1 research outputs found

    Leadership of the school government of educational institutions mediated by ICT in the contingency of covid-19 in Colombia

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    El direccionamiento de las instituciones educativas está a cargo del gobierno escolar, lo conforma el consejo académico, el consejo directivo, el consejo de padres, el consejo estudiantil y el comité de convivencia, ahora bien, durante el tiempo de confinamiento y pandemia por Covid 19, las instituciones educativas tuvieron que recurrir a herramientas TIC para poderse acercar y lograr el curso de estas. Cabe destacar que depende del tipo de liderazgo que se maneje en cada institución es el resultado de los encuentros del gobierno escolar. Este artículo se desarrolla gracias al estudio de encuestas encausadas a categorías y subcategorías haciendo un estudio correlacional de las mismas.The management of educational institutions is in charge of the school government, made up of the academic council, the board of directors, the parents' council, the student council and the coexistence committee, however, during the time of confinement and pandemic by Covid 19 , educational institutions had to resort to ICT tools to be able to approach and achieve the course of these. It should be noted that it depends on the type of leadership that is managed in each institution, it is the result of the meetings of the school government. This article is developed thanks to the study of surveys directed to categories and subcategories, making a correlational study of them