1,101 research outputs found

    Synthesis of 5-membered heterocycles as natural product scaffolds and useful tools for PET probe

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    Eterocicli tetraidrofuranici e piperidinici funzionalizzati sono importanti core di composti ad elevata attività biologica. Sono stati sintetizzati questi eterocicli stereoselettivamente via catalisi asimmetrica mediata da Pd(0) e Au(I). Sono stati quindi effettuati degli studi sintetici di un metabolita secondario ad elevata attività antitumorale contenente un core THF in oggetto. Infine si è sintetizzato un sale difosfonio eterociclico a 5 membri in grado di legare selettivamente lo ione floruro.Functionalized tetrahydrofuran and piperidine heterocycles are important cores of high biological activity compounds. These heterocycles were synthesized stereoselectively via asymmetric catalysis mediated by Pd (0) and Au (I). Therefore, synthetic studies were performed of a secondary metabolite with high antitumor activity containing a THF core in question. Finally, a 5-membered heterocyclic diphosphonium salt able to selectively bind the floride ion was synthesized

    Uncertainty In Online Dating

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    Relationship initiation is a moment typically characterized by high uncertainty, and online dating platforms have the potential to heighten uncertainty and thus deeply affect relationship formation dynamics. While previous research has focused on other-uncertainty and on its reduction through information-seeking, this qualitative study adopts Babrow’s (2001) problematic integration (PI) theory to expand our understanding of uncertainty in online dating beyond other-focused uncertainty, by exploring the meanings and sources of uncertainty in online dating, how uncertainty is appraised, and what strategies daters adopt to cope with it. Data obtained from 13 semi-structured interviews with active online daters was analyzed using thematic analysis. The analysis uncovered multiple sources of uncertainty related to the self, the other, and the relationship, and multiple epistemological and ontological meanings daters ascribed to uncertainty that validated PI’s perspective. Daters often appraised uncertainty as undesirable, but they also appeared willing to tolerate unsolved uncertainty they deemed acceptable; furthermore, uncertainty was not always salient in their interactions, suggesting the need for further investigation into the biopsychological aspects of the appraisal process. Daters’ varied coping strategies revealed that uncertainty reduction was often forgone when it conflicted with communication goals, and the reliance on decision-making heuristics reflected the recognition that uncertainty could rarely be solved in full, especially in a context characterized by an emphasis on mate selection and abundance of choice. The analysis also revealed that the online dating process has the potential to increase the negative effects of uncertainty by delaying interpersonal communication and thus problematizing the most significant coping strategy available to daters

    Juvenile Justice or Injustice? The Debate Over Reform

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    Ateitis, arba apie gamtos atpirkimą po Schellingo ir Nietzsche’ės

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    [full article, abstract in English; abstract in Lithuanian] It is starting from the role recognized and attributed to nature by Schelling and Nietzsche that one understands the renewed relationship between being and time at the basis of the possibility for the new beginning of Western philosophy, prophesized by Heidegger in 1936. For both, the possibility of the very future passes by the necessary redemption of the past (that is an extreme liberation from its conceptual hypostatization) through a form of love for the All, which is possible to recognize only with a philosophy of nature that is able to show the “unprethinkable” ground of being and its eternal dynamics as potential potentiae. Only on the basis of this potentia potentiae of the “unprethinkable” past, the “coming event” of the future becomes possible, as well as that renewed relation between time and being, which permits a new beginning for Western philosophy.[straipsnis ir santrauka anglų kalba, santrauka lietuvių kalba] Pradedant nuo vaidmens, kurį gamtai pripažįsta ir priskiria Schellingas ir Nietzsche’ė, yra suprantamas atnaujintas būties ir laiko santykis, tapęs 1936 metais Heideggerio pranašautos naujos Vakarų filosofijos pradžios galimybės pagrindu. Abiejų filosofų požiūriu, pačios ateities galimybė apeina būtiną praeities atpirkimą (tai yra visišką išsilaisvinimą iš jos konceptualaus hipostazavimo) per meilės Visybei formą, kurią galima atpažinti tik iš gamtos filosofijos, galinčios parodyti savo neapmąstomą / neatmenamą (unvordenkliches) būties pagrindą ir jo amžiną dinamiką kaip potentia potentiae. Tik remiantis neapmąstomos / neatmenamos praeities potentia potentiae yra įmanomas ateities „ateinantis įvykis“ ir atnaujintas būties ir laiko santykis, sudarantis naujos Vakarų filosofijos pradžios galimybę

    Ontogenetic change in the body length–mass relationship concomitant to the onset of vitellogenesis in female blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae)

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    The examination of the total length (L) vs. body mass (W) relationship in the blackmouth catshark from the southern Adriatic Sea showed the occurrence of two development phases or growth stanzas in females. The passage from the first stanza (L range: 22.8-37.4cm) to the following one (L range: 39.7-51.4cm) was marked by an inflection in the power equation correlating body mass to total length, occurring at about 38.6cm of length (change point). After the change point, growth became positively allometric. This catshark is a lecitotrophic oviparous continuous spawner, and follicles in different stages of development are simultaneously present in the ovary. The histological analysis of the ovary showed that the smallest vitellogenic follicles were about 2mm in diameter; the diameter of the largest observed oocyte was 18mm. The change point occurred slightly before the onset of vitellogenesis (smallest vitellogenic female L=41.0cm) and appeared to be related to the activation of the reproductive axis

    IFHNFS: fast indexing information in mobile devices

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    Abstract To track movements of objects and people we need to use expensive technologies and complex softwares. Usually these softwares need lots of memory. There are many examples of objects and people of which would be useful to know the precise locations. Something sent via pony express, position of buses in the city, friends' locations, and so on. Our purpose is to use connectivity of smartphone to share position via gps by using only a filesystem created ad hoc without databases or user space programs. IFHNFS is based on Hixosfs and NFS (Linux kernel). Indexing the most relevant data directly in the fs structure makes the exchange of data Faster and, via NFS, potentially available whenever and whenever. Ad-hoc solutions for Android have been developed in real contexts. The system have been tested on a network of Android OS devices that share data with a Linux server

    Multiple-phase biometric relationships and sexual maturity in the atlantic bluefin tuna, thunnus thynnus (Osteichthyes: Scombridae)

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    Most fish undergo distinct growth phases during ontogenesis. An extremely important passage from the juvenile to adult phase occurs at the onset of sexual maturity, which shows in body proportion and/or growth rate changes. These can be detected as change-points in biometric relationships. In this paper, the Atlantic bluefin tuna was analyzed to verify whether its somatic proportions show any sign of discontinuity during growth, i.e., whether any change-points may be detected in its somatic proportions. This fish has never been examined in this respect, and single-phase models, which are indeed easier to both compute and apply, are used in stock analyses. The following somatic relationships were analyzed in Atlantic bluefin tuna captured in the Mediterranean Sea between 1998 and 2010: “fork length–weight” regression, the von Bertalanffy growth equation, and “first dorsal spine cross section surface–fork length” regression. All of the examined relationships were found to be best modelled by multiple-phase regression equations, and all of them showed a change-point within the range of 101–110 cm fork length, which corresponds to 3–4 years of age. The present results, based on reproductive state-independent analyses, corroborate the disputed hypothesis that Atlantic bluefin tuna from the eastern stock in fact reproduce for the first time at this age