23 research outputs found

    Reducing long distance truck driver’s intention to leave: An analysis of professional drivers and owner operators using importance/performance methods

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    Since it is widely known that turnover is highest among unsatisfied employees, the authors argue that long haul professional drivers (PDs) and owner operators (OOs) can be retained by using a yearly importance/performance analysis of company drivers. Because qualified drivers are becoming more scarce and difficult to recruit/retain, carriers need to focus on increasing driver retention. In this article, we suggest an Importance/Performance (IP) model which uses an “if then” perspective, relating intention to leave as a function of the PD/OO: IP structure. This model is used to explain the managerial changes that could be made to retain professional drivers and owner operators

    Truck driver turnover: an internal marketing perspective

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    Carriers and industry analysts agree that driver turnover is the largest problem facingthe industry today. Truck drivers regularly move from one trucking company to another or they change to careers out of the industry. Opinions for high driver turnover are diverse, such as long hours and extended time away from home, poor advancement opportunities, a lack of respect, and old/uncomfortable equipment. In this article the authors examine the truck driver turnover problem from an internal marketing perspective. Membership, socialization, identity, structural, interpersonal, and environmental issues are examined as primary influences on desired quality of truck driver employment. Suggestions are made concerning the implementation of an internal marketing strategy that in the long run might significantlv enhance driver retention

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    The Effect Of The Wife\u27S Working Status On Familial Dominance Structure

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    This study examines the effect of the working wife on the distribution of control in the family for specific product decisions. Results lend general support for the proposition that whether a wife is working or not affects her position in the control decision structure in the family. However, the presence of children in the family and the reason for working had no effect on this distribution of control. A new methodological approach to assessing power in the family is utilized. © 1980 Academy of Marketing Science

    The Estimation of Single Copy Newspaper Sales - A Tertiary Market Demand Model

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    Due to the volatility of demand and the corresponding high costs of production and distribution of newspapers in tertiary market areas, it would appear essential that a publisher of a local daily/Sunday newspaper have an effective means of predicting demand in these outlying market areas. This forecast would in turn enable the news company to properly adjust their marketing efforts to increase overall system efficiency and to become more cost effective in the long run. A Tertiary Market Demand Model proposed to deal with this problem utilizes a combination of forecasting methods and a modified stratified random sampling procedure in an interactive mode to produce interval forecasts in tertiary market areas on a daily basis

    Segmenting Local Residents By Their Attitudes, Interests, And Opinions Toward Tourism

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    The present study was designed to assess and segment local residents with respect to their attitudes, interests, and opinions toward tourism. An analysis of AIO data from a mail survey of 415 Florida residents uncoveredfive clusters of differing degrees of attitudes toward the state\u27s tourism efforts. A strong anti-tourism, anti-growth segment in the state seems to indicate that state government should devote a portion of the state\u27s tourism promotion efforts toward enlightening the residents regarding the positive multiplier effects of tourism. Additionally, some recommendations are discussed that could encourage this effort. © 1988, Sage Publications. All rights reserved

    Integrating Microcomputers in the Marketing Curriculum through the use of Marketing CompuProbs

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    " Two years of work have gone into developing software and problems designed to introduce microcomputer usage in the marketing classroom. The result is the creation of software designed for use on the IBM PC and the apple IIC. The software is a menu-driven marketing decision analysis system. By completing the exercises a marketing student can enhance decision making skills by using the microcomputer. The fourteen techniques/models included are: 1. Linear Programming 2. Profit Volume Analysis 3. Decision Analysis 4. Sales Forecasting 5. Evaluating Market Potential 6. Psychological Price and Advertising Decisions 7. Statistical Decision Making 8. New Product/Service Idea Generation 9. Service Marketing Evaluation Techniques 10. Pricing Decisions 11. Sales Force Decisions 12. Location Techniques 13. Inventory Decisions 14. Marketing Ratio Analysis

    Prevalence and genetic characterization of deer tick virus (Powassan virus, lineage II) in Ixodes scapularis ticks collected in Maine.

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    Deer tick virus (DTV) is a genetic variant of Powassan virus (POWV) that circulates in North America in an enzootic cycle involving the blacklegged or deer tick