16 research outputs found

    Combatting Sedentary Behaviors by Delivering Remote Physical Exercise in Children and Adolescents with Obesity in the COVID-19 Era: A Narrative Review

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    The coexistence of childhood obesity (or its risk) and COVID-19 pandemic put children and adolescents in greater risk to develop respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. In fact, the restrictions introduced to limit the spread of the virus had detrimental effects on various lifestyle components, especially in young population. This resulted in augmented levels of physical inactivity and sedentary behaviors and a reduced time spent in play outdoors or sport practices. Contrariwise, the increased use of technology led clinicians, teachers, and trainers to maintain relations with obese children/adolescents so as to reduce sedentary behaviors and the associated health risks. This narrative review aims to describe the role of Telehealth and Tele-exercise as useful tools in the management of pediatric obesity during COVID-19 pandemic. Telehealth and Tele-exercise were effective in promoting self-monitoring and behavioral changes, including adherence to exercise training programs in children and adolescents. Moreover, tele-exercise platforms such as applications or exergames allowed flexible scheduling, limiting the infection risks

    Gynecomastia after euthyroidism restoration in a patient with type 1 diabetes and Graves’ disease

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    In patients with autoimmune disease, gynecomastia should not be considered as 1 of the first signs of hyperthyroidism, rather it is a breast pathology that can be present even when euthyroidism restoration is achieved. It is unknown whether the autoimmune nature of thyroid disorders or simply the hyperthyroidism effects breast changes

    Perimenstrual Asthma in Adolescents: A Shared Condition in Pediatric and Gynecological Endocrinology

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    Asthma is a frequent medical condition in adolescence. The worsening of the most common symptoms perimenstrually is defined as perimenstrual asthma (PMA). The cause of PMA remains unclear, but a role for hormonal milieu is plausible. Data on PMA in adolescents are limited, and its management is not fully established. We aimed to discuss the PMA phenomenon in young females from pathophysiology to preventive strategies, focusing on the relationship with the hormonal pattern. The fluctuation of estrogens at ovulation and before menstruation and the progesterone secretion during the luteal phase and its subsequent withdrawal seem to be the culprits, because the deterioration of asthma is cyclical during the luteal phase and/or during the first days of the menstrual cycle. Conventional asthma therapies are not always effective for PMA. Preventive strategies may include innovative hormonal contraception. Even a possible beneficial effect of other hormonal treatments, including estrogens, progestogens, and androgens, as well as leukotriene receptor antagonists and explorative approach using microbial-directed therapy, is considered. The underlying mechanisms, through which sex-hormone fluctuations influence asthma symptoms, represent a challenge in the clinical management of such a distressing condition. Further studies focused on young females are mandatory to promote adolescent health

    Adverse Effects of Ramadan Fasting in a Girl with Salt-Losing Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

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    Objective. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is the most common cause of adrenal insufficiency in pediatrics. Chronic glucocorticoid replacement is the mainstay of treatment in the classic forms of CAH, and mineralocorticoid replacement therapy is mandatory in the salt-wasting form. Fasting is a mild stressor, which can expose to dehydration, hypotension, hypoglycemia, and acute adrenal crisis in patients with adrenal insufficiency. Case. We report the case of an adolescent affected by the classic form with salt-losing CAH, who observed Ramadan for 30 days, without individualized therapeutic management plan. After Ramadan, a dramatic increase of ACTH level (1081 pg/ml, n.v. 6–57), reduced cortisolemia, tendency to hypotension, and weight loss were recorded. She experienced insomnia, intense thirst, asthenia, and headache. The symptoms disappeared restarting the previous therapy schedule and increasing the total hydrocortisone daily dose with progressive restoring of hormonal control. Conclusion. Our case confirms that patients with CAH are vulnerable, especially during fasting in Ramadan, with a higher risk of acute adrenal crisis. CAH patients should reform and individualize their treatment plan and be submitted to careful monitoring

    The Role of Fetal, Infant, and Childhood Nutrition in the Timing of Sexual Maturation

