15 research outputs found

    Une réévaluation du contexte des découvertes d’ossements humains de la galerie M de la grotte Muierilor à Baia de Fier

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    This paper underlines the possibility that the human remains in section A, belonging to the M Gallery from Muierilor Cave might be contemporaneous with the Aurignacian material found in the Main Gallery. Despite the fact that the human remains were redeposited in section A following a natural mechanical displacement of the sediment, radiometric dating allows the framing of a 29,000-30,000 BP time span of contemporaneity between the human remains and the Aurignacian material. Given this time span, the only similar cultural association of bone points, endscrapers and burins is o be found in Mitoc Malul Galben.Cosac Marian. Une réévaluation du contexte des découvertes d’ossements humains de la galerie M de la grotte Muierilor à Baia de Fier. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 8-9, 2006. pp. 190-197

    Le paléolithique supérieur ancien en Roumanie - une nouvelle définition culturelle nécessaire

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    Cosac Marian. Le paléolithique supérieur ancien en Roumanie - une nouvelle définition culturelle nécessaire. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 2-3, 2000. pp. 70-76

    L'apparition du Paléolithique supérieur au centre et à l’Est de l'Europe - Les hypothèses actuelles

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    Cosac Marian. L'apparition du Paléolithique supérieur au centre et à l’Est de l'Europe - Les hypothèses actuelles. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 6-7, 2004. pp. 45-52

    The Medieval Church in Caransebeș and the Observance of the “Historical Truth” in the Documents of the Department of State Security of Romania

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    The research hereafter intends to establish how complex the Department of State Security (also known as Securitatea (DSS) was involved with the archaeological research in Romania during the eighties; this topic has been rather absent within recent historiographic studies. Having made this statement, it should be considered that some approaches have tackled the interferences of the official ideology in the interpretation of the archaeological data. The orthodoxy of some archaeologists can be justified by the continuous pressure from the DSS, or because of their status as collaborators of this institution of repression. The archaeological research from Caransebeș provides a relevant tool for understanding the mechanisms used by DSS to intervene in the middle of scientific debates, as a neutral judge; on the other hand, a series of documents from Arhiva Consiliului Național pentru Studierea Arhivelor Securității (ACNSAS) reveals further details that had been somewhat predicted by those archaeologists living within the respective period. The outcome of our research nevertheless overcomes all predictions the contemporary historians. The actual controversy regarding chronological and confessional ascriptions of Caransebeș disclosures was brutally altered by DSS, following its empirical principles of so-called historical truth. Those archaeologists refusing to obey and follow the principles established by DSS and of the official ideological framework had to face certain repercussions, from interdiction to proceed further archaeological prospecting to secret police surveillance, refusals to travel abroad, and close censorship for every study intended to be published in international magazines and other publications

    Les datations C-14 et la succession culturelle du Paléolithique, Épipaléolithique et Mésolithique de la Roumanie

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    Cârciumaru Marin, Cosac Marian, Niţu Elena-Cristina. Les datations C-14 et la succession culturelle du Paléolithique, Épipaléolithique et Mésolithique de la Roumanie. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 6-7, 2004. pp. 7-43

    Spectrographic analysis of neo-eneolithic obsidian samples and several considerations about the obsidian supply sources

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    Cârciumaru Marin, Popovici Dragomir, Cosac Marian, Dincã Rodica. Spectrographic analysis of neo-eneolithic obsidian samples and several considerations about the obsidian supply sources. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 2-3, 2000. pp. 117-127

    Arguments concerning the use of bitumen as adhesive for the hafting of some lithic tools from the Early Bronze Age in the region of the Curvature Subcarpathians

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    Arguments concerning the use of bitumen as adhesive for the hafting of some lithic tools from the early Bronze Age in the region of the Curvature Subcarpathians. This study brings into question the use of bitumen for hafting lithic tools from the Romanian early Bronze Age. Bitumen samples were mechanically recovered from the surface of two retouched slabs discovered in Adânca and Gorgota. The source of raw material is local and comes in the shape of thin menilit plates belonging to menilitian and disodilic shale formations within the geological formation of the Pucioasa-Fusaru Facies, a local variety of Subcarpathian Oligocene deposits. Bitumen is present in association with salt deposits near the sites of Adânca and Gorgota.Cosac Marian, Murătoreanu George, Radu Alexandru, Ion Rodica. Arguments concerning the use of bitumen as adhesive for the hafting of some lithic tools from the Early Bronze Age in the region of the Curvature Subcarpathians. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 15, Numéro 2, 2013. pp. 41-50

