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    Unes quantes demostracions de quĂ­mica espectaculars i Ăștils

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    A l'article es presenten experiĂšncies prĂ ctiques de quĂ­mica que he utilitzat a les meves classes com a professor de secundĂ ria d'alumnes suĂŻssos de disset i divuit anys. Les reaccions i la manera de presentar-les a l'alumnat exposades en aquest treball m'han demostrat que sĂłn Ăștils per a l'aprenentatge de la quĂ­mica i que motiven els alumnes. Aquests havien de fer les reaccions, anotar les seves observacions i fer cĂ lculs de determinades quantitats. A l'article es mostren tambĂ© les respostes esperades de l'alumnat.Some spectacular and useful demonstrations of chemistry. In this article, practical chemistry experiences which I implemented in my upper-secondary classes in Switzerland are presented. The chemical reactions described in this work and the way of presenting them to students, have shown to be useful and help to motivate students to learn chemistry. Pupils had to make the reactions, take notes of their observations and calculate some quantities. In this paper the students’ expected answers are presented