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    Puberty is a crucial developmental stage in the life span, necessary to achieve reproductive and somatic maturity. Timing of puberty is modulated by and responds to central neurotransmitters, hormones, and environmental factors leading to hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis maturation. The connection between hormones and nutrition during critical periods of growth, like fetal life or infancy, is fundamental for metabolic adaptation response and pubertal development control and prediction. Since birth weight is an important indicator of growth estimation during fetal life, restricted prenatal growth, such as intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) and small for gestational age (SGA), may impact endocrine system, affecting pubertal development. Successively, lactation along with early life optimal nutrition during infancy and childhood may be important in order to set up timing of sexual maturation and provide successful reproduction at a later time. Sexual maturation and healthy growth are also influenced by nutrition requirements and diet composition. Early nutritional surveillance and monitoring of pubertal development is recommended in all children, particularly in those at risk, such as the ones born SGA and/or IUGR, as well as in the case of sudden weight gain during infancy. Adequate macro and micronutrient intake is essential for healthy growth and sexual maturity

    Efficacy of Anakinra on Multiple Coronary Arteries Aneurysms in an Infant with Recurrent Kawasaki Disease, Complicated by Macrophage Activation Syndrome

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    Kawasaki disease (KD) is rare in infants less than 3 months of age, and its recurrence is exceptional. Infants with KD are at higher risk of severe clinical presentation, therapy failure, complications and coronary aneurysms (CAAs), and this is the reason they deserve more aggressive therapy and a strict clinical follow-up. We report a 2-month-old male with KD, complicated by Macrophage Activation Syndrome (MAS). Despite timely and aggressive therapy with immunoglobulins, steroids and aspirin, multiple CAAs developed. Two-month therapy with anakinra completely reverted all the aneurysms. After six months, the infant experienced KD relapse and was successfully re-treated with immunoglobulins, steroids and aspirin. A strict echocardiographic follow-up did not show recurrence of aneurysms. Two years later, the child is healthy, without cardiac sequelae. In our experience, anakinra was effective in reverting multiple aneurysms and its effect proved to be long-lasting, even in front of KD recurrence. Based on this evidence, it seems reasonable to hypothesize not to limit the use of anakinra as rescue therapy for complicated or refractory KD, but to consider the possibility of adding it to first-line therapies for some subgroups of very-high-risk patients, in order to strengthen the prevention of CAAs

    Successful treatment with Omalizumab of a child affected by Systemic Mastocytosis: clinical and biological implications

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    Abstract Background Pediatric Mastocytosis is a rare and heterogeneous disease, characterized by accumulation of mast cells in the skin (Cutaneous Mastocytosis) and/or, less frequently, in other organs, mainly liver, spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes and gastrointestinal tract (Systemic Mastocytosis). Patients affected by Systemic Mastocytosis show symptoms caused by  a massive release of mast cell mediators: itching, flushing, abdominal pain, generalized weakness, fatigue and neuropsychiatric disorders. Moreover, children with Systemic Mastocytosis are at greater risk of anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions, often poorly controlled by the conventional therapy with antihistamines, mast cells stabilizers and steroids. As a result, children affected by Systemic Mastocytosis have a poor quality of life and suffer the consequence of prolonged steroidal treatment. Case presentation A child with Systemic Mastocytosis and severe symptoms, refractory to symptomatic and steroidal therapy, has been successfully treated with Omalizumab, an anti-IgE monoclonal antibody usually employed in allergic patients with severe asthma and orticaria. The onset of clinical benefit of Omalizumab therapy was extraordinarily rapid, but proved to be strictly dependent on drug administration. The child has become completely and steadily asymptomatic. No other anaphylactic episodes have been reported. Steroid treatment could be definitively withdrawn after the second dose of Omalizumab, and all the other medications were later reduced. Twenty months after beginning, Omalizumab therapy is still ongoing with good symptomatology control; no side effects have been observed so far. Conclusions In our experience, Omalizumab is an effective treatment for children affected by Systemic Mastocytosis not responding to conventional medical treatments. The main strengths of this therapy are its rapid and extraordinary efficacy to control the severe mast cells mediator-related symptoms, the lack of side effects and its steroid-sparing effect. However, more extensive and controlled studies in pediatric patients affected by Systemic Mastocytosis are needed to substantiate these promising findings