    Aşezarea paleolitică de la Malu Dinu Buzea (sat Cremenea, com. Sita Buzăului, jud. Covasna). O sinteză a campaniilor 2011–2013 / The Palaeolithic settlement from Malu Dinu Buzea (Cremenea village, Sita Buzăului commune, Covasna County). A synthesis of the excavation campaigns from 2011–2013

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    Since its inception, the Romanian archaeological school of the Palaeolithic maintained the interpretation of archaeological layers through the lenses of the geomorphological data as an objective. Our study presents one of the situations in which archaeological researches did not benefit from a direct collaboration between the two fields of inquiry, which led to an erroneous understanding of the sedimentary genesis in the Palaeolithic settlement of Malu Dinu Buzea (Covasna Department). Recent observations offered a glimpse of both vertical and horizontal movement of the archaeological material, due to the periodical reactivation of a dejection cone, and to sedimentary peculiarities. The technological analysis of the recently excavated lithic assemblage revealed the existence of a single, heavily disturbed cultural unit, found in secondary position, along with numerous naturally fragmented flint, sandstone, quartzite, and limestone blocks. The largest part of the technological and typological features of the mostly local flint assemblage indicates a possible final Upper Palaeolithic timing for its origin, with no arguments in favour of a putative Aurignacian designation, and only several hints at a Tardenoisian one, both previously stated for what used to be recognized as a twofolded cultural sequence.Interpretarea nivelurilor arheologice prin raportarea la informaţia geomorfologică este un deziderat contemporan formării şcolii arheologice a paleoliticului din România. Studiul de faţă aduce în discuţie situaţia în care cercetarea arheologică a fost efectuată în absenţa unei colaborări directe între arheologi şi geomorfologi, fapt ce a avut drept consecinţă o înţelegere eronată a genezei pachetelor sedimentare din aşezarea paleolitică de la Malu Dinu Buzea. Informaţia arheologică acumulată după reluarea cercetării indică o deplasare a materialului litic atât pe verticală, cât şi pe orizontală, fapt datorat reactivării periodice a conului de dejecţie şi a particularităţii depozitului. Studiul colecţiei litice a inclus material provenit din trei campanii de săpături efectuate recent (2011– 2013). Analiza tehnotipologică a eşantionului a evidenţiat existenţa unui singur nivel cultural, aflat în poziţie secundară şi puternic deranjat de fenomene postdepoziţionale. Alături de materialul litic modificat intenţionat, reprezentat predominant de cel puţin două varietăţi de silex local, în componenţa acestui nivel intră şi numeroase piese fragmentate natural, din silex, gresie, cuarţit şi calcar. Din punct de vedere cultural, ansamblul litic analizat nu oferă argumente solide în favoarea definirii aurignaciene propuse anterior şi doar câteva indicii izolate ale unei posibile încadrări mezolitice, de asemenea avansată de cercetările anterioare.Cosac Marian, Murătoreanu George, Radu Alexandru, Niţă Loredana. Aşezarea paleolitică de la Malu Dinu Buzea (sat Cremenea, com. Sita Buzăului, jud. Covasna). O sinteză a campaniilor 2011–2013 / The Palaeolithic settlement from Malu Dinu Buzea (Cremenea village, Sita Buzăului commune, Covasna County). A synthesis of the excavation campaigns from 2011–2013. In: Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), N°11 2015. pp. 81-100

    Les découvertes d’art paléolithique de la vallée de Bistrita, dans le contexte de l’art mobilière paléolithique de Roumanie

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    Cârciumaru Marin, Mărgărit Monica, Anghelinu Mircea, Niţă Loredana, Cârstina Ovidiu, Cosac Marian, Pleşa Mariana, Dumitru Florin. Les découvertes d’art paléolithique de la vallée de Bistrita, dans le contexte de l’art mobilière paléolithique de Roumanie. In: Annales d'Université "Valahia" Târgovişte. Section d'Archéologie et d'Histoire, Tome 4-5, 2002. pp. 16-27