiratory, but the virus can spread to other organs and tissues, complicating the clinical picture and culminating in multiorgan failure. The key mechanisms involved in the disease include direct viral cytotoxicity, endothelial dysfunction, and exaggerated release of inflammatory cytokines. The aim of this review was to summarize the available data regarding the role of magnesium in COVID-19 patients and its particularities in different clinical settings

    The Significance of Low Magnesium Levels in COVID-19 Patients

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    Magnesium is the fourth most common mineral in the human body and the second richest intracellular cation. This element is necessary for many physiological reactions, especially in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. The majority of people who become ill as a result of COVID-19 have mild-to-moderate symptoms and recover without specific treatment. Moreover, there are people who develop severe forms of COVID-19, which require highly specialized medical assistance. Magnesium deficiency may play a role in the pathophysiology of infection with SARS-CoV-2. The primary manifestation of COVID-19 remains respiratory, but the virus can spread to other organs and tissues, complicating the clinical picture and culminating in multiorgan failure. The key mechanisms involved in the disease include direct viral cytotoxicity, endothelial dysfunction, and exaggerated release of inflammatory cytokines. The aim of this review was to summarize the available data regarding the role of magnesium in COVID-19 patients and its particularities in different clinical settings

    The “Viral” Form of Polyarteritis Nodosa (PAN)—A Distinct Entity: A Case Based Review

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    Classic polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a vasculitis with systemic manifestations that is characterized by inflammatory and necrotizing lesions affecting medium and small muscular arteries, most frequently at the bifurcation of the vessels. These lesions lead to the formation of microaneurysms, hemorrhaging ruptured aneurysms, thrombosis, and, consequently, ischemia or organ infarction. Background and Objectives: We present a complex clinical case of a patient with a late diagnosis of polyarteritis nodosa with multiorgan involvement. Materials and Methods: The 44-year-old patient, in an urban environment, presented on her own in the emergency room for acute ischemia phenomena and forearm and right-hand compartment syndrome, requiring surgical decompression in the Plastic Surgery Clinic. Results: Significant inflammatory syndrome is noted, alongside severe normocytic hypochromic iron deficiency anemia, nitrogen retention syndrome, hyperkalemia, hepatic syndrome, and immunological disturbances: absence of cANCA, pANCA, anti Scl 70 Ac, antinuclear Ac, and anti dDNA Ac, as well as a low C3 fraction of the plasmatic complement system. The morphological aspect described in the right-hand skin biopsy correlated with the clinical data supports the diagnosis of PAN. Conclusions: The viral form of PAN seems to be individualized as a distinct entity, requiring early, aggressive medication