1,011 research outputs found

    Attempt to find a correlation between the spin of stellar-mass black hole candidates and the power of steady jets: relaxing the Kerr black hole hypothesis

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    The rotational energy of a black hole can be extracted via the Blandford-Znajek mechanism and numerical simulations suggest a strong dependence of the power of the produced jet on the black hole spin. A recent study has found no evidence for a correlation between the spin and the power of steady jets. If the measurements of the spin and of the jet power are correct, it leads one to conclude that steady jets are not powered by the black hole spin. In this paper, I explore another possibility: I assume that steady jets are powered by the spin and I check if current observations can be explained if astrophysical black hole candidates are not the Kerr black hole predicted by General Relativity. It turns out that this scenario might indeed be possible. While such a possibility is surely quite speculative, it is definitively intriguing and can be seriously tested when future more accurate measurements will be available.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. v2: refereed version significantly longer. v3: "Harvard group" replaced by "Harvard-Smithsonian CfA group" in the tex

    Non-Locality and Ellipticity in a Gauge-Invariant Quantization

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    The quantum theory of a free particle in two dimensions with non-local boundary conditions on a circle is known to lead to surface and bulk states. Such a scheme is here generalized to the quantized Maxwell field, subject to mixed boundary conditions. If the Robin sector is modified by the addition of a pseudo-differential boundary operator, gauge-invariant boundary conditions are obtained at the price of dealing with gauge-field and ghost operators which become pseudo-differential. A good elliptic theory is then obtained if the kernel occurring in the boundary operator obeys certain summability conditions, and it leads to a peculiar form of the asymptotic expansion of the symbol. The cases of ghost operator of negative and positive order are studied within this framework.Comment: 17 pages, plain Te

    Non-singular quantum-inspired gravitational collapse

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    We consider general relativistic homogeneous gravitational collapses for dust and radiation. We show that replacing the density profile with an effective density justified by some quantum gravity framework leads to the avoidance of the final singularity. The effective density acts on the collapsing cloud by introducing an isotropic pressure, which is negligible at the beginning of the collapse and becomes negative and dominant in the strong field regime. Event horizons never form and therefore the outcome of the collapse is not a black hole, in the sense that there are no regions causally disconnected from future null infinity. Apparent horizons form when the mass of the object exceeds a critical value, disappear when the matter density approaches an upper bound and gravity becomes very weak (asymptotic freedom regime), form again after the bounce as a consequence of the decrease in the matter density, and eventually disappear when the density becomes too low and the matter is radiated away. The possibility of detecting radiation coming from the high density region of a collapsing astrophysical object in which classically there would be the creation of a singularity could open a new window to experimentally test theories of quantum gravity

    Towards the use of the most massive black hole candidates in AGN to test the Kerr paradigm

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    The super-massive objects in galactic nuclei are thought to be the Kerr black holes predicted by General Relativity, although a definite proof of their actual nature is still lacking. The most massive objects in AGN (M109MM \sim 10^9 M_\odot) seem to have a high radiative efficiency (η0.4\eta \sim 0.4) and a moderate mass accretion rate (Lbol/LEdd0.3L_{\rm bol}/L_{\rm Edd} \sim 0.3). The high radiative efficiency could suggest they are very rapidly-rotating black holes. The moderate luminosity could indicate that their accretion disk is geometrically thin. If so, these objects could be excellent candidates to test the Kerr black hole hypothesis. An accurate measurement of the radiative efficiency of an individual AGN may probe the geometry of the space-time around the black hole candidate with a precision comparable to the one achievable with future space-based gravitational-wave detectors like LISA. A robust evidence of the existence of a black hole candidate with η>0.32\eta > 0.32 and accreting from a thin disk may be interpreted as an indication of new physics. For the time being, there are several issues to address before using AGN to test the Kerr paradigm, but the approach seems to be promising and capable of providing interesting results before the advent of gravitational wave astronomy.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. v2: some typos correcte

    Can we observationally test the weak cosmic censorship conjecture?

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    In general relativity, gravitational collapse of matter fields ends with the formation of a spacetime singularity, where the matter density becomes infinite and standard physics breaks down. According to the weak cosmic censorship conjecture, singularities produced in the gravitational collapse cannot be seen by distant observers and must be hidden within black holes. The validity of this conjecture is still controversial and at present we cannot exclude that naked singularities can be created in our Universe from regular initial data. In this paper, we study the radiation emitted by a collapsing cloud of dust and check whether it is possible to distinguish the birth of a black hole from the one of a naked singularity. In our simple dust model, we find that the properties of the radiation emitted in the two scenarios is qualitatively similar. That suggests that observational tests of the cosmic censorship conjecture may be very difficult, even in principle

    Terminating black holes in asymptotically free quantum gravity

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    We study the homogeneous gravitational collapse of a spherical cloud of matter in a super-renormalizable and asymptotically free theory of gravity. We nd a picture that di ers substantially from the classical scenario. The central singularity appearing in classical general relativity is re-placed by a bounce, after which the cloud re-expands inde nitely. We argue that a black hole, strictly speaking, never forms. The collapse only generates a temporary trapped surface, which can be interpreted as a black hole when the observational timescale is much shorter than the one of the collapse. However, it may also be possible that the gravitational collapse produces a black hole and that after the bounce the original cloud of matter evolves into a new universe